The others at the table spoke amongst themselves, one instance after another floated into the spotlight about different Wandering Boss cases.
Apparently, it had happened quite a few times throughout the Towers floors, in some instances they weren't always able to defeat them.
Mister Eren took back the attention of the meeting when he broke his silence and spoke,
"That brings us to the main topic of this meeting. The incident on the seventh floor that resulted in Master Edwards' death was a tragedy but I believe it to be related to these same instances."
It looks like they've nearly put the whole thing together, does this mean they're aware of Ilinore's plans as well?
"Taking into account the most recent incident with Titans Helm, there were numerous reports of a beast able to speak, something similar was even reported with Master Edwards' death too." Mr. Eren continued.
"Can that be intel trusted, I'm sure that even you have seen the state the Titans Helm guild is in, Master Gardener. How can we believe their reports of talking monsters, the idea is just absurd!"
A man leaned from over the counter as he addressed Mr. Eren, however he didn't falter. He turned to me and gestured confidently.
"I can't be entirely sure, as I wasn't there myself. However, I do trust my fellow adventurers. Which is why I brought someone who happened to have been there for both cases." Mister Eren's eyes peered at me with warmth.
"That's right, I was there for both incidents."
"So then child, are you really about to tell us that you saw a talking monster?" The older man raised his brow.
His cocky smirk made my fists ball at my sides, it was obvious he didn't believe it and I'm sure my word wouldn't have changed his mind. But I wasn't there for him, I was there for Mister Eren.
For Mister Edward's sake too, I refused to let the truth be belittled.
"It's true, the monster that killed Mister Eren was able to talk."
My statement enticed a flood of murmurs among the people sitting around the table. There was a mix of confusion and scepticism in their whispers but the one thing that rose above it all was curiosity.
The mood of the room had changed completely, suddenly everyone hung on my every word. Without realising it, I had the room by the grasp of my hand.
They've already seen the reports, so they must know about that black Dragon as well as Eshner. It doesn't sound like they know about Ilinore and the demons though, would they even believe me if I told them?
"Rei, I know I sprung this on you last minute but please… anything you share with us could help save a lot of lives."
Mister Eren's eyes cut through my nerves, it almost felt as though he had read my mind.
This might be the chance I've been waiting for! If I can get the Shared Sword guild behind me on this, I'm sure every other guild in the city would follow. We can beat them, we can take down Ilinore and every demon they have.
I went on to tell them about Ilinore and what happened when we first saved Alice, when we fought her and that black dragon and when Eshner attacked us. All of it. I told them everything I knew about the demon, including that weird vision I had when I absorbed Eshner.
The only thing I kept to myself was the existence of the system and Uriel but I doubt that would have been of much importance anyway.
Mister Eren remained silent, even after I finished explaining it all. The others around the table followed his example and stared at me with blank expressions. Their eyes averted moments later and the atmosphere turned dreary.
"I can't help but find one flaw in your story, young adventurer. If these talking monsters are 'demons' trying to destroy humanity then why would they have helped you fight the demon you called Ilinore?"
The people opposite me raised their brows,
"Yes, I found that a strange point as well. How could we believe that Master Edward would have protected a monster?"
"Those were dragons, they aren't like the demon–"
"Enough! This is nothing more than the wild stories of a child, I won't entertain this any longer!" The older man interrupted me.
The others around the table seemed to have fallen under the same impression, it looked like my plan had failed. Somehow the topic had taken a drastic turn for the worse and the reigns of their attention fell into his hands.
My nerves rose to the surface and only got worse as the conversation continued. Worst of all was that through everything, Mister Eren remained silent. He hadn't agreed with them but that meant he didn't refute it either.
Was I wrong about this, should I have kept it to myself after all? Mister Eren isn't saying a thing, does he not care what I have to say?!
I must be a fool for thinking that he'd listen to me…
"It was a powerful dragon that was responsible for killing Master Edward in the first place, those vermin shouldn't be allowed to live at all. A monster is just that, a monster!"
Suddenly the door creaked open and a scrawny man dressed in ASH uniform rushed to the older man's side. He handed him a file and whispered into his ear so that the rest of us wouldn't hear.
Judging by the reaction he gave, whatever was in that file must have been important.
"It seems this child wasn't completely lying to us, according to the reports from the Heavens Gate guild members, they all stated that Master Edward did encounter a talking dragon. These same creatures entered a make-shift labyrinth where Master Edward died soon after."
He's talking about Alice! What's that crap about her being involved with his death though, he's clearly leaving parts out!
"If we take that into account, I'll consider filing for an investigation on these demons."
My eyes brightened, my cheeks pulled up as an excited expression shot from my face.
"That's great–"
"However, I cannot entertain the fact that monsters could bring anything but misfortune! Under my authority as a council member of the city, I move that we issue an emergency quest to slay these dangerous beasts!"
"Seconded!" "Aye!" "Aye" "I agree." "Me as well."
One by one the hands around the table rose and my smile dropped into dismay. I was powerless at that table and to those people.
It came down to a single person, the silent figure that sat beside me.
Mister Eren had kept his quiet demeanour through my explanation and the voting like he had his mind on something else entirely. This ended once everyone, including me, set their eyes on him for an answer.
His lips parted from one another to form a single word,