Chereads / Dungeon Eater / Chapter 104 - Chapter 102 - Return

Chapter 104 - Chapter 102 - Return

"What, is it just because of how everyone's acting? What about what Mister Ed said about Alice's innocence? All three of yours?!"

Akai's firm expression softened and his eyes twinkled as his response formed under his lips. "It's because of what he said, that we can't stay."

I was at a loss for words, I didn't know what he meant. I didn't want to blindly accept it either, I couldn't.

"I don't understand," I spoke out.

"Edward said to me that he would be able to secure our safety and the possibility of peace with your people–when we returned with him."

So that's what he meant…without mister Ed here, their deal doesn't apply anymore. Mister Ed kept his promise of protecting them and allowing them to return home but at the cost of his own life. Without him here, there's no guarantee they'll be okay...

So then Alice will be a monster to them? Is that really how this ends…just like that?!

"I hope we can count on you in his place, Rei." 

I raised my head suddenly, with a clueless expression. Akai smiled warmly at me with a tinge of sadness behind his stare, one I only managed to notice at that moment.

"He said it himself, back in the Hollow. His dying was something even he predicted would happen in that fight but even so, he made that promise to me."

Mister Ed did mention something along those lines that he expected things to end up the way they did. Does that mean…he even predicted this?

"So then…" I trailed off, still confused.

"He saw the strength that could be built from an alliance, one between the dragons and humans. I believe he saw that I noticed it too and that you were the first to act on it." Akai said with his hand over my shoulder.

"Act on it– who, me?" 

"We three will strengthen the reputations of some of you humans in our lands, this will bring dragons to the table. It's your job now to do what Edward planned to do. It's up to you to convince your people." Akai's eyes looked as though they lit up. "Can I count on you, Rei?"


I didn't think I actively tried to act on anything, I just wanted to help Alice out. Even so, they both seemed to think of me as some kind of important guy. I didn't believe it though.

That's what I told myself but…it didn't sound all bad. If I could bring the dragons and humans together then Alice and I would be able to stay friends, we all could. No more humans or dragons would die like that–it was a strive for peace.

I met his gaze with a firm stare. "I will."

Akai seemed happy about his decision and even managed to bring me around somewhat too. I almost felt convinced that it was the right way to go about things. As for Alice…


She was taking it as bad as I was, it seemed. I didn't want to lose Alice, not at all! We only just managed to get her past that monster and back with her brothers–suddenly I had to part with her too? It felt as though a growing pit centred at my stomach.

She took off the Barhemoth cloak wrapped around her and placed it in my hand. It was littered with dirt and slight tears but overall, it was still in one piece. Which was far more than I could say about the rest of my gear.

I took it reluctantly and held it at my side. My eyes dropped and my chin felt heavy as it brought down the rest of my head with it.

A warm grip fell over my waist as Alice jumped in for a hug. Her embrace wrapped around me with a tight tug and felt as though she had locked herself to my side. I flinched and wasn't sure whether to hug her back, if I did it would all be over.

The hug was the final send-off…how did I expect to get through that without feeling bad? 

My hands moved on their own, they dropped to her shoulders and brought her in closer. I knelt and came to eye level with her, still engrossed in each other's arms. 

I had been holding them back so long that dropping my guard–even for a second–broke any defence I had on them. The tears raced out the corners of my eyes–with no end in sight. The stinging in the corners of my eyes only got worse as the tears poured.

My exposed shoulder grew damp as Alice's tears met my skin and raced down my back. I didn't want to let go but I knew it was the end of our time together. Strangely something as sad as that had to end but I didn't want it to.

We had to part, our journey had come to an end after all.

My grip over her waist and shoulder fell apart as our bodies pulled away from one another. I wiped away her tears with my thumb and forced a cheery smile.

"Why are you crying, you big baby? Sniff!"

"Sniff–you're crying too, Rei." She replied with a giggle.

"I know–I know, I'm so lame…I just can't believe you won't get to come with us. I know it's for the best right now."

Alice's teeth took the stage of her smile as a bright glare off her cheeks squeezed to the sides. "That's right, for now it is. You'll see me again one day, right?"

The contagious smile on her face rubbed off on me, the edges of my mouth nearly touched the sides of my face. "Yeah…that sounds nice. I'll get stronger so that I can come meet you guys again, I give you my word."

"Thank you…thank you, Rei~" 

Alice's words melted into my shoulder as the grip between us softened…once we separated, her eyes met mine and I smiled.

Is this even the same girl I rescued in that cave? She's much more mature than me already–yeah, I'm such a baby.

Akai placed his hand over Alice's shoulder and leaned in. "We should go, Alice."

"Okay…let's go brothers. Goodbye Rei, see you later, okay!" 

"Goodbye Alice, I'll see you sometime."

She and Arga said their goodbyes, along with everyone else who was willing to talk to the dragon siblings. Some tears and some stares were exchanged.

After patching everyone up, the guild packed their things and set off for the lower floors. Alice and her brothers went to the entrance of the higher floors, a direction that split off from us.

We looked back at each other one last time before vanishing out of sight. 

One final glance and she was gone…

We weren't in the best shape but with our numbers, we managed to clear through all the floors easily. After a trying week in the Tower, we finally returned to Istoria, back to our lives outside the Tower.

I stepped out of the Tower doors and sipped in the cold evening air. The bright golden light peered over the horizon and passed the Tower. A shadow was cast behind us, moving slowly in a clockwise stretch, over the city.