Chapter 73 - Chapter 73 - Reunion

Almost as soon as Serafall left, Thomas turned his attention towards the two professors and Headmaster Dumbledore, bracing himself for the questions that were sure to follow. He knew he had much to explain, and he hoped his answers would satisfy their curiosity and concerns, or else god knows how much he would have to tell them about everything that happened in the past week or so.

And just as he thought, Professor McGonagall was the first one that started the interrogation. "Mr.Grayson, did the devils try to harm you during your time with them?"

This wasn't exactly what he had expected to hear so he shook his head. "No, Professor McGonagall. On the contrary, they took care of me ."

McGonagall's expression softened, and she nodded understandingly. "I see. I'm glad to hear that you were well cared for. It seems my concerns were unfounded."

Next, Professor Snape interjected and unlike McGonagall, he wasn't all that keen on pleasantries, but in his way, he was glad to see one of the best potion students well. "Grayson, I trust you are aware that certain matters are best left undisclosed, even within the confines of Hogwarts. I expect you to exercise discretion in regard to Quirrell."

"Of course, Professor Snape. I understand the need for secrecy, especially considering the events surrounding the Philosopher's Stone. Rest assured, I will not divulge any sensitive information."

"Potter may have his faults in this matter, but he had told us what you have done to stop Quirrell from obtaining the Stone."

Thomas couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at Snape's unexpected praise. "Thank you, Professor. I did what I believed was necessary to protect Hogwarts and my friends. It was a team effort."

Thomas couldn't help but be taken aback by Snape's unexpected praise. "Thank you, Professor. I did what I believed was necessary to protect Hogwarts and my friends."

Though he might not say it, Thomas knew that the potion master was somewhat proud of having him as a student, especially since amongst all of the first years, Thomas was one of the few that would concoct potions the same way Snape was showing them, earning some points from the script professor.

After both McGonagall and Snape spoke what they had to it finally came the time for the Headmaster himself to speak, and frankly this was the. His voice was gentle yet filled with unwavering resolve. "Thomas, my dear boy, there is no need to worry about anything related to that. As long as I am here, no harm shall come to any of my students. But as the headmaster, I still have to remind you that despite being brave and no doubt you saved everyone from a fate worse than death, what you and your friends have done was foolish."

As Dumbledore finished speaking, Thomas took a moment to collect his thoughts. He knew he had to respond with honesty and humility so that none of his teachers or headmaster would continue this.

"You are right to remind me that our actions were, in many ways, impulsive and reckless. We didn't fully comprehend the dangers we were facing, yet I still think that this was for the best considering many things."

Thomas paused, as he kept his gaze fixed on the floor for a moment before looking up to meet Dumbledore's eyes. "I understand that it was a stroke of luck that I've survived in that situation. I don't take that for granted, and I am deeply sorry for any worry or trouble I may have caused."

After a few moments, Dumbledore let out a gentle sigh and stroked his long, silver beard. "I really hope you are saying the truth, my boy. Now go, I reckon your friends are dying to see you again."

With a respectful nod, Thomas bid farewell to Headmaster Dumbledore, Professor Snape, and Professor McGonagall. It didn't take all that long to reach the Ravenclaw common room and as soon as he walk inside, he saw two of his friends and roommates playing chess.

At first, Michael and Adam didn't notice Thomas walking inside the common room, but one of the older girls, who was a Quidditch saw Thomas and shouted to him welcome back.

"Welcome back, Grayson!"

Hearing their friend's name caught Michael and Adam off guard, causing them to stop their game and quickly turn their heads toward the entrance. Their eyes widened in surprise when they saw Thomas standing there with a smirk on his face as he waved at the girl who had called out his name.

Without a moment's hesitation, Michael and Adam leaped over the nearby sofas and rushed toward their friend.

"Thomas, you're back!" Michael exclaimed and Thomas could see that he was relieved and happy to see him. "We were so worried about you. Are you alright?"

Adam, a bit more composed, but with a heartfelt smile, welcomed his friend, "Yeah, mate, we thought you were a goner. You had us on the edge of our seats."

Thomas grinned, feeling overwhelmed by their genuine concern. "I'm fine, guys, really. It was a close call, but hey, I'm here now, so I'd say everything worked well in the end."

The boys then made their way towards the room and as soon as each was sitting on their beds, Michael decided to ask Thomas something that he was thinking about for a while.

'" What happened to the stone? Did Quirrell manage to get it?"

"I ate it if you can believe it. Well, not eat it like you would have eaten food but my sacred gear absorbed the stone and helped me stay alive."

"So the Stone's gone?" asked Adam. "Is the guy that made it going to die now that he doesn't have it anymore?"

"I don't know, but I'm fairly sure Flamel is old enough already and I think he's prepared to die for a while now. Anyway, what happened while I was away?"

"Well, once the stone disappeared so did all of the enchants that stopped me and James from leaving. We quickly picked Ron up and brought him back to the infirmary while Hermione run to the owlery to contact Dumbledore, but she stumbled across the headmaster as he just returns and after she told him what happened he responded with 'Harry's gone after him, hasn't he?. But surprisingly enough Hermione shook her head saying that you were there as well and probably doing more than Harry could have done, before the headmaster stormed towards the room where Fluffy was guarding."

"By the way, did the headmaster welcome you back from your faction to hell?"

Thomas chuckled at his friends' playful jab, appreciating their lighthearted humor as he shook his head, still wearing a smirk, and replied, "Well, you could say it was quite an adventure down there. Turns out, I woke up in the house of one of the Satans, Serafall Leviathan. She and her family took care of me, making sure I was safe and nursed back to health."

Michael and Adam exchanged astonished glances, their eyes widening in disbelief. "No way! You were in the house of one of the big shots? How did that happen?" Michael exclaimed, clearly fascinated by the unexpected turn of events.

Thomas leaned back against the bed, recalling the days he had spent in the company of devils. "Well, when I woke up, I found myself in a luxurious bed. It took me a while to regain my strength, and for the first day, I could barely move. But on the second day, I was introduced to the entire Sitri family."

His friends leaned in closer, their curiosity piqued. "The Sitri family? Who are they?" Adam asked, his eyes sparkling with intrigue.

Thomas explained, "In the devil hierarchy, families hold significant positions and power. The Sitri family is one of the noble families, and they have their own set of unique abilities. Serafall is one of the daughters of the Sitri family and is known as the Leviathan Satan. She is powerful and respected among devils. I also befriended her younger sister, Sona, and her Queen in the devil chess pieces, Tsubaki."

Michael interjected with a puzzled expression on his face. "Devil chess pieces? What's that?"

"In the devil society, they have a strategic game similar to chess, but it's played with actual devils as pieces. Each piece represents a different rank and possesses its own abilities. The Queen, for instance, holds immense power and authority over the rest smaller only to the king."

"That's incredible! So you became friends with devils of such high stature? What were they like?"

Thomas nodded, a fond smile forming on his lips. "Indeed, they were quite not as I expected to be honest. Serafall, despite being powerful, was also incredibly kind and caring. She took care of me like a friend, making sure I had everything I needed during my recovery and she always behaved like a little girl. Her younger sister, Sona, was more reserved but equally kind-hearted. We spent time talking and sharing stories, learning about each other's worlds."

Michael leaned back, processing the extraordinary details. "It's amazing to think that there's a whole society out there, with its own dynamics and hierarchies. And you got a glimpse into their world."

"It truly was an eye-opening experience. And while I've been to Latia's home it was nothing like this."

As the conversation continued, Thomas shared more details about his time with the Sitri family. His friends listened attentively, captivated by the tale of their friend with the devils.

About fifteen minutes later, the door to their room suddenly flew open with a loud bang. Startled, they turned their attention towards the source of the commotion, only to see James rushing in.

Without hesitation, James sprinted toward Thomas and enthusiastically high-fived him, his hand landing with a resounding smack. "Mate! You crazy bastard! You are back."

Thomas grinned, returning James' high-five with equal enthusiasm. "Hey, I couldn't let Harry get killed, could I? And besides, I've even got to know one of the big shots from the underworld."

Adam and Michael exchanged amused glances, clearly entertained by their friends' spirited reunion while James took a moment to catch his breath. "You have no idea how worried we were when you disappeared like that. We thought the worst had happened. But here you are, back in one piece."

"Well, I can't take all the credit. Harry did keep the stone safe, after all. And don't worry, I'll share all the details with you as well."

After a good night's sleep, Thomas felt like he was home and just as he and his friends were ready to leave for the great hall, he heard the prefect telling him that one of the staff members was looking for him.

Then just as Thomas and his friends walk out of the Ravenclaw common room, they saw Hagrid waiting anxiously. As soon as he saw them, all hell broke loose.

"It's – all – my – ruddy – fault!" he sobbed, holding his face in his hands. "I told the evil git how ter get past Fluffy! I told him! It was the only thing he didn't know an' I told him! Yeh  and Harry could've died! All fer a dragon egg! I'll never drink again! I should be chucked out an' made ter live as a Muggle!'

"Hagrid!" Thomas quickly approached the half-giant and patted his shoulder. "Hagrid, the noseless bastard has found out somehow how to get past Fluffy. It ain't your fault."

James, Michael, and Adam nodded in agreement, placing their hands on Hagrid's trembling shoulders. "Thomas is right, Hagrid. You couldn't have known what he was up to. You're not to blame for what happened."

"Yeh lot could've died!" sobbed Hagrid. "An' don' say the name!"

"He does need a new nose job though. Now, cheer up, Hagrid, the stone is no more and he won't be able to get his hands on it anymore. I'd say that worked great. Now come on people are looking strangely at us."

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