'Ice aberration, does it really exist?' Echidna thought, looking at the ice sphere that had fallen in front of Marian's house.
The thick layer of ice on the sphere began to crack.
"Echidna, be careful, move away!" Fiona said, pushing Echidna away. At that moment, the sphere burst, sending shards of ice into the air, and the Ice aberration emerged, quickly turning its head towards Fiona and Echidna.
Its focus was fixed on Fiona, still suspended in the air a few meters above the ground. With its right hand, the Ice aberration touched one of the ice shards, using two fingers to throw it towards Fiona, hitting her head and dazing her.
As the Ice aberration's right foot touched the ground, it lunged towards Fiona, delivering a punch to her right rib, sending her flying and stopping only when she collided with the ground, unconscious.
The Ice aberration turned to Echidna, speaking with a presumptuous tone, "Are you the spawn of that bitch?"