Chereads / My System is Turning Me Into a Yandere / Chapter 20 - Self Torture & Enlightenment

Chapter 20 - Self Torture & Enlightenment

Within Xander's dimension, the smell of death was quite potent as the dying bodies of hundreds of his clones were piled up on each other and could be smelled clearly from every direction of this domain.

Looking around, it was clear that the place was built like a giant arena; it was a giant space 160 meters wide in every corner.

As the body pile up; war and action was a prominent way of life in this arena; death or victory was the only freedom Xander allowed his clones to receive under his reign.

The act of violence in this dimension was the only language that hold any weight to begin with; to become stronger, Xander didn't mind torturing himself to such a degree, what others don't know about Xander, is that the perfect clone technique was a method that can drive any sane and to insanity.

Why? Well, it was simple, to receive the fighting experience; memories, and overall experience down to very muscle memory they have inherited during the tides of battle.

Was the fact that the original that created them, would feel all their pain, upon absorbing their soul into himself, 434× this was the amount of time that Xander felt death; he felt his eyes being gauged out, and he felt how it feel to be eaten alive, he felt how it feels to be set on fire, he felt how it feels to have every bone in your body broken, and more.

The way he died was some of the most gruesome ways a child that was four months could ever imagine or fathom in their lifetime.

His heart was crushed.

His skin was peeling off his flesh, and his flesh was off of his bones.

His tongue was pulled out from the back of his throat.

His limbs were cut off, and his organ boil in his blood.

And yet Xander has not shown a gel sign of being in pain; albeit that was far from it.

Life for Xander felt like unimaginable hell, every day was a living nightmare for Xander, and no one can tell him otherwise.

But despite all this self-harm he was inflicting on himself, and feeling in exchange for power; his sanity was being kept thanks to the calm effect of the "Celestial King Meditation Technique"

With meditation Xander exceeds his mental limits time and time again and again.

But with pain also comes gain, yes this body of his, this race of the "Something" was truly an adaptable race, why you ask well it was simple; this body had gone through another evolutionary change, one that was impossible to notice as it didn't change his physical appearance of his.

A new intrinsic change happens from within.

For every attack that Xander receives, as long as it is on the same wavelength of pain he has experienced once before, the attack or the pain that comes with it would not be received or felt, and only 20% of the damage will be received as 80% will be canceled out.

In layman's terms when attacking Xander with anything physical it will only work once; it was the type of subjective invulnerability of sorts.

Evolution was this body's cheat; after experiencing something long enough it would find odd ways to surpass the threshold of whatever hit it as long as it has experienced it long enough.

But his training didn't end there; no every day he would poison himself to assimilate said poison in his body to become invulnerable to it, and also use it in battle.

Tara malantia: A strong paralysis agent so potent that a mere two millimeters of it is enough to make a normal blue whale stiff for two days.

Zenox Kpilfos: This is a poisonous flower whose essence had being refined and transformed into a grey liquid; that is very poisonous to almost all loving beings, it can cause nausea, and hallucination, and also makes one go insane.

Succubus tears: This poison is more of a stimulant, it makes one extremely euphoric, to the point all negative aspects of life become pleasurable to the point pain becomes pleasure, heart breaks becomes pleasurable, sadness becomes pleasure, suicide, murder, and death, become enjoyable and pleasurable.

Vladex: on its own, it is not poisonous as the liquid substance can be used to make a person's natural recovery speed ×200 faster than normal; however that only implies if it is injected directly into the body of the injured, because if the liquid substance comes in direct contact with the air it turns into a scentless blue gas, and once it touches you or you breathe it in, giant vampiric sores will appear all over your body, both inside and outside, and suck the blood of the victim it infects till they become nothing more than a dry prune, and the sores will pop as soon as the sunlight touches them and anyone that comes in contact with them will be infected.

Covyyd: A poison that shut down the body's entire immune system making them extremely vulnerable to diseases, it also swells the lungs making the inflicted natural lung size be ×3 its original size, because of this the rib cage of some beings puncture the lungs causing them to die by being unable to breathe or by blood loss.

These five poisons were currently one with Xander, though having this poisonous body comes at a cost; he could not let anyone come in contact with his blood, nor his body fluid as it, as his entire body down to the very tip of his fingernail was poisonous, and even down to his mitochondrial lace with this five poison all his cells and what made his cells were now a weapon.

His sweat could kill.

His semen could kill.

His blood could kill.

His saliva could kill.

His flesh could kill.

His body odor could kill.

Touching him could get you kill.

Sniffing him could get you kill.

Being near him could get you kill.

In layman's terms, he was an extremely poisonous entity; at first, he didn't realize this poison assimilation technique was this strong until he accidentally injured Agnus, yes Agnus two days ago went to check on him, and when Agnus touch him he began to cough up blood, even the Ophanim angels that where beside him expanded by ×3 and exploded into a puddle of blood.

The only persons that weren't affected were, of course, Michaela and Hasha, seeing that Michaela wasn't a living biological existence, no she was pure light that was made from quote and quote pure Logica.

Meanwhile, Hasha for some weird reason seems to have a strong tolerance for poison. It didn't take long for Mother Michaela to realize that I was extremely toxic to the point even she couldn't ignore the potential hazard I have become, that day they carry me to a weird lab and took some of my body fluid along with a scalp of flesh.

And on that same day, they discover that my body is constantly producing a wide variety of different types of poisons, although it is weird, they discovered 15 combinations, albeit I have only assimilated five.

What they discover were already things I know I could do; however, they place this weird device on me it was another anomaly.

A5721- Passivist Crown

❖ Passivist Crown: Is a powerful sealing device; that can neutralize the effects of any biological attacks that are normally used to kill kings, such as poison, curses, and other plague-like attacks that attack the body directly via the use of pathogens or substances, it was once worn by a tyrannical king to protect himself from assassination attempts, via means of curse, plagues, or poisons, albeit the power of the crown was so strong that the king could not use any poison base techniques himself.

Or that's what the system said; when I began to read about it.

So far it had been two days since the Agnus incident, and here were the lifestyle changes.

On one hand, my threat level went from safe to >> Janus. Now they refer to me as A632-TUO; threat level Janus.

On file, this is what they have about me according to the system as well.

A632-TUO: Threat Level - Janus: is a young humanoid anomaly that was born a little bit over four months ago; essentially it is a special class hybrid that goes against the laws of nature of this world; A Diva male cannot exist due to procedure [Censored] enforced by the 3rd Diva Lord [Censored] as a result; the birth of male Diva is impossible yet A632 exist. So far the young anomaly seems to be capable of forcefully evolving itself to adapt to its initial surrounding to some minimal degree.

But its evolution is one of its least notable feats seen so far; essentially its greatest feat is an indirect one, seeing that the A632 has a close connection to A632-A-Hasha, which has also shown rather ancient techniques that prevent her from devouring a human male; albeit the subject refuses to talk about the A632 any further than the fact he is half human half Diva hybrid; even when A7230- Solomon ring was used to force the subject to talk further of what he is it, however to the high table surprise and also the senior researcher's disbelief was the fact that A7230 had no effects on her in manner whatsoever, ending the investigation due to being unresponsive.

This means that A632-TUO control over his subjects surpasses even the nigh absolute domination effect that Solomon's rings have over living beings. All in all, the subject has recently been shown to have a very poisonous physiology potent enough to affect the rank #1 slayer Neon Agnus, and also strong enough to kill two lesser Ophamins just by being near the subject. As a method to co tsin the subject poisonous characteristics, A5721 Passivist Crown was placed on A632-TUO as a method of containment.

So far A632-TUO has shown zero hostility toward anyone from the brotherhood and is very cooperative albeit its rising intelligence and stoic demeanor raise some level of concern from the other member of the high table; after close observation though, it has been concluded that A632-TUO is a self-sustainable entity, it doesn't require sleep, nor does it require food, albeit it does have a weird obsession over vanilla ice cream, naturally A632-TUO seems to spend most of its time meditating; when he was asked why he meditates his response was as follows.

"Because it's peaceful."

Apart from this minor and non-harmful behavior, A632-TUO is seen as a nonhostile entity, but for now, containment procedures consist of basic 24/7 observation with the assistance of new-gen android technology; procedure Gama-T has been set as a precaution to ensure that A632-TUO does not breach its seal; if the entity acts out of hostility L3 would initiate procedure Gama-T.

'Ara-Ara, Archlight island ha? What a pain, this world, this island, is more than just an organization that fights against the Divas, no these Seraphs from what I have seen, seem to be beings that infect other dimensions with higher threat levels, as means to keep a balance of sorts.'

'With all the information I have collected, otherworldly beings, our misplace existences such as myself; pose a great threat to the world, seeing they follow their own rules, the Ouroboros Brotherhood truly lives up to its name, Ouroboros means the balance of the world, and these Seraphs and so call Slayers are just part of the bigger picture for sure, no wonder the All mother sent me here, it was clear from the beginning, the "Celestial Child" is definitely being contained by these Seraphs.'

'Now the mother of all Seraphs wants to meet me; for what, and why I do not know, but the way they behave is as if; she would kill me on sight; so both Hasha and even Mother Michaela have been training me to be on my best behavior for when she arrives December 1st from God knows where.'

'Either way, I will let them have their fun; they are using me, but im also using them, in the end, I need to find a means to gain their trust I know for a fact the Celestial child is here, where however is a mystery; then and again; there so call Procedure Gama-T means nothing to me, sealing my poison attributes means nothing to me, these initial (A) series means nothing to me.'

'Two can play this game, but with all honesty, I want nothing to do with either the Seraphs or the Divas; much less the humans, that's why I think it's about time I begin to play my own mind games; yes it's time I create my own set of children.'

Chapter 37, Death Sentence [Part: I]