Chapter 11 - The Red Light District

It's been about three days on the road, and all we've been doing is listening to stories of Ryder and Azura's adventures. Apparently, they've been adventuring together for a few years now and they've got a good bit of experience. Both Ryder and Azura are at the Nomad rank, but were apparently from another guild before they changed to Dragon's Descent.

"There are other guilds?" I ask.

"Each state in Westphalia has its own guild, it's just that Dragon's Descent is the most active and famous since it's in the capital," Azura answers.

"Yep, and that's why we decided to change to Dragon's Descent. Adventurers from the capital's guild tend to get the craziest quests. It was pretty lucky we got to meet you when we decided to come here," Ryder adds.

"What was the name of the guild you two used to be a part of?" I prod.

"The guild in the state of Zefren is called Angel's Folly, named after the event where an angel saved the state of Zefren from complete destruction during the fall of the old Westphalian empire," Azura explains.

"What made you want to leave?"

"The guild kinda got tired of paying for all the damage Ryder causes with his explosions. So, we don't really have the best reputation there," she sighs.

"It's not my fault that people can't understand the beauty in explosions," Ryder argues.

Oh boy, I'm going to have to keep Ryder in check aren't I?

A few hours later we arrive at the gate to Yrden and we show the guards our adventurer cards.

"So the Dragons are finally here huh? This place is about to get loud soon isn't it?" the guard sighs as he checks our ids.

Great, that doesn't sound ominous at all. I think the guard is definitely anticipating the fight we're going to have with the mafia.

"Alright, you're good to go, try not to make too much of a mess," the guard exasperates.

We enter the city of Yrden and surprisingly it doesn't look like a fantasy city at all or at least not a medieval one. It's like a complete opposite of the city of Colonus. If I were to best describe the surrounding city, I'd say it looks like New York in the 1800s or a city you'd find in the world of steampunk.

Everything's semi-modern; the building's are made out of bricks, the roads are made of concrete. I can see a floating airship that seems to be propelled by air magic and something that looks like a train rushing on a track overhead.

I was so busy taking everything in I barely noticed some guy wearing a suit and a fedora had been eyeing us from the corner of a building. That already seems a bit suspicious.

"Whoa! Why are the surroundings and technology so different? Are we even in Dreden anymore?" I ask.

"Well, Yrden is a city on the border of Dreden and two other states, so it shares the technology and architecture of all three. It's one of the most advanced cities in Westphalia. In fact, I even got most of my gear commissioned here," Ryder claims.

"So, you can show us around then can't you?" I ask him.

We need a guide to get acquainted with this place as well as meet the person who put up the request.

"Sure can, let's see here… Oh yes the city hall building is in the richer part of the city in the cloud district, so let's take a train there."

We climb aboard the modern-ish train and get sped away towards the cloud district. The seats are really comfortable and look like they're made of velvet. I can't believe how different this city is. The architecture, fashion and even public transport here is different. At least no one can blame me for messing up portals if there aren't any to begin with. Portals are a fast and instantaneous way to travel but damn this place is so much cooler.

I guess this place lacks the portal transportation system since there's not a magician as strong as Vasavir here. We get off the train to the cloud district and Ryder leads us to the city hall building. This part of the city looks a lot better as the architecture style has changed from the 1800's New York style to a more Victorian style where everything is more intricate and decorative.

We ask one of the workers to point us to the mayor's office. We enter the room to see the mayor is sitting at a desk writing papers and this place looks like a secretary's worst nightmare. Willow would hate this place. It's so messy in here and the mayor looks as if he hasn't slept in a few days. I try clapping and waving my arms to get the mayor to notice us, but he keeps working.

I try asking Ryder for assistance in this matter,

"Ryder, some help please?"

"Got it," he responds as he materializes a flashbang grenade and drops it in the mayor's lap.

Everyone closes their eyes, except the mayor and the flashbang goes off causing him to fall out of his chair in shock.

"OWW! MY EYES! MY EARS! AM I ALIVE?!" he screams as he rolls around on the floor like he was on fire.

That may have been a bit overkill for this situation, but the sadistic part of me is loving this. Note to self: ask Ryder for help more often.

While we wait 10 minutes for the mayor to recover his eyesight and the rest of his senses, Ryder is being scolded by the imperial guard for assault. Luckily, he's not arrested and gets off with a minor fine, which Azura pays off while looking very annoyed. She seems oddly used to this. The mayor proceeds to get back in his chair and starts to finally address our presence.

"So, you guys are the ones from Dragon's Descent who responded to our request. Finally, the appearance of a dungeon was starting to worry me," he states while continuing to fill out forms on his desk.

"So, what is this artifact that we're supposed to steal from the mafia? Is it a key? Or a crown? Or maybe even a scepter?" Nazuko speaks up.

Someone's excited to get started.

"Hmm, I suppose you could call it a key, but it's really more of a weapon of some kind. The dungeon on the outskirts of the city is surrounded by a one way barrier. Creatures can come out, but people can't go in. The only magic item strong enough to destroy the barrier was stolen by the mafia," the mayor answers.

"So the mafia in this city stole it in order to gain control," Lilith suggests.

"Precisely, it's as if they held the entire city hostage and they are making quite unreasonable demands of the government here. I've been racking my brain with diplomatic talks and I've had to make a few compromises."

"What kind of compromises?" I ask.

"Like handing over complete control of the Ash district in the city as well as taking over several train lines. If this keeps up they might gain enough power to subvert the government here. I'm afraid if you adventurers can't get the artifact back, we might end up going to war."

"I see, well do you know of any places where we can get started? Like where they're holding the magic item?"

"I'm sorry, all I can offer you is this; the artifact gets moved once every week, so you might be able to catch them on the move," the mayor answers.

Damn, the mafia is too smart to let it lie in one place for a long time. But, that may backfire on them, hmm. . .

"I see in that case, thank you for your help. And I'm sorry about our friend here," Azura concludes while pinching Ryder's cheek.

We exit the mayor's office and Azura suggests we go find a place to stay for the night. It was around 6 when we got to Yrden and it's almost completely night time now. We end up buying some food from some fast food vendors on our way to a nearby hotel. It's been so long since I got to have an actual burger, I ended up eating a bit too much. The only difference was the meat was from a creature called a griffin and not a cow. Still tastes good though.

Everyone is getting settled in the inn and are preparing to go to sleep, but Ryder still hasn't taken off any of his adventuring gear yet. He's standing outside on the balcony looking out at the city. That's strange, I wonder what's wrong. I go up to him to ask if something's up.

"Ryder, what's wrong?" I ask.

"Will, perfect timing, I think now is the perfect time to go get information on the mafia," Ryder answers.

"Wait, now?"

"Yeah, but it'd have to be just us two. Where we're going, well, let's just say, it's not a good idea to bring the girls along,"

I already don't like where this is going.

I don't have time to argue as Ryder grabs me and we end up jumping off the balcony landing on top of a moving train.

"Where are we going?" I ask while trying not to fall off the top of the train.

"The Red Light District. I'm sure if we go asking around we can find all sorts of information on the mafia. There's usually a lot of underground dealings going on there, but just know this; The place can be a bit alluring for some men so try to keep your head on straight," Ryder responds.

I don't know what he means by that, but okay then. We hop off the train and walk into the part of the city called the Red light district. Taking a few looks around I instantly understand his previous comment. Apparently the red light district is an urban area where a concentration of prostitution and sex oriented businesses such as sex shops, strip clubs, and adult theaters, are found.

"Ryder, I'm not so sure we should be here. I'd like to keep what little innocence I have left intact," I say unnervingly.

"It'll be fine. Don't worry about it. Just let me do the talking and whatever you do, don't breathe in any pink mist. It's a common aphrodisiac used by prostitutes to get people's business if you know what I mean," Ryder claims.

I can already see some men falling victim to the allure of the Red Light district as I can see them starting to get frisky with a few prostitutes on the street. This place is starting to scare me so I put on my helmet in order to not let people see my face. Somebody like me does not belong here.

I would get devoured in seconds if I let my guard down. I place my left hand down on my sheathed dagger just in case anyone gets too close. Ryder leads us to a place called the Pussycat's Lodge and we can see it's a strip club where the girls are wearing cat ears. If this is Ryder's fetish, I won't argue, but we are on business here. He goes up to the bartender and buys a few drinks in a particular order. He mixes up the drinks and in the end it turns pink and transparent. You can see a logo that looks like a cat at the bottom of the glass.

Ryder hands the glass back to the bartender and all he says is,

"She's in the back."

Ryder even knows a secret code in this place. That definitely confirms he's been here multiple times at least.

We go to the back of the strip club and enter a room where we can see a very large and endowed woman wearing extravagant jewelry around her neck and large earrings. She's also wearing a sparkling red dress and tiara on her head.

She notices Ryder and I then begins to speak,

"My, my if it isn't the explosive man himself and an ominous looking guest. What brings you two to the presence of Big Mama? Is it business, or pleasure, I wonder," she says with an ASMR like tone of voice.

I am not going to say anything.

"Catherine, we're looking for information about a magical artifact, the one that the mafia has in particular," Ryder answers with a deadpan tone.

These two are on a first name basis? I won't prod into this, but I won't forget either.

"Ah, business then, such a shame. I was hoping to have some fun tonight," she says as she licks her lips.

I am learning so much about Ryder or coming to many misunderstandings.

"I haven't heard anything about a magical relic, but I do know of someone who could help you find it. I know a man who's part of the mafia. Go to this exact address and ask for Giacomo Tiazzono," she says as she writes down the address on a piece of paper and hands it to Ryder.

"Thank you, Catherine, we'll be on our way now," Ryder says quietly.

"Hold up, Sugar, information isn't free these days. I hope you'll at least spend time with our girls," Catherine says as a bunch of girls wearing cat ears come into the room and take Ryder away.

Oh god, I hope he's going to be okay. Wait, no! I need him to get out here and help me find that Giacomo Tiazzono guy. No way am I going to wander around the sex district all by myself. The longer I wait here the worse this situation is going to be. I run to the room that Ryder was taken to, kick down the door and I accidentally take in a whiff of that pink mist he told me to avoid.

Ugh, my head feels funny, but my willpower is stronger. I'm just going to start holding my breath for as long as I can. I can see Ryder sitting in a chair with the kinda look on his face that shows he's intoxicated. I'm getting bad vibes from some of the girls in this room so I decided to use the ring's power.

My head feels too cloudy to understand most of the information I see, but the only thing I can comprehend is that their race is a succubus. From what I read of Vasavir's perverted book, succubi entice men and attempt to drain their life essence. I am definitely not about to let that happen to me or Ryder so I take a rather violent course of action. I lift up my hand and unleash a powerful wind attack that causes everyone in the room to collide against the wall knocking them out. Add Professional Thot Slayer to my list of titles.

"Ryder, we are getting the f*ck out of here," I say as I carry him on my back.

I proceed to jump through a window and start running down the alleyway to the train station. I think I've found the new worst experience of my life. I bet Quincy doesn't have to deal with such perversion on his quest right now.