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The hidden Secrets (Rwby fanfic)

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What would you do if you were transported into the world of Remnant with creatures of Grimm made of peoples nightmares coming to life and slowly taking over. What would happen if a shard of a soul was guided into this world would he be kind, trusting or would he turn and manipulate everyone. This is my first time writing so be patient and please help. I have also posted this story on Wattpad and Royal Road.

Chapter 1 - Prologue for “The Hidden Secrets” REWRITTEN

Secrets are hard to keep when shared out but they become a burden when contained, but in this world secrets are only temporary.

??? P.O.V

"Hey bro you alright?" asked someone who betrayed me "...Yeah I'm fine..." So why do I always come back to talk with him?

"Look son, I know I always ask so much from you but I'm broken, my legs don't work, my heart is weak not to mention I'm fat and old. So when I ask you to do something please just do it especially when I know you can and your mom isn't going to do it, okay." cleaning others' mess again… great… "Okay dad."

"What do you mean you can't sleep? Just go lay down on your bed and sleep, hahah!" stated the friend who would later nearly accidentally kill me. "Mate It's not that simple. I want to sleep but when I try I just can't, then when I do sleep I don't want to wake up." probably because your dreams are better than facing reality.

"WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS MORE THAN YOUR FAMILY!" said my sister when she was 7 and I was 9. "WhY dO yOu cArE abOut YoUr FriEnDs moRe thAn YouR faMilY!" I mockingly asked my sister 7 years later when she tried running away from home because she was grounded for not cleaning her room so she couldn't have a sleepover.

"Hey Bro guess what?" asked the person I viewed as a brother even though we haven't talked for nearly 3 years. "What?" "I'm going to be a Dad!!" "WHAT no way!" "Yeah man, here's some pictures of the ultrasound, It's going to be a girl!!" "Really I'm so happy for you man do you know when it's due I'll definitely visit." "It's due in around 6 more months, anyway how have you been?" "... I've been alright just… tired." damn he's only 16 and already has a job and now is going to have a kid and wife what am I doing with my life. I was 16 as well.

In a room there was a soon to be 21 one year old male sitting on an old but comfortable chair, in an hour he would be 21 currently he was streaming or should I say graduating. The comment section were saying their goodbyes.

45 minutes later he was now sitting alone just giving the final touches to the 3 letters on the table one for his sister another for his 'brother' and the last one to the people that might still potentially remember him.

In the last few minutes of his life there wasn't any flash of his entire life, just an unusual amount of clarety and the little amounts of regrets in his life. He also wondered if we would be reborn when he died or maybe be in a different world.

Just before he fell asleep he remembered his dad's words when they thought the newborn kitten was going to die.

As my Dad was staring into the kitten's eyes he suddenly said "you know… when you were a child you had… eyes of just pure trust and care for… life and just… everything."

2 days before, me and my friend went to Newcastle only for me to nearly be killed in an alley and while this was happening my friend was just standing there watching me barely trying to interfere. (How did I escape your wondering, well it was quite simple they tried to drag me into the alley but I was able to go and run in a shop asking the manager for help and hiding in the disabled toilets then the police came and brought me home and of course I got the blame for the situation.)

As my dad continued I hid my slowly growing anger like always… "I'm just worried for you. You're always so trusting of everyone… so please start using your head and be less trusting of people."

Falling asleep but when he turned 21 he died, it was unknown how he knew that he was going to die that night but what little we did find was his shadow reminiscent of a nuclears' effect on people when they were too close to the explosion…

MC P.O.V the body that the soul is in has recently died, his body is similar to when people died from malnourishment. 

Opening my eyes when I felt that everything was different especially my mind everything just seemed to be clearer, my mind seems to also remember things easter for example I'm able to tell what condition my body is in and It seems I'm now way younger I'm around 3 nearly 4 years old though it seems harder to recall this bodies memories and everytime I try too there's just loud shouting leaving me with excruciatingly painful head-achs.

As I tried to move I realised that I'm in some sort of bag, maybe a body bag since I'm completely naked and seem to be malnourished as I'm just a skeleton right now 'not so different to my original body though how did the brain survive it's the body meant to eat itself from fat to muscle and more?' and it is true I had plenty of food but just rarely ate leaving me looking like a skeleton with barely any muscle's.

As I tried finding where the end of the zip was using my hands and feet I found that the zip is at the top of my head and was just barely able to open it as I was starting to lose the little amount of breathable air left in the bag.

Thankfully somebody else opened the bag for me… wait… somebody else… 'shit'... looking at the other person it revealed that the prison I'm looking at is a younger Roman motherfucking Torchwick.

Roman Torchwick is someone from the RWBY series. A tall and well-toned male with orange hair, short haircut with a weft of his hair covered his right eye. With his dark green eyes, he looked at me with a light smirk as if he were plotting something. He was wearing a black turtleneck with a grey ascot tied around his neck. He also wore a white trench coat which consisted of only three black buttons and the coat had a black collar to it. It contrasted from his dark pants and dark dress shoes. On top of his head was a black bowler that had a thin crimson-coloured lining. 

After a few seconds of him plotting something, he suddenly points his cane at me and threateningly says "You work for me now… and well if you try to refuse… I'm sure you can tell what will happen." Roman says before his cane glows red at the tip and an iron-sight pops out.

Seeing no other answer than to accept I nodded and shakily got up and used the body bag to cover my private parts by wrapping it around my body. "C-can…ca-n I a-ask what yo-our na-ame is?" I tried saying before finding my voice incredibly hard to use best to make sure he really is Roman Torchwick.

Roman was surprised that the kid could even get up let alone speak when he looked like a walking skeleton clearing his voice and saying "Well you can call me boss or sir and maybe if you live long enough then you'll know my name."

Walking slowly as the stones and other body bags littered the ground and me being practically a skeleton makes it extremely painful every time I did either stepped on a stone or kicked a body accidentally, so I just painfully followed Roman down this path littered with painful stones and dead bodys' along with the shattered moon above the sky...