Chereads / BATMAN in MCU [Dropped] / Chapter 49 - Ongoing

Chapter 49 - Ongoing


Vigilante Batman brought down another drug ring- this is the third organized drug case brought by the Dark Knight this year.


Batman continues to haunt the streets of New York- while the crime is certainly low and we acknowledge his contribution to crime fighting- the New Yorkers don't find their city safe- they fear Batman-

"But it is the fear that make their lives safe- A person in the streets know he is safe- he could not be mugged in the dark of night- because the Dark knight protects him. What is there to fear when Batman does not touch someone innocent."


But who is he to choose the guilty?"


There is no reply- no retaliation from the Batman on the U.N. summoning- it is to note the Bat has made into the news each week from his first outgoing in 2008- now the World Security council summons him- can we expect him to appear before us?"

"You certainly can, Aster, if he has nothing to hide- why should he not come before the people- we, across the globe want answers from him- is he a threat? should we expect more of his kind?- I am not even sure he is a human- given his first appearance comes with the disappearing act of the New York Portal."

"Is it safe for everyone that he comes and hides among us?"

"Well I could not say much about that- but a guy dressed in a Bat costume- surely has some problems

"Huff- Huff- Huff" /Tnnng/

He lets go of the barbell- back into his fold.

/Trrrriiiiigggggg/ Sparks emerged from the cutter- as Bruce tries to cut the Uru off the destroyer- but to no avail- not even a scratch with diamond cutter.

/couuugh... couugh cough cough..... cough/

Bruce wipes off the blood that comes of his nose with the cough- an uncommon occurrence- but not something without explanation.

The cosmic ray environment- which grace Bruce with his dark liquification power had started showing its cons.

Bruce looked at the last of blood samples- taken from Han Xiao's body for a balance between the liquification and sublimation.

Dark Vaporization.

With increase in versality- the boon was that it stopped the harmful radiation Bruce's body radiated on each use of the liquification ability.

The liquification powers were derived from cosmic rays at some base- whereas the Hand's turning into gas was due grace of a demon's power- the Beast if the data from Hand's servers is taken as truth.

'And who better to ask about a demon's power then the King of Hell?' Her picked the wedding invitation- the letters were burning- literally.


/To- W̶h̶o̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ i̶t̶ m̶a̶y̶ b̶e̶-̶ I̶ a̶m̶ n̶o̶t̶ w̶r̶i̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ i̶n̶d̶i̶v̶i̶d̶u̶a̶l̶ i̶n̶v̶i̶t̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶, b̶e̶a̶r̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ w̶h̶a̶t̶ y̶o̶u̶ h̶a̶v̶e̶ b̶e̶e̶n̶ g̶r̶a̶c̶e̶d̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶.

The Batman,

You are invited in the wedding of my mother and Lucifer- on Friday 13th of September, 2010 of your universe (date told by Lucifer)

How to come to hell- (Mazikeen here)- Gut yourself with demonsteel- or kryptonite- or anything sharp- and come to hell- if, and if by chance you go to heaven, again if- then bring onto guilt- every last spec of it and boom you are in Hell- or we can send an angel if you would like that- just call Lucifer.

Hope you attend the wedding. Don't bother with gifts.


Bruce put the card back into the envelope- walking into the shower for another new day- as Bruce Wayne.


He got out of shower- suit- cuffed- Elevator.

Wayne Enterprises- the fastest growing company this year. Net worth $12.8 billion- with stocks priced at $110 announces another charity event- the Wayne orphanages- to be set globally- including nine third world countries- what do you have to say about this, Matt?"

"Well for a publicity stunt- they are spending too much- but for real- this is not philanthropy- he is not giving away money to be spent on people- he is literally seeing to it that the money is being spent on improving the standard of living in those schemes the Waynes is providing. Scholarships given away worth $116 million, Orphanages housing 50,000 children across the world, food, cloth- the money is used as it should be. I personally contributed $20,000 not much if compared to others, but I saw how that amount was used- Bruce- the CEO has himself given away a sum of $600 million till date if sources are to be believed"

"So what if he gains something from it- so what if this makes more money to him- at least he is making a change- not taking advantage of the people who has less than him. He is improving their lives- and if he earns money while doing good for others- where is the disadvantage of that- I can't see that."

"Well I agree with that but-"

Bruce walks out of his house- the three story building- not for long though. The construction of Wayne Tower was underway- taller than the Empire state building- with more floors than the current Wayne enterprises needed.

Steve and Ashara was taking care of the company- without any issues. Giving Bruce time for his own.

Bruce walked off- archiving the file remotely.



S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters

They had lost...

It was important that S.H.I.E.L.D. to be the first to make contact with an extraterrestrial being, more so when the being in question is the crown prince of a civilization that is at least 490,000 years ahead of earth.

S.H.I.E.L.D. always needed to be in the loop- that was their sole job their and they failed spectacularly.

They beat the prince in question, to be bailed by Eric Selvig and then destroy a town- no that was the destroyer- but they could not do anything while the destroyer destroyed the town- for that the Batman holds the credit.

He had not only put the armor out of commission, but also evacuated the people- may that be after he hacked into S.H.I.E.L.D. channels to do his bidding.

But the main loss of the whole fiasco was them losing the Asgardian metal giant- just think what they could do with the metal that even Odinson could not handle- they needed a failsafe for the next visit of Thor- it was a question of when, not if.

But Batman had taken away all of it- not a single spec of metal was not in their hands.

They gained something in the equation- a destroyed jet- destroyed to the last bits- with technology able to melt the Asgardian armor, capable of flying at Mach 9 and that while carrying heavy weapons on it- with self-destruct and who knows what else.

Mach 9! that was something incomprehensible for a jet- more so when it was not in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. or even the U.S. govt.

It was needless to say that the September summoning of Batman will not be peaceful- as no matter what- there will be many demands made to him- most which would undoubtedly violate most of the human rights.



Power stones! [chapter for date 24]




I am opening new business- of selling gravestones- business if booming cause my customers are Zhuo Fan and Eren Yeager

for those who asked for titles for fics where characters read future- its at the bottom


[Aim-1 Million overall views or top 10 power ranking in next week (between 24/06/2023 to 2/07/2023

Incentives- Till 2/07/2023 daily chapters, 1200-1500 words each- thats 9 chapters, if one of the "Aim" is fulfilled, you get +3 chapters on 3/07/2023, if both of them if fulfilled, you get +7 chapters on 3/07/2023.

i.e. +12 chapters in one goal, +15 chaps if the second one too is done]

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