Chereads / The Mask of Change / Chapter 30 - Chapter 30: Beginning of a New Chapter

Chapter 30 - Chapter 30: Beginning of a New Chapter

"...and I, the one who benefits through all of them, the Human.

I hereby announce, the start of this assembly"

Kurai, the First Herald, the wielder of the Mask of Creation. The only Herald who has lived through the years since the rise of the Heraldic Masks. It was due to the omniscience that he gained from his mask that he lived more than a thousand of years.

At first glance, anyone who can see him could tell that he is no extravagant or flamboyant individual as he dresses like a normal person.

He has a black hair and black eyes that seem to leave no impression on anyone. He wears a dark uniform tucked inside his slack pants, a white neck scarf seems to be just hanging on his neck untied.

As soon as he made the following remark, someone reacted.

"Hah. To tell us that you're human despite the omniscience and authority you have gained, seems like you're indirectly telling us that we're mere ants."

A fierce, rumbling and unflinching voice. Anyone can tell that this man is the pinnacle of strength and a brutal one at that. His features are as follows: long indigo hair that is to waist length, his body is akin to an ogre which is the same with his height. He wears an armored kamishimo which made him look like a true Ancient Feudal Warlord.

He is Shuza. The Fifth Herald, reigning over the territorial city of Hiroshima as a tyrant ruler.

"Haha, come now Shuza. I wouldn't think of that kind of thing."

Kurai nonchalantly replied.

Someone from the Ten suddenly butted in.

"We're already aware of how foul-mouthed you are, you can already stop speaking."

Someone who is confident enough to disparage Shuza. He leads an organization mainly to weed out the factions or people that are acknowledged as a hindrance to the Heralds, which is known for their name Thunder Clouds.

His name is Hannon, the Third Herald who is currently holding Raijin, the Mask of Calamity, but despite that, he does not cause chaos willy-nilly. The insignia of his organization is simple enough: an azure cloud that was struck in half by lightning.


As Shuza was about to open his mouth once again, a continuous clap can be heard echoing throughout the whole room as the perpetrator mixed it with a laugh.

"Hahaha! Rambling with each other like this is fun! Have you invited us over for such a fun get-together, Kurai? At times like these, I don't know if I will be able to hold myself and just watch!!"

A woman with a loud and commanding voice, akin to a barbarian's. She has short curly beige hair and her eyes are bright red. The most noticeable thing about her is her build which is unnatural for women, her muscles are well built and she wears revealing armor.

Bishamonten, is what she is currently calling herself, a self-proclaimed God of War. The Fourth Herald who is currently in possession of the Helm of Discord.

"Oh no please, when did you start thinking of me like that, Helena?"

"Why you…hey, forget that name already Kurai!" Bishamonten screamed in frustration.

Shuza clicked his tongue after getting interrupted. He then slammed the table with his right hand and raised his brow.

"Hah. Well speaking of which, I'm surprised you've got the time to finally show yourself for a long time, Shimono. And you didn't even bother to take off your mask huh!?"


Shimono spoke as soon as Hannon was about to stop Shuza again.

"Please do not mind my presence here."

A soft spoken and cold voice. This is Shimono, the Seventh Herald, in the flesh and not just some avatar she made.

When Akafuyu's gaze falls into her, she's immediately taken aback by how beautiful and lady-like she is despite having her mask on. Her long white hair is like a blanket of snow, that is paired with a white veil she's currently wearing.

Her mask, Gossamu (Frigid Mask), was a perfect match to complete her feature. Despite seemingly having a rough metal exterior, it somehow enhances the gloomy and petrifying qualities of Shimono.

"What? After long years of isolation and rejecting communications, you show up now. Isn't that a point of suspicion!?"

Shuza commented, although he's right. There have been cases that Shimono would decline or not even show up without replying to the gatherings prepared by the Heralds. Yet after such a prolonged time, she finally decided to show up.

Shuza's statement raised some concerns within the Ten. Since Shimono is one of the individuals who have been blessed with foresight, her being here means there is a matter of serious concern. Aside from the ones that have already spoken, the rest of the Ten have been quiet and seemingly planning to just listen instead of speaking their thoughts.

"Well, as far as you all know, I wouldn't interrupt your busy schedules for just a small concern right? After all, each one of you has a role to play."

Kurai lightly clasps his hands as he smiles naturally. He then took a glance at each of them.

"Kirisame, I can't see your face clearly."

Kurai remarked with a friendly tone…however, in Kirisame's perspective, it feels like a threat. A threat that he couldn't just shrug off and will give him nightmares.

Kirisame's eyes widened in response, sweat dripped down his face and his expression was like someone who had been pushed into a corner. As he's shaking, he forces himself to open his mouth so that he can reply.

"I-I-I'm sorry…Lor…Lord Kurai…please-"

Kurai's expression changed, like a father concerned about his child.

"What's wrong Kirisame? Are you not feeling well? The tea I have prepared might help."

Everyone inside the room looks confused with the exception of Lunar and Shimono. The lot of them don't know what the hell Kurai was referring to when he said those words to Kirisame, but it looks like it's serious, based on Kirisame's expression.

"Tch. I don't know where the hell is this leading to, so go on with your speech, oh Human."

Shuza sarcastically butted in once again.

Kurai chuckled with his remark. He then assumes a thinking pose.

"I am indeed just human. The masks are what makes someone, Divine…a God-like being. Despite being the one holding the Mask of Creation, I don't know where they came from. What I consider though, for being someone who surpasses Divinity, let's see…-"

He stopped for a moment and then continued once again.

"-someone who can destroy the Masks."


Everyone, from the 10th up to the 2nd Herald reacted to what Kurai just said. Their faces show different kinds of expression, from being taken aback to just plain curiosity. Shuza spoke his mind first.

"Funny thing to say, Kurai, how humorous of you. Hahahaha!"

Bishamonten just laughed it off. While Akafuyu on the other hand is…..

"Well, that's enough side talk I guess. Let's proceed with the main topic at hand."

Kurai took a seat and placed his hands over the table.

"As the one who holds the Mask of Creation, my authority is to be the observer. Balancing the powers of the world that we live on, by simply becoming its seer. Just a few days ago, however, I felt a great disturbance."

Kurai continued.

"A mask just got destroyed.

Shuza slammed the table making all the foods bounce and roll around. He looks enraged as his fangs are slowly showing.

"Did someone from us successfully destroy a mask!? Tch! Truth be told, I have been trying to do it myself but it seems a crack is the best I can do." He is envious of this power. "Where did this happen!?"

Kurai shrugged his shoulders, he looked like he didn't mind Shuza's attitude.

"I'm not all-seeing, as I said I'm just a human. I can feel the presence of the masks, but I can't exactly determine their location." Is he telling the truth? Everyone seems to think the same, however, they would not dare question him.

'What is he playing at?' Yoshimune thought to himself as he took a sip from the cup of tea he just saved from Shuza's slam.

Yoshimune, the 6th Herald, who is currently in possession of Tengu, the Bird Mask. Unlike the other Heralds, he does not care for titles, rulership, luxuries and followers. He traverses many lands as a Blademaster to go through hardships which will grant him invaluable experiences. Like the wind, he is free to go where he pleases.

"What do you mean you can't determine the location!? You are the seer!"

Hannon had no choice but to butt in once again.

"Kurai, I would not question your observation. I would just like to confirm something. If such an individual exists…would that person be a threat that needs pruning?"

Akafuyu's shocked gaze falls towards Hannon. Of all the Heralds, she's the only one who knows what Kurai was talking about. It is obviously about Kiyoto and his power to destroy masks. But then, another follow up question from Hannon rises.

"And also…is it possible for Heraldic Masks such as the one we are currently in possession of, to be destroyed?"

As if the intensity of the matter was not already high enough, Hannon brought another thing to spark some debate. Everyone awaits for Kurai's answer.

"Mmm. It's undetermined for now, after all we can rule that one out as a mask destroying itself. But if it so happens that the destruction of masks continues, well…it's finally a matter of disrupting the balance."

Hannon nodded.

"Then the thunder clouds shall be on standby. If the threat rises we will surely purge it."

"It bears me great joy to hear your organization's support." Kurai smiled warmly in appreciation.

After hearing all of this, Akafuyu felt nervous all of a sudden. She's worried about Kiyoto, who is the main topic of this discussion. She ponders the thought of telling them about him and how he is absolutely not a threat.

It was the safest way she could think since she thinks Kurai would be happy to oblige with her and let Kiyoto as is. After all, no one could think ill of the First Herald's benevolence.

She had decided. As soon as Akafuyu steeled herself and would finally make her statement, she would notice a glance coming from a certain direction, it was calming and soothing.

Akafuyu, in response, slowly turns her gaze towards the direction of the stare. There she saw…the 2nd Herald, Lunar smiling towards her.

A very delicate girl, with skin as white as how the moon shines at night. She has long dark hair, tinted with a cerulean accent on its back. The smile she is showing can calm even the angriest predator.

If the description is quite familiar, it should be. After all, this girl Lunar, was the very same person that Kiyoto encountered in an alleyway in Akafuyu's territorial city. And the very same person…..that shows up, in Kiyoto's dream as he's fighting Zaiaku.

Akafuyu didn't notice it, but some time has already passed since she turned her gaze towards Lunar. 'Eh? Huh? Did…did I doze off or something?' She thought to herself, confused about what just happened.

"Are you all right…?"

Yet another calming voice reached her. This time, it came just beside where she was seated. It was Miko, the 10th of the Heralds.

Miko was noticeably weak due to her frailness and lack of presence. Out of all the Heraldic Masks, the Kitsune Mask is the weakest in terms of combat capabilities, it has little to no offensive ability to boast about.

However, there is one unique aspect about the Kitsune Mask that made it to the rank of Heralds.

"Ah…I'm fine. Thank you for asking, Lord Miko." Akafuyu respectfully bowed towards her, which made Miko fluster.

"N-no, please don't address me as such. Just call me by my name…" Miko said while lightly waving her hands.

"Hey. We're in the middle of an important discussion and some of you are just loafing around?" Shuza pointed them out which made Miko apprehensive and pulled herself back.

"Wait a second. Lord Shuza I beg your pardon, it was just me who–"

Kurai clasps his hand and interrupts.

"There there, don't mind it. I would even appreciate it more if all of you get to be familiar with each other. I think the issue is settled for now anyway."

"Tch! Is that so? Then I've no time to be here any longer."

Shuza gets up from his seat and leaves as he steps on the pedestal.

Bishamonten whistled.

"Dragons really have little patience over things, I would love to know more about him and how to throw him off so we both can fight in full power."

Hannon sighs and stands up. He faces Kurai and lightly bows at him.

"I appreciate everything you've done for us Kurai, as I have said before, the Thunder Clouds are ready to help. For now, I hope you'll excuse me, as I have things to attend to as well."

Kurai smiled and didn't speak a word. He just waved at him as Hannon faced the rest of the Ten Heralds and bowed to them. He then left after Shuza.

One by one, they left. After Hannon was Kirisame who nervously left, after him was Shimono who was then followed by Yoshimune. Miko and Akafuyu left together after they paid their respects towards the others who are still there.

Akafuyu failed to inform them about Kiyoto and how he is not a threat, contrary to the opinion of the others. But there was this feeling lingering inside her, that she was glad…or rather, it felt like she made the right decision of concealing Kiyoto's existence to them.


"I haven't seen you yet. Who are you?"

Bishamonten asked Lunar, who is the newest out of the Ten, although she already inherited the Angel's Ornament, Negai Fuyo.

Lunar stands up in silence, the table in front is getting in the way of seeing her whole body due to her small size. She then bowed her head as if she's bidding farewell already.

"I am Lunar. And I will bring change."

She then turns around and slowly approaches the pedestal.

"The Wish Granting Mask, huh. I hope this change will be a beneficial factor to the whole world." Kurai stated with a carefree smile on his face as he waved towards her.

The two are the only ones left. Bishamonten, who knows Kurai the longest due to her omniscience, faced him.

"Kurai, tell me. Ever since the time we first met. Your eyes are more lively and your expressions are more true."

Bishamonten narrowed her eyes down.

"What happened with you after all these years…?

Kurai didn't flinch with the question, instead he just replied naturally with a carefree smile of his, although in Bishamonten's perspective, it was emotionless.

"Haha. What are you talking about, I'm still the same as ever."

Bishamonten was not satisfied with the answer. She sighed and stood up after grabbing an apple from the pile. As she walked towards the pedestal, she said her parting words to him.

"No matter what. My loyalty…will always be with Kurai."

The assembly was then finalized.

Meanwhile, as Akafuyu was on her way to her car, she stopped her tracks as Shimono appeared in front of her.

"L-Lady Shimono…what can I do for you..?" Akafuyu inquired.

"The Helm of Fervor…shines brighter than the last time it was presented to me. How…envious." Shimono walks around Akafuyu as if observing her.

"....Lady Shimono, I know the truth…"

"Yes. Only by knowing the truth and accepting it, will the Helm regain its authority. Surprisingly, it did not just regain its authority but also improved in power."

Shimono touched Akafuyu's forehead with her fingertips. Akafuyu didn't flinch and lets her do what she was intending to do.

After pulling back her hand, it can be seen that Shimono has a vague hint of a smile on her lips. "Be it a war, or a diplomatic battle. I shall lend you my support, little sun." Shimono vanished just after she said those statements.

"What…wait, doesn't that mean…I have entered some kind of peace treaty with Lady Shimono? Yes!"

Akafuyu looks elated after her brief exchange with Shimono. Right after that, Akafuyu rushes to her car and finally leaves the area.

— — —


"Ah, welcome back Lunar."

"I'm back."


"I have a name. Please, use it Lunar."

Lunar paused for a while.

"No, you don't have a name." She then proceeds to walk without waiting for the man.

The man clenched his fist. Not seeing any options he still followed Lunar as he dons his thick white coat.

Lunar then stared at the sky and smiled. She then mumbles towards herself:

'Kiyoto…I will be the one to protect you.'

A strange wind blew as Kiyoto was practicing in the [Swords]'s courtyard. It's as if new spontaneous events will transpire once again that may affect the balance of the world.

Kiyoto then looked up at the same vast sky that Lunar is currently looking at. He then clenched his fist and continued his training, as a familiar voice of a girl reached his thoughts.

"I will be the one to protect you, my dear Kiyoto"