When School returned that week, we didn't do any tests as we should've done normally at the end of the month, since we had just come back from a break, and it was deemed a bad idea to do such a thing to first years.
But they said that they would do that in the following years, just not the first.
Anyways, the next month rolled around, and the kidnappings slowed down considerably, though they still happened. At least one person per week went missing on estimate.
It's possible that more had disappeared, but they probably hadn't been reported.
I didn't concern myself with it though as it didn't mean much to me, even though I fit the profile for someone to be kidnapped.
My strength should be far more than enough to deal with anyone who tries anyways. In fact, if I do get kidnapped, I might even let myself be kidnapped just to deal with these idiots so I can stop hearing about them.