With a simple bag that had his keys, money, and phone, Flynn slowly walked up the stairs, rubbing his eyes as he yawned. Pestered by a couple of mosquitoes, he had only managed to sleep for a few hours. "Good morning," an energetic voice behind him said. It was Drew, the top student in his class. Carrying a large backpack that was filled with books, it wasn't a surprise that his grades were so much better than Flynn. Always optimistic and smart, he was endorsed by the whole class. "Hello," Flynn replied with a yawn. As Drew happily bounced up the stairs, Flynn barely caught up to him. Although he had only known Drew for two years, Flynn was good friends with the straight A student.
Entering the classroom, Flynn quickly scanned the classroom. It was still half an hour until the bell rang, so there was only a few people present. Slowly making his way to his seat, he hung his bag on the side of his chair. Crossing his legs as he sat down, Flynn stretched his sore limbs. Just as he was going to take a quick nap, someone sat down right in front of him. It was Brian, a childhood friend of his. Brian also had good grades, and he had been in the same schools since elementary school. Adding up the numbers in his head, Flynn realized that he had been friends with Brian for about a decade. "What character did you get?" Brian asked, putting his phone on Flynn's desk. "Nothing good, I think I got a duplicate if I remembered correctly," Flynn replied, trying to recall the reward he got from the login event. Noticing that Flynn was clearly not in a good state, Bryan left him alone. Face planting right into his desk, Flynn easily dozed off.
In what felt like a second for Flynn, the bell rang. The shouts and chatters made it impossible for Flynn to get anymore sleep. Accepting his fate, Flynn struggled to get up. The teacher was already here, opening up the projector and taking out his notes. "History?" Flynn groaned, as another wave of drowsiness washed over him. To combat the sleepiness, he pulled out his phone, opening up a random game. The teacher was talking about the Age of Enlightment, or something like that, but Flynn was caught up in his own world, playing a game of chess. Because the phone was on his lap, it was quite obvious that Flynn wasn't paying attention. "Flynn, what's so interesting around your crotch area?" the teacher asked. "I'm only admiring a massive leap of mankind," Flynn replied. The class bursted into laughter as they prepared to see the teacher's reaction.
Not amused, the teacher pointed at the screen and asked Flynn, "The Enlightment was also a massive leap for mankind. What do you know about this person?" "Rousseau? What do I have to say about The Social Contract?" Flynn replied. Surprised that Flynn knew the answer, the teacher replied, "What do you know about it?" "Not much, only that Voltaire didn't seemed to like it because of its nature," Flynn replied. The teacher let Flynn of the hook since he answered the question much better than he'd originally thought he would.
"Only if they knew what the world was like now," Flynn thought, imagining if the old political philosophers would be happy with the state of the current world. Governments were now replaced with an enormous multinational enterprise, Eternity. Eternity was the company that began the age of mana, as they were the ones who developed the necessary technology to do so. Nowadays, some newborns had to go through a process of Mana Adaption, a procedure that introduces mana to the body. However, the process wasn't a hundred percent safe since there were reports of children dying from the process. Although the reports were forcefully suppressed by Eternity, a large proportion of the population still refused to go through the process since it was also still quite costly. Although Mana Adaption still had its problems, it still provided immense benefits, such as the ability to wield magic, a powerful body that was much more robust than normal people, and overall stronger abilities. The highschool that Flynn attended was only for mages, people who had went through the Mana Adaption process. Segregation was quite serious since most mages deemed themselves as a superior race.
Flynn's parents were established doctors who were both healing mages, so Flynn was quite familiar with magic since a young age. Mages could cast simple spells of most elements, but most choose one to specialize in since cultivating more than one element wasn't cheap. Flynn was taught healing magic since a very young age, his parents aspiring him to also become a doctor. He could easily heal small wounds on Earthlings, people who weren't mages, with a simple touch. Mages had a more energy dense somatic structure, so it required a little more effort. Paying a hefty sum of money for Flynn to have the most mana effective body, his parents had high expectations for Flynn. Although Flynn still put effort in training his mana, he allocated most of his time to reading books of all kind. However he proved to be quite talented, still managing to keep up with other mages of his age while simultaneously reading quite the amount of random books.
The bell rang, marking the end of the class. "Aren't you excited?" a voice broke Flynn out of his daze. "About what?" Flynn replied instinctively. Drew looked at Flynn with a surprised expression. "Don't tell me you forgot," Drew said. Searching his mind, Flynn finally recalled today's event. "Element Registration?" he asked. "Yep, I'm very excited, I have studied for this for so long," Drew replied with an enthusiastic voice. "Tech magic?" Flynn asked an obvious question. Drew was already an talented engineer for his age, always on his computer writing codes that Flynn couldn't understand. "Of course, I hope I could work at Eternal one day," replied Drew. Tech magic was really a revolutionary form of magic, allowing people to access and control technology easily. Powerful tech mages were much more efficient than the Earthling engineers. Tech mages were actually a branch of lightning magic, but with much more precise control of electricity. They could turn lights on with just their thoughts or even blow them up with simply overcharging the bulb. Tech mages were also responsible for public order, since they controlled Wardens, powerful robots that utilized mana. "I bet you could easily get the spot with just your written exam scores," Flynn said. Although Tech magic was a very competitive faculty that had a very low acceptance rate, Drew had very scary grades.
"I surely do hope that. Healing magic?" asked Drew, since Flynn's parents were both doctors. As they walked towards the auditorium to partake in the registration, Flynn replied, "Do I have a choice?" Pointing at the grass that was trampled by several people, Flynn unleashed a simple spell. Forcefully speeding up the metabolism of the small blade of grass, the wilting grass instantly regained its vitality, turning bright green. Healing magic was also quite popular, since it was a lucrative business. Brian who was also following quietly behind the two joined in on the conversation. "You'll be a bad doctor," he teased Flynn. "You're right, with my looks I should become a movie star," Flynn replied. "You should be locked up in a cell for your insanity," Brian said, recalling the crazy things Flynn has done when they were just little kids. Flynn once tried to revive a corpse of a dead mouse, only to create a zombie rodent that exploded into bloody mist. He also tried to manually perform Mana Adaption on a tree, creating a monster known as Mana Beast.
"I'll be a wonderful doctor, and perhaps you could be my first patient," Flynn grinned devilishly, as he conjured some mana in his hand. "Wanna fight?" Brian smiled, as Flynn's phone began to vibrate. "Not the phone!" Flynn groaned, as Flynn's phone's battery was drained by Brian instantly, numbing the side of his thigh. "You little brat!" Flynn shouted, as he slapped Brian on his forearm with his conjured mana. The hair on his forearm instantly began to grow, as his hands was covered in hair. "Payback!" Flynn laughed, as he ran towards the auditorium. Brian chased after Flynn while Drew followed behind the two, laughing. The two wrestled on the small lawn in front of the building, tumbling and yanking on each other's limbs. After a good five minutes or so, the two got up. Both covered in bruises and scratches, Flynn concentrated on healing. A warm glow covered the wounds, and they healed at a visible speed. Brian and Flynn's stomach both growled since raising the metabolism of the body also comes with its consequences. Looking at the vending machine, Flynn asked, "How good is your Tech Magic?" Pulling out a card, Drew said, "Drinks on me."