The time showed 7:45 when drake got out of bed, he woke up early than usual normally he would have woken up late since he had nothing doing.
But today was different, every new disciples of the sect needed to be tested after two weeks of entering the sect, an outer disciple would be given a rank D mission to complete within three months, while an inner disciple would be given at least a rank B mission and a core disciple would be given a rank a mission by the mission hall.
This was to test their potential to see wether they where worthy of joining the sect, and if they failed to complete the mission after three months they would be kicked out of the sect.
Once they complete the mission they where assigned, they could now become full disciples of the sect and could gain the freedom a normal disciple had.
Drake sat down in the lotus position and started meditating, he meditated for about ten minutes before bringing little thor out of his inner world to feed it.
Little Loki jumped into his embrace and started licking his hands, he patted his head and brought out a few beast cores from his storage ring to feed little thor while he went to take a shower.
In a room which looked like an office where meetings where held, all the elite and core elders with the patriarch and chloe where gathered, the room was decorated with expensive and rare jewls, it looked to modern for this place to be called a fantasy world.
All the elders and patriarch were sitting down discussing about something, there was a long oval table in the middle of them, all the chairs looked regular except two showing their high position in the clan, but one throne was higher than the other which was Chloe's she had decided to become an elder when joining the fire dragon sect.
All the elders gathered in the room new her identity and drake's identity as the son of the monarch god, even though it was shocking it was the reality which drake didn't know himself he just thought he was his descendant who inherited his bloodline.
My Lady are you sure we should send him on that mission, it his very dangerous and considering his worth he is very important and needful for the sects growth, I know he might be in the emperor's realm but not even the elite elders of the clan can successfully accomplish it.
l know you guys think it is dangerous and we are carelessly throwing away our ace, but other sect has already taken a note of it and if we want our sect to flourish more we have to take this risk, and also because of the fire god sect.
The patriarch might not show it but he will of course be angry of his son's death, especially after finding out that we allowed the killer of his son to join our sect all the elders put their heads down because everything she said was the truth.
Even though he was forcefully forcing himself on her, drake had still killed him and they had allowed him to join their sect after the agreement they had made.
Plus they have a new backer he his also as strong as me if not stronger, my lady how can any mortal be as strong as you all the elders ask could it be the patriarch asked in shock fear could be seen in his eyes as his face turned pale.
Yes another god had come down god of flames, if I still remember I was stronger than him when we where in the celestial realm, but a lot has changed I still can't be sure If I can beat him in a fight, and they are also after it if drake can complete the task not only can we get it but we would also have another empire under us, not only that our land and power would spread and we might also be able to compare with the top sects of higher continents.
Meanwhile as the elders where discussing another thing had transpired, Meliodas and Su Xuan had already joined the fire dragon sect after getting the mission to find the holder of the legendary bloodline, not only that there was a new reincarnate one who the heavens feared would come back the dark emperor.
Finally after millions of years I am finally back, I would make does damned gods pay for what they did before bringing my brother back, or his he already alive *hahaha* it doesn't matter what matters is getting stronger to take my revenge supreme god, gods and monarch god wait for me I am coming.