[The more reference you catch, the better like Bruce breathin- [Editor- IS THAT A JOJO REFERENCE],
[JK, I don't have an editor]
The gate to the building shut opened.
In comes a man in a suit, walking forward with a straight face, with his headphones getting the song out for the others to enjoy.
'… I'm too hot (hot damn)
Called a police and a fireman
I'm too hot (hot damn)
Make a dragon wanna retire, man
I'm too hot (hot damn)
Say my name, you know who I am
I'm too hot (hot damn)
Am I bad 'bout that money?
Break it down'
The man swirls around while keeping a rigid expression, doing a 360-degree turn to his side, landing the employee on her way into his arms.
Bruce shows a smile, with his white teeth shining on the woman's face, as he swirls her up to continue to his office.
'… Girls hit your hallelujah (wooh)
Girls hit your hallelujah (wooh)
Girls hit your hallelujah (wooh)'
Bruce picks up his pace, kicking the door to the conference hall, Moonwalking his way inside the hall.
"Mr. Wayne."
'… 'Cause Uptown Funk gon' give it to you (wooh)
'Cause Uptown Funk gon' give it to you
'Cause Uptown Funk gon' give it to you
Saturday night, and we in the spot'
Don't believe me, just watch, come on!
"Mr. Wayne!"
Bruce pulls the headset down from his head, to greet the guests in question before him from various organizations across the state. Some even from across the globe.
Neit stands up to pass him the files concerning this meeting, while subtly pointing at his headphones as they still were playing the song for all of them to listen. To which Bruce just nods and gives the rest of his attention to the files.
He flips through the pages when the most confident one of the group comes forward.
"Mr. Wayne we are here from F.B.I. for your project the social media application Instagram. We find the application to possibly become a privacy hazard and the government has sanctioned quite some sum for this undertaking." Saying so he passes a card, his F.B.I. ID to be precise, for intimidation, as one could easily guess.
With the opening statement, all of the rest were shunned away as they saw the government itself taking a step ahead to acquire the social media giant, one standing at a net worth of 300 million, while earning enough face value for the other Wayne projects.
Bruce takes up his ID card to spare a glance at the photo while continuing to flip pages through the files given to him earlier.
"I remember denying the possibility of the sale of Instagram, was I not clear about the previous offers from Facebook and Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng, was I not clear?"
The F.B.I. personnel was taken aback, he came close to Bruce to part words, or more appropriately whisper something.
"You do not understand this Mr. Wayne, we are offering a sum of $1.5 billion dollars, for the acquisition of Wayne Tech as a whole, and by extension the IG as they call it nowadays."
"Can you explain to me what do I not understand about denying any of the offers that are made to my company?" Bruce leans forward to the table to sign some papers.
"Mr. Wayne, the thing is we are the government."
"We hold the right to acquire any private property if it is in our nation's interest," The man said while gritting his teeth.
"And when did controlling a messaging app became the topic of nation's interest?"
"Mr. Wayne, this is a public company, you have to at least introduce the offer to the board of directors. Why don't you do the procedures while I acquire the fat check the government has already granted for the deal?" The F.B.I. agent took the pen out of Bruce's hand as he was at the end of the page.
"I remember having 63% say in each of my holdings, so you may shove the check in your as- pocket, we are competent enough to manage what we have made, now I am required somewhere else if my answer is being understood by you all." Bruce puts his headset back on his head as he darts off the hallway.
"You would see more of me, Mr. Wayne. A private company is not enough to take control over something bleak as a messaging app with that much private data."
'… Don't believe me, just watch
Don't believe me, just watch
Don't believe me, just watch
Don't believe me, just watch
Don't believe me, just watch
… Hey, hey, hey, oh!
Uptown Funk you up
Uptown Funk you up (say what?)'
[Scene break]
Bruce sneaks up to the IT room of Wayne Tech, where men were working on something or the other on the computers.
"How many cyber attacks in the last week?" Bruce asks an employee of his.
"36 this week, seven more than the previous." On Bruce's screen, the number 98 flashes, which was a response to his previous question, delivered by his A.I.
"How many were fended off without any loss of data?"
"34 of them, sir." Again the number 98 flashed on his screen, which he tugged back in his breast-pocket for no further queries to be asked.
Bruce traced his path back to his home cum office cum Bat-hideout, where he was to get the answers to give the answers of his refusal, personally to the offenders.
Alexander Pierce was not having it cool.
Being the new leader of the undercover secret organisation, Hydra he was expected to achieve great heights.
Initially setting their sights on the portal hovering over New York, the old men at Hydra had resurfaced, checking Pierce's authority by pushing their own agenda on the table.
HYDRA started out as a cult that centred around the fanatical worship of the Inhuman, Hive, which was exiled to the planet Maveth by ancient Inhumans after being banished from Earth. However, over time, with the dwindling faith in the old leaders, HYDRA evolved to the point that it become a global terrorist organization with the goal of world domination.
The new blood did not know the main objective Hydra started out with, but with the portal over New York, the old leaders came forward with the hope of calling back the Red Skull when he mysteriously vanished from the earth, and by extension push forward their agenda of reviving or summoning the Hive.
So they infiltrated into the workstations of various governments and agencies, hampering any progress of research or warding off the calamity as the public dubbed what was a vigil of hope to Hydra.
They periodically tampered with all the data any of the researchers received, trying to make progress on their own with the great minds behind their organisation, and the human-turned-A.I. Armin Zola.
After the span of two years, they had turned the portal, which was found out to actually be a wormhole connected to the core of a star, into a portal that could open the way to the universe's most powerful source, with a matching frequency to that of the Tesseract.
Unknowingly they opened a multiversal portal, a feat worthy of acknowledgement, and brought down two entities out of it.
The two beings, one being Batman who was hampering their work on the ground, by exchanging fists with their sub-unit, the Hand.
The other, unidentified one, who was being prayed to by the old, senior executives, was dubbed to be the entity Hive as their record suggested. The horn discovered by the remains, meant to be in U.S. custody was now in what resembles some sort of a shrine, at the Hydra main headquarters.
Alexander was the leader of Hydra, but the revelation about the main objective of Hydra was new to him.
Ignoring all the headaches, he passed the Batman agenda on hand for another one, this one about the aspiring entrepreneur, Bruce Wayne...
"Sir, Field operative Beckman has sent this file, for your eyes only..." The Hydra agent before Alexander spoke up at last, waiting for his superior's inner turmoil to subside.
On the file was the name
I cannot help but release chapters as I write them down, making a stash of them is heart wrenching.
Expect irregular updates... or give me a lot of power stones.
Well Irregular updates > no updates?