Chapter 46 - Hospital Ward Shenanigans

You would think being stuck in a hospital bed would suck, but it's not too bad. The bed is quite comfy and I got a nice fluffy white pillow. I could do without the moaning of knights in pain though, that's kinda annoying to listen to. At least I have my book to tune it out. Wait a minute I forgot I threw it at Adam. Never mind being in a hospital bed is the worst experience ever.

"Hey Adam, you got that book I threw at your face?" I ask.

"No sorry I don't, I left it in the hallway." Adam answers.

"Well can you go back and get it?"

"Um, are you going to hurt me with it again?"


"Quincy? Are you gonna hurt me with the book if I give it to you?"


"W-why did you sound so unsure?"

"Probably because my anger will take over and make me hit you whether I want to or not."

"Oh...I don't think I'm gonna give you the book then."

"You just made the wrong choice. See this hand?" I question as I raise my right hand.

"This is my pimp slapping hand. I'm gonna use it on you. I'm gonna pimp slap you so goddamn hard that you're gonna go to a different dimension," I continue.

"But your hand hasn't healed," Adam points out.

He's right. There's a hole in the middle of my palm. I forgot I got it during the last fight. It's the size of a golf ball. This can't be good. I open and close it a few times. Still responsive. I can still read books. I can't pimp slap Adam with my dominant hand and doing so with my left would feel wrong.

"Hey Warren you right handed?" I question.

"Yeah. But before you ask, no I'm not slapping Adam. Also no more hurting Adam. You already threw a book at his face," Warren orders.

"Ok but what about emotional pain? I could hurt him that way," I suggest.

"What Quincy no please don't," Adam begs.

"That's fine," Warren acknowledges.

"Hey Adam you're stupid," I insult.

"Oh well that's not any worse than what I hear in any conversation I have with Nerva," Adam says in relief.

"I'm not done yet. Here's the big one. Adam, you're an oxygen thief."

"Wow Quincy, that was brutal," Warren says sarcastically.

"That's not true I never stole anyone's oxygen," Adam says, totally missing the insult.

I sigh in disappointment.

"I can't be here anymore, there's too much Adam. Warren, are you ready to go interrogate that girl?"

"Yeah let's go. We've wasted enough time," Warren concurs.

"No, stop it! No one's going anywhere. You two have to stay here and heal," Adam orders.

"Sorry Adam, I know you mean well but I'm going right now," Warren responds.

Adam and I wait to see Warren get up...but he doesn't. He continues to lay there.

"Ugh Warren? I thought you were going?" I ask.

"I'm trying. My body won't let me," Warren declares.

"Hold on, let me try," I say as I try to get up.

It doesn't work. I tried to move but pain shot throughout my body. The only thing that doesn't hurt are my arms. That fight against the blood girl must have done more damage to our bodies than we thought. This is what happens when your body releases chemicals to put off pain. It's like working out and only feeling sore the next morning.

"It's not working. Everything hurts," I describe.

"See! You two are in no condition to go anywhere. You two should just focus on resting. I'll be right back, I'm gonna get some more powerful healing potions," Adam says as he leaves the ward.

Warren and I sit there in silence upset that we are bedridden. This really is awful, I'm stuck in this bed and I don't have a book to read to pass the time. Might as well talk to Warren about some things I've been wondering about.

"So Warren, how come I never saw you use that ability of yours before? I don't recall you ever using so much aura in battle before last night."

"I don't usually use it. In most instances I only use enough aura to protect myself."

"Well why's that? That body control thing or whatever you called it sounds pretty useful. Could have made our previous fights a lot easier that's for sure."

"Using it is not good for my body. My specific ability is that I use my aura to artificially control any aspect of my brain. Like last night I manually unleashed adrenaline that's way above any natural level. Doing that repeatedly could give me problems. But now I don't care about the consequences, especially with how powerful our enemies are becoming," Warren explains.

"So basically you can release any chemical you want on the spot?"

"Pretty much."

The ability to release any chemical you want sounds like it could be fun to use. Now I'm thinking of all these dumb hypotheticals such as can he get drunk on command. If so, why does he drink alcohol? I'm gonna refrain from asking them. He doesn't look like he's in the mood for it.

"Kinda sucks that we're stuck here waiting huh? Guess that blood girl really did a number on us," I remark.

"Yeah. I'm not waiting here any longer. I need to go interrogate her now. She could be planning on escaping as we speak."

"I'm not sure about that. We beat her up pretty badly. She might be in worse condition than we are and I doubt the knights gave her any major medical attention in that basement."

"Something about that girl tells me she's not someone you underestimate. We have to do it now."

"But we still can't move."

"That won't stop me. If the body is in enough pain it'll move," Warren says as he slowly starts to rock his body to the right and left.

The more he rocks the more momentum he builds up so after about thirty seconds he's able to roll off the bed and plop down to the ground.

"Ow," he moans in pain.

"Ugh Warren what the heck was that?" I ask, trying to look down at him.

"I thought that hitting the floor would cause enough pain to make me move. It didn't work," Warren admits as he lays on the white tiled floor.

"You got any back up ideas?"

"I could use my aura to manually shut off the pain receptors in my brain. I know it's not good to do that but I have no choice."

I was about to argue for him not to do that but then I hear the voice of everyone's violent redhead.

"Ey yo my bad bitches still alive?" Nerva asks as she strolls into the room.

"Hey Nerva. I'm still alive. Warren's on the floor," I greet.

She walks past the other beds to be with us and sees Warren lying face down.

"Hey Nerva," Warren greets, not looking up.

"This a new healing technique or some shit?" she asks with a puzzled look.

"No it's not."

"Ah I get it. The floor is comfortable as hell. I personally prefer lying on wood," Nerva declares.

You'd think I'd be confused learning that Nerva has floor preferences when it comes to sleeping but I kinda see where she's coming from. Lying on the ground is good for your back. Regardless I'm still more of a bed guy.

"No Nerva I'm not on the floor because it's comfortable. I'm about to interrogate the girl we fought last night. Can you help us get to the basement? We both can't move, our bodies are in too much pain," Warren asks.

"I got ya. Don't see how laying on the floor relates to that shit but whatever," Nerva shrugs.

"You're not gonna try to carry us down there are you?" I inquire.

"No, that shit is tiring. I'm gonna be smart about this," she assures as rubs her chin thinking of a solution.

It's funny to watch Nerva attempt to use her brain. The more she thinks the angrier her face becomes. She's now rubbing the side of her temples in frustration.

"You ok girl?" I ask, worried her head might explode.

"I'm fine I got this shit. I'm using all my brain meats right now. All them shits, they working at the same time," Nerva I think boasts.

I can't watch this anymore, partly because of pity and partly because I don't want to erupt in laughter. I'm gonna help her out.

"Hey Warren, wouldn't it be great if there was a chair that had wheels on it that we could sit in? That way we could move around yet not hurt ourselves?" I propose.

Warren immediately catches on to what I'm doing.

"Yeah Quincy that would be great. A chair with wheels would be amazing. If only they made such a thing," Warren agrees.

I look at Nerva to see if she's understanding our hints and I think it worked. Her eyes light up like she had an epiphany.

"You guys are dumb as hell, that's called a wheelchair. I thought you two were smart enough to know that. Heh guess I am the smartest one in the group," she says with a smug look on her face, turning around to look for some wheelchairs.

She finds one quickly. Instead of going to ask if there are any spare wheelchairs we could use like a normal person she immediately goes to one with a wounded knight already in it. The knight is covered in bandages from head to toe and is missing their right leg.

"Yo bitch gimme your wheelchair," Nerva demands.

"W-what? Do you see the condition I'm in?" the knight asks in disbelief.

"I don't care. You gonna give me that wheelchair or not?" Nerva asks angrily.

"Ugh no?" the knight responds.

Nerva, instead of walking away, does the most Nerva thing possible by kicking the wheelchair over. The man falls out of it and when he hits the floor lets out this long moan. Nerva ignores the man and picks the wheelchair back up, rolling it over to us.

"Hey guys I got one!" she says all excited.

"Good job Nerva," I congratulate.

"Can you believe that asshole? So fucking selfish," Nerva complains as she gets closer to us.

"I know right? Some people just do not care about others."

"Exactly! You know what, I'm gonna let that asshole know he's an asshole," Nerva says, turning around to look at the guy she kicked out of the wheelchair.

"You're a selfish asshole bitch!" Nerva curses at him.

"Yeah you suck! With your mummy looking ass," I join in.

"...the hurts," the guy moans.

"Alright you two that's enough. We need one more wheelchair and we're good to go," Warren orders, catching our attention.

Warren gets into the wheelchair with Nerva's help.

"Alright Imma get one more," Nerva says as she heads to another guy in a wheelchair located on the opposite side of the room.

The whole ward, including the nurses, were staring at us because of the scene we've caused so when Nerva went up to the knight in the wheelchair he immediately got up and grabbed some crutches before Nerva even asked him. He's smart, good for him. Without saying a word Nerva comes back to us with a smile on her face.

"Aha got it. I guess not all people are selfish assholes huh Quincy?" she says.

"Yeah, some people are smart. They know when to do the right thing," I concur as I transition into the wheelchair.

"Ok guys let's go. We don't have time to waste," Warren commands as he starts to roll his way to the door. Nerva's walking behind him while I kind of struggle to keep up because I've never used a wheelchair before. We're about to leave the room when Adam appears in the doorway with a bunch of potions in his arms.

"Ugh guys what are you doing? You're supposed to be in bed so you can heal properly. Please go back," Adam urges.

"I already told you I can't do that. We have to interrogate the girl asap. Get out of the way," Warren tells him.

"N-no I can't. Not when I know you guys are in pain. How did you guys even get wheelchairs? Nerva, did you give them those?" Adam questions.

"Hell yeah," she says with pride.

"Adam if you don't let us through I'm gonna have to let either Nerva or Quincy move you out the way for me," Warren threatens.

"...I still refuse," Adam says defiantly.

"Nerva," Warren says.

"Huh? Oh yeah got it," Nerva replies, about to punch Adam in the balls.

She's about to make contact when suddenly a blue wall appears in front of him blocking up the doorway.

"I-I'm serious about this Warren. I can't let you guys do this. Even if I have to use my magic to prevent you three from leaving," Adam insists.

"Oh shit," Nerva says in surprise.

I'm surprised too. I didn't think Adam was so serious about us healing. It's kind of respectable for a man to care about others so much. Wait what am I saying? That almost sounded like I was about to compliment Adam. I blame my injuries, probably gave me a concussion or something. It's obvious Adam didn't think this through.

"Good job Adam. Now no one here can enter or leave. That means doctors and medical supplies can't come in, you idiot," I point out.

"Aw man," Adam says in realization.

"Whelp time to make a hole in the ground," Nerva says, lighting up fire in her hand.

"No, stop. We're not doing that. Adam listen, just let us through and I promise you we'll come back here straight away and do anything you say. That sound fair?" Warren proposes.

"Well yeah. But I also want you to promise to not do any torture," Adam orders.

I'm with Adam on that point. I don't want to see Warren do what he did to Bartrem to that girl. I was all for killing her during the fight but I've cooled off now. I don't want to see anymore gruesome imagery.

"Fine Adam. We're just gonna talk. That's it," Warren says to my surprise.

"Really?" Adam asks, also surprised.

"Yeah really I promise. Now let us through."

"Well ok then," Adam utters, removing the blue barrier.

Warren and I roll our way past him to enter the hallway and I turn around to see if Nerva is gonna punch Adam in the nuts because he technically stood up to her. I'm sure that made her angry. Adam has both his hands covering his crotch so I'm sure he's thinking the same thing.

"Just don't use too much force please," Adam begs.

"Nah I'm not gonna bust your balls." Nerva assures.

"You aren't?" Adam and I ask.

"No I'm not why y'all acting like it's the most surprising thing ever?" Nerva queries.

"Usually when Adam does something you don't like you make him pay for it," I comment.

"He just didn't do anything worth getting punched in the balls for. Why y'all want me too? I can," Nerva responds, raising her fist.

"No no no no no! Please don't let's just go," Adam says, scurrying away from us to follow Warren.

I shrug my shoulders and follow suit. We head towards the stairs and I thought we're stuck unless Warren and I want to have a bumpy ride down them. But then Adam makes a shield over the stairs allowing us to roll down instead. We eventually make it to the basement where we see two guards in front of a door. The girl must be behind there.

"Halt right there. You all don't have access to see the prisoner," one of the guards states.

"Yeah we do. We're the ones who captured her," Warren retorts.

The guard squints his eyes at me and says "Ah so you are the one of blackness. While it may be true you captured her, Colonel Bianca hasn't given you permission to interrogate the prisoner so we can't let you through."

This is troublesome. If push comes to shove we can have Nerva punch them in the balls. Luckily before that option has to be taken we hear a voice come from inside the room.

"Oh is that the second hero out there? Go ahead and let them in, it's fine," the voice says.

"Yes Ma'am," the guard says, opening the door for us.

We walk inside the room as Nerva sticks her tongue out at one of the guards. I was expecting this place to be like a dungeon. But no, this place really is a basement. There are boxes of supplies ranging from weapons to bags of rice. In the center is a single lamp which illuminates the whole room and underneath it is a long rectangular wooden table. There are two people there. There's one with their back towards us who I'm sure is Colonel Bianca sitting in a chair. Across from her is the blood girl sitting on a stool.

Seeing her surprised me for two reasons. The first is that she doesn't look hurt at all. It's as if the fight we had last night never happened because there are no bruises on her. Note to self, I need to punch harder in order to leave a mark. The second reason I'm surprised is that she's eating a cookie. She's supposed to be a prisoner. Why does she have a cookie and I don't?

"So dearie, how is it?" Bianca asks her.

"Is good," she says with her mouthful.

My party and I line up next to Bianca in confusion.

"Oh second hero I'm glad you and your party could make it. I had a feeling you all would show up. Don't mind me, I've just been doing some preliminary questioning," Bianca explains.

"So giving the prisoner a cookie is an interrogation technique?" I question, still confused.

"Oh you'd be quite surprised how effective it is. Most prisoners are so afraid that they'll be tortured that giving them a cookie instead is the greatest thing in the world. It makes them more likely to cooperate. So dearie do you feel like talking?" Biana explains.

"Yes, I'm going to tell you everything. Especially since they're here," the blood girl states nonchalantly.

"Oh you wanna talk to the second hero's party?" Bianca asks.

"Yes. I'll tell you everything because I need their help," the blood girl answers.

Our help? She just tried to kill us, what the hell is she on about?

"You tried to kill us last night. You put a hole in my hand! What are you talking about?" I angrily question.

"It's true I was trying to kill you but I was holding back. You didn't see 100% of my power, nor my final form. I went easy on you," the girl answers.

Oh my god the cringe is back. This is hurting me.

"Alright before we get to all that I need some answers. I only care about one thing and one thing only. Where does the rebellion keep its slaves?" Warren interrogates.

"I can answer that. But first thing's first, I must tell you my backstory," the girl says.

"No you don't. Just tell me where the slaves are," Warren insists.

"I can't do that. I have to tell you my backstory first. It's how it works in the comics. Your friend with the bad taste knows what I'm talking about," she says, pointing at Adam.

"Hey I have good taste and this isn't a comic so you don't have to do that," Adam shoots back.

"No you don't. You chose the wrong girl to be the best girl. Also yes I do, because it's cool."

"That's just a matter of opinion."

"No it's not. You are objectively wrong. You may be the most powerful warrior in your party, but that doesn't prevent you from having bad taste."

I'm totally ok with her claiming Adam is the strongest. That's hilarious.

"The fuck? You guys must have given this bitch brain damage if she thinks Adam's good at anything." Nerva chimes in.

"Who's this? Another party member? She looks powerful, that's good." the blood girl remarks.

"Ok I guess she don't got that much brain damage." Nerva says upon being complimented.

Warren, presumably annoyed at everyone being sidetracked, slams his hand on the table.

"Everyone, focus. Alright tell us your backstory or whatever. The short version," Warren orders.

"Very well. My name is Akane Otani. I was born under clear skies after a summer storm. I was born around 10:00 pm after my mother went through 6 hours of labor. I emerged-"

"No stop that. I said the short version. Wait a minute, you're an Otani?" Warren interrupts.

"Yes," Akane says with zero interest in her voice.

"Is that important? Sounds like food," Nerva comments.

"Yeah it is. It being important, not the food thing. However I only know general stuff. I'm sure Quincy knows a lot more than I do," Warren says, turning towards me.

"Yeah they come up in the history books quite often. The Otanis are a famous family of swordsmen. They're assassins said to be responsible for about 500 political assassinations over a 50 year period during the 2nd Age as part of the War of Southern Aggression. In the third age Emperor Jovian made a deal with their patriarch to have them serve the empire via military service. Apparently they've been serving the empire ever," I explain.

"Not only that but I heard your family has been doing mercenary work. That's mostly what the family does nowadays. Guess they went back to their roots," Warren adds.

"You all ruined it," Akane says in disappointment.

"Ruined what?" I ask.

"You ruined my backstory. Now I don't want to tell it."

"I mean you still can right?" Adam proposes.

"No. I wanted to tell it my way but you all interrupted me. Now it's ruined. I'm only going to give the boring version now. I am forced to serve the Man of Stone. He took my parents hostage. I want you to help me get them back because I cannot do it alone. I cannot take on the other Reapers. I saw your group is a real team so I know you can beat them. As for your slaves, they're at headquarters in the south."

"The Man of Stone has gathered them all there, he's got something planned for them. Only Archer knows for what, he's the Man of Stone's second in command. Before you ask, no I don't know his real name, none of us know each other's names. I propose an alliance. I join your party and we'll defeat the other Reapers so I can get my parents back. Now is the perfect opportunity since we're all supposed to hunt you and the First Hero," Akane elaborates.

"Do you know where your parents are being held?" I question.

"I do. I know exactly where they are. Thief tells me constantly where they are being held captive. He finds it funny because he knows that if I attempt to save them one of the other Reapers will be sent after me--or worse, Archer-- and I'm done for. Since he's also temporarily away, this is my golden opportunity."

"Where exactly are the other Reapers at?"

"Monk is most likely on the outskirts of the city, waiting to attack. He's big on honor, so I would guess he's planning on having a duel where only fighters will be involved. The last time I saw Lancer he was heading in the direction of Ravenna so I'm assuming he's staying there until he gets word that Monk needs assistance. Archer is with the Man of Stone at headquarters which is good for us because you're gonna need an army or two to take him down. Finally there's Thief, I have no idea where he is, he's a freak who does whatever he wants. If it were up to me I say we first go after Lancer because he's not expecting it," Akane suggests.

"Warren what do you think?" I inquire.

He's deep in thought.

"I'm not going to be able to get to the slaves unless we defeat the remaining Reapers. You have yourself a deal. That's ok with you, Colonel?" Warren asks.

"Hmmm this is quite unprecedented but you know what? I can tell she's serious so I'll allow it. If she ever goes back on her word though you're gonna have to kill her, " Bianca clarifies.

"Of course. Unless anyone else has any questions I think we're done here," Warren says.

"Hold on, I got a question," Nerva interjects, saying something for the first time in a while.

"Sure go ahead," Warren approves.

"Alright I gotta know. Are these other rapers really that fucking tough?" Nerva questions.

"Ugh Nerva they're called the reapers," Adam corrects.

"That's what I said," Nerva shoots back.

"Very. I almost killed your friends didn't I? The other ones are just as or stronger than me," Akane answers.

With a huge smile on her face Nerva cheers "Wooooo! I'm hyped as hell! I've been missing out on too many fights. Not this time bitches. I'm gonna kill all them motherfuckers."

At least one of us is excited about this. I'm freaking terrified. This girl was already really hard to beat and the other ones are just as or even stronger? This is gonna be a pain in the butt. Makes me feel bad for Will, I can only imagine what he's going through right now.