"That's A632... keep in mind that is two months from now, on January 19th, 6067... and yes, that A632 is not the A632 of that point in time; the A632 of that moment in time is within your mansion meditating." What I mean is that A632 is an A632 that time-traveled to that point in time. In reality, this isn't supposed to happen; the future I predicted is shifting because A632 is altering the timeframes. And after traversing numerous timelines. This variant of A632 is traced back here. In that instance, this A632 is the same as the A632 you are currently observing. Overall, your so-called son has more abilities than he lets on."
"Myy... Xan...Xan... can time travel?"
Michaela said with a shocked face.
Uriel, on the other hand, continued to be irritated as she responded to Michaela in kind.