Chereads / Princess Knight lewd travels / Chapter 3 - 3. Taking the step

Chapter 3 - 3. Taking the step

Julia attended the meeting in the garrison. She told them the orc situation was taken care. Camelia was relieved seeing no one was harmed.

- So the whole thing was let's say people worrying about nothing? Camelia asked.

- I can't say I blame them. They were just cautious.

- Anyway take a day off, it would be in bad taste to grab another quest right away.

Julia took her day but she practiced in the training ground, she was a bit distracted keep thinking of Grog's cock, but continued regardless

Later that evening, she grabbed a hood, and went outside. She was going to the place where she saw her first cock, in the slums. She went to the exact place where the old man was hanging and started looking inside that old house through the cracked window. She found him crawled in the. A corner on some old bedsheets. She gently opened the door but the sound the door cracking from its joined wake up the man and he started mumbling.

- Let me sleep there's nothing here for you to take anyway.

Julia stepped forward.

- Didn't you hear me?

Julia was now one step away from the man.

- Oh I hear you, I 'm here to finish the job.

The man scared turned and crawled against the wall.

- Please have mercy I didn't mean to steal...

Ignored the stealing part.

- I'm talking about the way you masturbated in front of me a couple of days ago.

- You're that knight. Now I'm done for sure.

- No, no, I came to finish the masturbation properly.

- You what now?

- Let me guide you now open your pants.

Confused the man obliged, she showed Julia his manhood an old tired cock wrinkly with phymosis, with bumps on it. The balls were hidden in thick bush.

- Now sit on your back. And let's wake up this fellow. She took her good hood off.

- Yes ma'am. I can't believe this is happening.

Julia grabbed the cock with her right hand, it immediately stood up.

- You may not work but this fellow seems to work just fine, let's see if the balls are also hard workers.

Before she could finishes what she had to say the man already came, in her hands.

- Already? Do you like me so much?

- You are the best woman in the world I couldn't hold myself.

- I can't blame you but I'm not even nearly done.

She put her head next to the cock and proceeded to clean the hand and cock by slurping it all up, she finished by kissing the cock, as soon as her lips touched the foreskin the man came again, but time she was ready and open her mouth to welcome that semen. She tasted the semen it seemed more pungent than the orc, almost rotten but that didn't stop her.

- Again, you sure fire up quickly. Yet I'm not satisfied.

Jualia now put his entire penis in her mouth, it didn't compare with the orc, so she continued ravenously taking also his balls.

- What are you doing to me I can't continue much longer.

Julia used her tongue to reach under the foreskin there she found smegma of the man.

The taste was almost unbearable a normal woman would throw up by now but she continued scraping it all clean.

She took all that smegma in her mouth got the cock out of her mouth to apreciate it's flavour and showed it to the man before swallowing it.

- All clean. This dick hasn't been this clean in years.

Now let's finish it. She resumed sucking the dick but this time she also stuck a finger in his as. Theis made the man cum hard, harder than all he did in his life. Fresher semen rushed in her mouth. She played with the semen în her mouth a bit before swallowing it up.

- I think that's all it lady, there's nothing left.

- I made sure of it. She smiled. Before kissing him. His breath smelled of alcohol and cavities, but she didn't care they continued exchanging saliva.

- You are one perverted lady, coming to a beggar house in the middle of the night sucking his dick for free. You should work in a brothel, make some money for this service.

- I can earn money for this?

- Yes with your skills you are bound to be the best whore in the kingdom.

Julia didn't know at this point about whores and brothels but the idea of using these skills to make money, stirred her interest.

She put her hood back and got back to her garrison.

The next day Julia attended the meeting with Camelia to decide what are the next quests.

- We've received notice that some goblins have made their appearance, next to a farmland in the east, stealing people's crops. We need to deal with them.

Julia offered herself to take the quest.

- I'll handle them.

- Do you need help?. around 12 were sighted.

- I can take care of 12 easy.

- That's settles it.

Julia packed her stuff and started the journey. On her way she found a building called the " Stallion's mare", best brothel in the kingdom.

Intrigued by the what the old man said the other day she entered the brothel.

- Hello there young lady, what are you looking for.

- Hello it's my first time in a brothel I would like to know more about this place.

The matron figured out that the girl had no idea what a brothel is.

- Let me break it down. In this place people come to let out their lust, usually men but also women from time to time.

- You mean sucking penises?

- Yes and more let me show you. The matron took Julias hand and showed her throw a spying hole what the women where doing, taking people cock in their pussy.

- This makes me horny, I would like to take a dick like that also.

- Wait you want to provide this service? You want to become a whore?

- Yes.

- Let me ask you this, have you done it with anyone yet?

- No.

- Young lady don't throw yourself so easy, you look nicely dressed, you have things going for you, you should not join this line of work. At least do it with someone you love first.

- Thank you, I'll come back after I did it with someone I love first. Julia went out of the brothel to finish her duty first.

The matron stupefied left thinking: this girl has a screw lose or something.

Julia got back on her track, to solve the goblin problem first. After reaching the farms where the goblins were spotted made a plan to spy on the goblins see where they are hoarding the stolen and then deal with them. She climbed on of barn sitting and waiting for the goblins to make their pressence known. While waiting she thought of what her father said" find someone you love" and what the matron said "do it with someone you love", out of her previous encounters she had a choice either than old man, the cock she saw or the orc the bigger cock. The old man would be always available being in the city, but she craved the orc more however the chances to find him again were slim and she probably could not take the full orc cock at first, training would be needed. While balancing the situation she heard rumble on the ground, goblins arrived. Julia shadowed them until reaching their lair. It was a cave. She then proceeded making short work of them. Her skills with the blade were more than enough. She brought the farmers and they took back what was stolen from them. However a satchel was left behind, probably farmers didn't see it or goblins stole it from someone else. Julia showed the satchel to the farmers but none of them recognized it. Julia took it for herself as a bounty. At first glance it held some trinkets and potions.

Job was done so she went back to the city. In the garrison she spoke with Camelia about the quest.

- I assume everything went smooth.

- Yes, no problem indeed, I even returned the farmers their stolen goods.

- How very kind of you. Did you get some extra reward?

- Not from the farmers but I found this satchel.

- Oh, and what's in there?

- Some trinkets and potions.

- Maybe you go to an appraiser see what they are worth. Anyway we should go to sleep it's already late.

- Yes, good night. Julia had however other plans. She grabbed her cloak and went back in the slums, back at that old man.

- Hello again darling.

The man couldn't believe it the woman came back. "Darling", I do not know what she sees in me but I'll play along.

- Hello my lady. Are you here again to please each other.

- That's right, but first I need to know: do you love me?

- Yes, my dick can atest to that.

- Good that fellow can't lie, it is always energetic in my presence. I needed to know if the feeling is mutual, I have bigger plans for tonight. As she said that her cloak fell on the ground revealing her body to the old man.

Last time he could not see her properly due to light, angel, but now he could see her clearly.

- You are the princess Julia!

- More importantly your lover.

- You should not be here princess.

- Yet here I am. Exactly where I want to be. She said stepping towards the man.

The man realized this must be a dream, played into it.

- Then come here greet your lover with a kiss.

The two of them hugged and started kissing intertwining their tongues, exchanging saliva. The taste of his rotten mouth of alcohol was now exciting her. He continued kissing down on her neck breast, sucking her nipples down to her crotch. Her pussy only knew her finger but now the man's tongue was entering her feasting on her juices.

- This is way better than masturbating.

Hearing this the map grew bolder and voraciously eat up her pussy. Julia pressed his head against her, as she came in his mouth.

- How was is it?

- Refreshing, but let's change places.

Julia grabbed the man pants pulling them down. His cock was ready for action.

- Let's see if this time you will last longer.

She grabs his cock kissing and proceeds taking it down. To her disappointment no smegma was there.

- Looks like it didn't have enough time to make that special treat under your foreskin.

The man could only moan, he was holding himself from cumming.

- Looks like you are indeed trying your best, but let's put to test.

She stood up letting man catch a break.

Julia tought to herself, this is it, this the moment I become a woman. This man older than my father, only a woman who truly loves him could take him in her. Father this is the moment you wanted for me, "get myself a man I love". Julia lowered herself the tip of his dick touching her lower lips, but slide on the side, she tried again same result. She grabbed his cock holding it still it slowly entered her pussy her inner wall were making way for the cock, the cock reached the hymen. The cock was having it's foreskin unsheathed piercing through the hymen claiming the woman. Julia felt pain and she bleed but the pain would turn to pleasure soon enough. The cock was now inside her to the hilt. The pleasure was too much for the man he started cumming inside her painting her pussy in a white coat, she saw cum leaking from her pussy.

- Is my pussy that good? , I hope you have more where that came from.

Julia's hips started moving the cock was now rubbing inside her, the thick semen was turning into butter inside her. She starts picking up the pace, her womb starts descending, it kisses the cock, craving more of that semen. She falls on the man as she cums, his cock now pierced her womb. The dick swoll with seed started pouring inside the womb the thick goo. Julia felt the cock twitching as the cum made way into her. She felt fulfilled, the hunger inside her felt sated. The man felling the lips of his lover on his face found strength for another round.

- Princess get on all fours.

Submissively Julia did as he asked.

- That's it tame me, make this pussy yours, mark me with your semen.

He starts hammering at her his balls slamming on her clit.

- You will be carrying my children before the night ends.

- Children?!

- That's right, how do think children are made? This breeding sex, you will grow fat with my children inside you, we will be putting these milk jugs, and hips of yours to work, he said while slapping her ass.

- I didn't know this would get me pregnant.

- Don't worry you love me right? There's nothing wrong with carrying the children of your loved one right?

- But we are not married yet.

- Then we should get that fixed soon, dear wife.

Julia's mind felt a weight lifted, she found her husband. Father I found him I found the man whom I want to marry, if only you could see me. We already start our family soon you will see your grand children.

- Take me husband push your seed in me. I'll make the whole kingdom see the princess belly grow fat with children.

With a final push the semen started surging inside the womb, drenching it in the thick and potent seed. The two of them were holding each other on the rag.

- You are one perverted lady. The man said sucking her nipples while fingerling her.

- But would you change this?

- No.

The two of them slept togheter. In the morning the old man woke up first.

- Last night I had the best dream.

While getting himself up he noticed the princess was still there.

- It wasn't a dream!

- You're already up husband?

Julia turned around grabbing his cock.

- Is our friend up also?

The man couldn't resist and continued from last night. Got on top of her and humped her like a dog in heat.

- I'll take that as a yes.

His dick was hammering in her pussy, molding the hole to it shape.

- Take my seed.

- Give me that fresh load.

The dick started spewing the cum. The seed buried deep in her womb. Unlike the man, his tadpoles were working hard to create new life.

- You should probably go. Before anyone notices you are missing.

- But I'm with my loved one, it can't be bad staying with you.

- The world ain't ready for us yet.

- I guess you're right my friend is dreading coming here. She won't like seeing me here.

Julia put her on her hood and went back to the garrison. Cum was leaking down her thigh. The stench she was giving was very strong. When she passed people, some of them exclaimed. What a shameless whore, she could at wash herself.

Once she would've died of shame for something like this but this time was different she felt proud wearing her lovers mark.