The first thing they did for tonight was move out from that area. They walked way far from that area. They had to walk and hike in the middle of the night because it was unsafe to stay there.
Surprisingly, they haven't encountered a single monster as they quietly walk in the night. Yves should be half the reason of that... probably.
"Let's stay here," Yves broke the silence and they were immediately on their knees after that. Yves looked at them with a hopeless smile.
'If they were so tired, they could've just told me... such stubborn brats,' he thought to himself and placed down the bag.
They were inside a cave with the torch giving them enough light. They were near the mountains, that's why they were more tired.
"I have some blankets here, but we might have to share. Will you be okay with that?" Yves asks as he took out some of the things he packed from earlier.
"...we don't mind at all. We've been sleeping together for the past few days, after all," the dwarf brat stated. "Let me help too."
Yves was strangely relieved that they were all somewhat more comfortable with him now.
It was strange that they didn't ask him questions after he came back to them. Yves was certain they'd at least show curiosity, but it seems they have a rough idea of what happened...? Or maybe because they're just kids and aren't that self aware? And that they're only letting their guard down around him because he's a kid too?
'No way...'
'Thinking about it, weirdly makes me stressed,' Yves thought to himself and calmed down. It's no use overthinking about stuff like these. He can only observe for the next few days.
"I got some meat here too..." he trailed off as he turned to them. Even with the dim light, he saw how their eyes lit up. Yves laughed.
"...yes, you're hungry. I know. I can't cook though," he stated.
"I'll do the cooking," the beast kid raised his hand up. His perked up cat ears shows that he's eager to eat some meat.
"Oh, please, don't throw the juices and blood," the vampire kid requested with a meek voice.
"Noted~" the beast kid replied as he takes the meat from Yves.
"Shall I gather up some firewood? I can see well in the dark," the demon kid then volunteers, as she rose from her position.
"Oh, I'll join you," the angel kid stood up as well.
"Me three~ I'll help out~" the fairy one chirps.
"Aren't you all tired from walking? I can gather those by myself, you know," Yves stated, but they all shook their head.
"You don't have to do all the work," the elf brat then says, and all of them agreed. Yves simply smiles in surrender. They're grateful brats, and he was happy about that.
He thought they'd take advantage of his remaining energy and have him do all the work.
"I'll help gathering as well," the human kid got up.
"Great, let's go."
The gathering group left the cave for their sole mission tonight. But Yves remembered something. His eyes wondered around for a bit, he immediately saw the siren kid lying flat on the ground. She was unconscious, definitely from exhaustion and from excessive leakage of her mana.
Yves walked to her and used telekinesis to carry her.
'She's a lot more weaker than she looks, because she can't conceal her overflowing mana.'
"Here, a blanket," the vampire kid handed him a blanket. "You can make her a lot more comfortable with that."
Yves takes the blanket, and said his thanks.
'All these children are smart, sweet, and kind... how can someone sell children like them?'
Yves was left with one thought from the moment they left together. During their walk, he's seen how these children are helping and caring for each other. They were helping and being considerate at the same time... it was surreal that these children were slaves.
...could they possibly be nobles?
Hah... no way, Yves thought to himself as he sat by the side with a soft surface. He placed the siren child next to him, using his lap as a pillow and placing the blanket over her body.
"Wake us up when dinner's ready, okay?" Yves reminded the remaining kids.
"Aye~" they all replied.
Yves was never a light sleeper... that is, if he was in his old body. He woke up by the smell of cooked meat. The moment he opened his eyes, he saw all his companions seating around a campfire.
"You're all seriously eating without me...?" he says in disbelief. He sounded sleepy and betrayed at the same time.
"I was just about to wake you up," the siren child appears. She walked in front of him and held out her hand "Come on, let's eat."
He gladly accepted it. The two of them then walked and joined the circle. The elf kid was serving the food, with the help of the dwarf girl.
Watching them peacefully, Yves remembered something.
"Now that it crossed my mind, we're actually going to be together for a while and I don't even know your names yet. I'm Yves," he mentions.
"I'm Rue," the siren joins with a lovely smile.
"Lysander. Just Ly is fine," the vampire kid stated as he drinks on a cup. that was definitely blood in there.
"Cimmerian is my name, call me Cim," the elf brat then butted in with a calm voice.
"I'm Kian," the other human boy says as he bites on his meat.
"Milera here~ please call me Mil~" the dwarf says, handing out the next plate to the fairy.
"I'm Luna!" the fairy joined, her wings fluttering like a butterfly.
"Nilsine." The demon says calmly. She seemed to be the quiet type.
"Darian here, nice to meet you all," the angel says.
"And I'm Ezio!" the beast child says.
Yves smiles at them. "We'll be together for the next few days... or maybe even for life, but I trust we'll all be nice and selfless...?" Yves says, and all of them agreed.
He then receives a plate of food from Mil. He said his thanks and started blowing on it to decrease the heat.
He honestly doesn't know what's going on in his mind. He never cared about others before... maybe because they're all just kids?
Yves didn't know off this kind of warmth, as deities... were always alone. He was always by himself as well, doing all kinds of things that interest him. He never knew he could be like this with others.
'Maybe it's because all ten of us have one similarity?' Yves thought.
After all, all of them are just trying to survive. Maybe that's why he feels safe with his new companions.
'Yes, that should be the reason... right?'
Yves was in denial and confused. Being human... certainly feels weird.