I'm really sorry guys. It's wrong of me to decide the way you all live your lives. She said as Melody smiled. I'm sorry. She said once again. It's ok Cynthia. You were only looking out for us. She said. At least you know and you've apologized. Sandra said as everyone stared at her or maybe not everyone. What! Don't give me that look. She said eating as she turned to Cynthia. So when are we sharing the cash? She asked as they laughed. Sonia dear. She called as Sonia turned to her. Do you know any new spa that's just opened recently or any good shopping mall? She asked as Sonia's eyes glittered with excitement. You know it's been long we women took care of ourselves. The men are all going out doing God knows what all in the name of meeting, so why can't we do the same? She asked as Sonia smiled happily. Of course. I know everywhere. Nothing escapes my noise. She said. Of course. Emily muttered rolling her eyes. So when are we going? She asked. Right now if you're done eating. Cynthia said. I'm already done eating. I'll go get ready. Don't want to be caught unfresh. She said standing up and leaving. Mum sure likes material things. Mary whispered to Marcus as he nodded in agreement. Since it's for the women, I better go get ready. Don't want to be caught unfresh. Sandra said leaving as Melody smiled looking at her sister. What? Cynthia asked. I'm so happy everything is settled. She said. Better go get ready. Those two won't want to wait for you. She said nodding at the direction where Sandra and Sonia followed. Sure. I'll be right back. Melody said as she left. I'm so proud of you mum. You've yet again managed to settle everything. Naomi said happily. Of course. We're family and we should be one with another. Her mother said as she nodded.
************************************Nelly is seen all dressed up going out as her mum stopped her. Where are you going young lady? She asked. What does it look like to you. She asked her mum. Don't play smart with me and answer the damn question. Sandra said. Oh mum, please. Can you drop the good mother act. It doesn't suit you. Nelly said. Is that how you talk to your mother? You ungrateful child. Sandra said. Ok, fine. I'm going to a party. Nelly said. Are you… she paused to see if anybody was around before she dragged her daughter to a hidden corner. Are you crazy? She asked. What's this all about mum? Nelly asked. You know the reason we came back here? What if you make another mistake? We haven't even sorted the last one and now you're going to another party. I won't allow that. She said. Mum, please. I'm all grown up and wiser now. Trust me to never make the same mistakes and by the way you're going out. Do you expect me to stay in this boring house while you're enjoying yourself? Hell, no. Nelly out. She said leaving her mum there. This girl won't listen. Sandra complained. I'll have to do something quick before things get out of hands. She said.
************************************Wow! You're looking so beautiful mother. Marcus said wowing at his mother. Thanks baby. She said to her son. I know right. Someone is going to think you're the woman of the house with the way you're dressed. Mary said as her mother rolled her eyes. I'm not letting you spoil my day. Sonia said fixing her hair. You're looking beautiful Sonia. Cynthia complimented her coming down the stairs. Of course. Why wouldn't I? She said as Sandra scoffed. You've got a problem? She asked. No, I don't. You look lovely. Now can we get going? Sandra asked as they nodded and left. I'm so happy they left. Now I can finally have some peace and quiet. Mary said as Marcus stood up going out. Where are you going? She asked. To Abel's place. The guys are coming over. He said. That's even better as you won't be here. She said sticking out her tongue. You're just a sad person. He said as he left. Stupid jerk. She said going up the stairs.
************************************Naomi was in her room operating her phone when her door opened with force. What the heck? She asked as her friends came barging in. Hi Naomi. Luke greeted. Luke we didn't come here to exchange pleasantries. So keep you're greetings to yourself. Sarah said. Well, it's nice to finally see you all. Naomi said sarcastically. I really don't understand this behavior of yours but we've come to get to the bottom of this. Ruby said as Samantha leaned on the wall folding her hands and crossing her legs while Klaus sat on the sofa resting his legs on the table. Klaus get your dirty feet off my table. Naomi said. No can't do mama. He said as Sarah sat on his lap while Naomi rolled her eyes. I don't think there's anything to discuss about. She said. Oh there is and don't give me that bitchy attitude. Ruby said. I thought you all loved my bitchy attitude. Naomi said as Sarah scoffed. For the record, no one did. We all just had to tolerate it. Well not me though. Sarah said as naomi faked laugh. You wanna talk, then let's talk. Naomi said. We actually didn't come here to fight. Luke said trying to ease the fight. Rubs, you better tie your brother's mouth and heart before I loose it. Sarah said. Good. After you. Ruby said. You are all bad friends and that's disgusting. Naomi said. What! Ruby and Sarah exclaimed while Samantha scoffed. Oh boy! This ain't good. Klaus said as luke was basically being Luke. What the fuck? Sarah said as she just laughed. Bad friends. Sam said as she faked laughed. You have something to say Samantha? Because as far as I know you're always quiet and keeping to yourself like you don't know anything while you're just like them. A snake in a green grass. Naomi said as Sam clenched her hands. That's so rude of you Naomi. Klaus said. You know what? Sam asked her. What? Please enlighten me. Naomi said. You're a dirty little bitch. Sam cursed. Excuse me. Naomi said. No, fuck you. Sam stated. Since we're all out, I'll say this. Ruby said. Go get her girl. Sarah cheered as Klaus rebuked her rolling his eyes. You're a hypocrite. She said. A dirty one at that. Sarah said. Come on babe. That's a little harsh. Klaus said. Oh please! She's even lucky I could come up with that one. She said as naomi scoffed. I'm so happy I'm actually getting to know the real you..