Chereads / My System is Turning Me Into a Yandere / Chapter 1 - Void [Rewritten]

My System is Turning Me Into a Yandere

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Devon slaps Eleanor across the face for turning down his advances. This was nothing new; in this world, women of lower status are treated like slaves and toys because they are the primary reason that the corrupted She monsters known as Divas exist. ... ... ... [4 weeks later] Devon's body was located at the bottom of a deep cavity in the Divine Forest, with both hands and legs cut off, and evidence of severe torture was revealed, including a level of violence that is too awful to describe. The injuries found on the body, however, were extensive, with the major ones including seven broken ribs, 519 shallow cuts all over the body, both eyes forcefully removed, his manhood gruesomely stretched beyond repair, and his teeth and fingers f…

Chapter 1 - Void [Rewritten]

(A/N): I finally got a contract for this, and to be honest, I never thought I could pull it off, so I was only putting in a minimal effort in the series creation, but not wanting to dissapoint you the reader, I have decided to rewrite this entire story from the ground up, and ensure the use of proper grammar... so one or two things will change, but by the beginning of the new month, which is 3 days from now, I will post a new chapter


Darkness surrounds a lone soul in every imaginable area of this place. All probable meaning and understanding were set to null here. There was nothing in this place that could be classed or regarded as definitive. There was no sense of time here. There is no up, no down, no left, nor right; it even goes so far as to have no meaning inside the meaning of a meaning.

Yes! This wasn't a location... because the definition of a location is a specific place or position.

Because this is not a construct generated by mathematical laws, it cannot be guided by them. To minimize confusion, you can refer to this as the void or, even better, the Great unreachable.

To put it simply, the great unreachable is a place that cannot be reached by things that exist inside conventional or meta-reality. As such, even concepts, including platonic ones such as ideas, laws, and physics, as well as mathematical principles, cannot reach the great unreachable unless something apart of it, forcefully brought some internal definition here.

Regardless of what has been said. The great unreachable, sometimes known as the void, is not lifeless. However, what is classified as living does not always have the same meaning as what you believe it to be. As a result, beings here are classified to be beyond even life and death.

As a result, you could conclude that there was nothing here. Or at least, that's how it's meant to be. Nonetheless, a perplexing situation had occurred.

Because, in this everlasting nothingness, a strand, or more accurately, the remaining awareness of a man, was currently existing within the great unreachable, clueless, lost, and without definition to find the meaning of its presence.

"Where am I?"

The Man inquired for the millionth time since he arrived here, these three words would repeat every now and again, for the simple reason that the soul itself, or what remained of it, had no initial knowledge of who he was, all he knows is that he is a male, and that he exists, along with a few other basic details.

Time passed, or maybe it didn't; the soul has no idea. It could have been a hundred years, a billion years, or just a couple seconds; all he knew was that he was still alive.

But, as usual, he inquired once again. As though driven by instinct, yet unlike before, the attractive voice of a girl could be heard murmuring in the distance; although difficult to hear, it also sounds as clear as day

"Where am I?"

«The Void»

The mysterious woman's silent voice reacted to the bodyless spirit with a sweet but powerful voice that made his fragile existence seem completely unneeded. But, in any case, the man demanded answers, so he got right to the subject.

"What's the void?"


"And who are you?"

«The Nameless Mist or you can just call me whatever you desire»

"Okay, Rory, that's what I'm going to call you because it's only four letters, easy to remember, and not a statement or title, moving on."


"Who am I?"

«Omega Alphadelta»

"What a stupid name."

«Blame your parents not me»



"Am... So, what now, ms Rory, since as far as I recall, I remember nothing."

Omega reacted to Rory, stating that his options were truly restricted, as he had no understanding what was going on, why he was here in the first place, or what would happen to him.

And, in all honesty, he doesn't care, or at least that's the impression he had. Yes, he didn't understand why he didn't care, but he was curious.

The guy was either too stupid to understand the concept of life and death, or he was simply too lazy to worry about things he didn't understand.

Fortunately, someone was around to guide him, or perhaps to utilize him, who knows?

And that someone was none other than Rory, a woman, a thing, a Goddess, a Devil, or something utterly beyond his comprehension, who took care of the issue and came out as clean as she could.

If Omega was an honest, right-to-the-point, lethargic, and uninterested soul of a man, Rory was an honest, right-to-the-point, and cold to the core being.

As she began the discussion right now and right now, since there was a lot to cover and a lot of things that needed to be done, and despite the meaninglessness of time within this place, the trouble did not lie here, but someplace else, and the trouble in question still had a lot to do with this place in the end.

«Do you want to work?»

She inquired in a neutral tone.

"What kind of job are we talking about, if that isn't too much to ask?"

Omega inquired, intrigued by the so-called work she had for him, and happily, the being he christened Rory got right to the point.

«Please save my child who is being imprisoned in world [PND-342], which is of course located in the second layer of existence, a cult sacrifice went wrong and now my unborn child is imprisoned and being experimented on in a facility called facility 854, you have fifty years before my child is fully born, and if that happens something really bad will occur, so much so that even I am scared of the consequences that can occur if such an unstable birth was to take place in that in that realm, without my direct supervision»

Omega began to wonder if this higher being known as Rory would even give him a choice in the matter, despite her saying please, he got the impression he didn't have much of a choice to begin with, so left with no definitive answer, he asked her himself, the question was of course right to the point.

"Do I even have a choice, I'm just wondering before this conversation gets any more serious than it is now?"

«Yes. But if you reject, I will simply return you to your drab existence and find someone else. No hard feelings, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so please consider carefully now»

"Great! Sigh... The harsh realities of life... I'm broken because I don't have a body, and I'm lost because I don't know where I am, but hey, at least I have the option of returning to my horrible existence, whatever it was, how kind of you, but quick question. "How bad was my so-called shitty life?"

«Let us begin with the life you had before this one, because yes, you have two reincarnations, the first of which was horrific, and the second of which is more of a state of being in your case, so let us begin with the first.»

«In your previous incarnation, you were a human being who died at the age of 92, which many would consider fortunate given that the human life expectancy in your world was 20-40 years old, and war was quite prevalent in that world»

«But, nevertheless, you were a soldier from the age of four, a veteran monster even, with unrivaled luck on the battlefield, but you weren't the sharpest tool in the shed, more brawn than brains if you asked me, why? Well, you were too nice and easy to take advantage of, heck, you retired from the military at 91, a virgin at 92, quite amazing actually, cucked a total of 43 times miraculously, had one adopted and extremely sociopathic son who used you for years, and when you were finally released from the military he scammed you out of your retirement money when you retired at 91; which wasn't even much, to begin with, and one year later you died accidentally, when you were drunk and depress and stupidly began to humiliate yourself by dancing in the middle of the street which causes you to get run over by a passing tank»

«In your second life, you were born as a [@$&@#&@]... a highly strong entity, but it lacked [&$#($@], just like [*$#@!*$]... I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't comprehend the crucial things I just stated, but that faith would have always been your faith if I hadn't come to you and gifted you [#&#*#&**@$] your welcome by the way, but you would still be nothing but pure glitchiness if I hadn't stepped in»

«Oh! Yes, I had forgotten that you were also dis...

But before Rory could finish her explanation, Omega abruptly stopped her, as he said.

"Okay, I'll do it, my god, what a pitiful excuse for a living organsim, Lord that's too much angst for a single person, no thank you; fuck that harsh living standard, I prefer comfort, pleasure, and glory."

Said Omega, staying loyal to himself whatever that was, if he had no memories of his previous life, it was for the better, he didn't want it, as such he didn't mind a new one, he refused to openly embrace all of these misfortunes and pain even in a future existence.

«... Well, that's a wise choice, I appreciate your direct attitude and no-nonsense, we can speed up this procedure quickly, now please choose a race and an occupation»

"Ahh. Ok"

With those words, a strange purple screen appeared before Omega, presenting him with a succession of races, so many that it would take years to even go through them all, so he said Rory.

"No offense, but I'm not going through all of this, it's too much trouble to even read, could you please recommend the best ones that would suit me in my ventures to another world?"

«I'll give you that you're an oddball. Ironically, anime, games, and other otakus & E-cultural entertainment were very popular in your first life, and your refusal to look through all the races that I offered you is rather odd, as this was every otaku's wet dream, and those are the types of people who normally get summoned to the void»

Rory mentions this to Omega while laughing to herself.

However, Omega response was merely a query.

"A what now?"

«Well, it shouldn't come as a surprise that you weren't one of those to begin with, my apologies, such sorts are usually the most compatible with me and my kind, seeing as they have a creative mind, and we use them to do our bitting.»

"If I'm correct, and based on what you've said, then I can assume that there are more like me... well, whatever, it's none of my business."

Omega asked Rory out of curiosity, but as soon as his curiosity got the better of him, he dismissed the idea, as he had other things to do, and getting involved in other people's affairs wasn't the most important thing to do right now... for now, he wanted to start a new life somewhere else.


«An unusual one certainly, well then, I would strongly propose these three races, which should make your decision easier and may save me a lot of time as well.»

With those words, the enormous panel eliminated all the other races, leaving only three.

Omega, of course, looked at the panel, which featured three new races, each of which was powerful and had unique advantages and disadvantages.


❖ Ponilonois: A dangerous cosmic divine alien monster from Planet Quaza, they are depicted as large flies with hydra-like bodies, they have gluttonous appetites and plague-creation abilities, and they can even make realistic illusions to trick their prey, they grow as large as small content when fully matured, and their life span is 50,000+ years. However, they begin with very weak defense, to the point where practically anything can one-shot them.

Additional starting benefits: +340 strength| +121 speed| +230 stamina | +10 wisdom | Special: True Illusion, Multiplication, Plague creation, Esoteric poison glands| Limitless potential| can become an evil God if they destroy a world, granting greater divine power as they destroy more worlds|


❖ The Something: A being of unknown origins, they exist everywhere but nowhere, normally their existence is stagnant meaning they don't exist in the natural sense, they are you, me, him, she, them, it, we, all and none, it doesn't matter, these beings have no consciousness, no purpose other than being whatever it or what, think of them as conceptual existence taken the form of a random object or thing, the air you breathe, even the void is something

Additional starting benefits: +50 strength| +30 speed| affinity to all powers, talents, and elements| greater shapeshifting| infinite potential


❖ A True Vampiric Succubus: A true vampire and succubus hybrid with all of their powers and none of their weaknesses. They are immortal, naturally charismatic, and have tremendous magic that can easily bend, manipulate, and alter the fabric of reality once mastered, yet all of their stats become nearly meaningless in comparison to those with the vampire or demon hunter occupation, as [90%] of their stats are stripped away.

Additional beginner benefits: +550 Charisma| +1000 Strength| +1000 Speed| Affinity for Supreme magic| Near absolute immunity to all status effects| limitless potential| All vampire abilities| All succubus abilities| Demon King and progenitor authority once host reaches level fifty & Demon God authority once host reaches level 100|


Omega examined the three races offered to him and was startled by what he saw: each of these races was top tier, and all of them were overpowering and had tremendous perks, skills, and even stat enhancements. Strangely, new information on status boosts and system functions was flooding through his mind or spirit, despite the fact that he had no idea how it worked and couldn't care less.

He guessed Rory was making life easier for him by not having to explain the basics, truly an entity that understands him, either way, he didn't want to waste time on this either, but after reading through everything, Omega concluded that the best alternative would be to go "The Something" route. Yes, the other two were completely busted, but only in terms of potential. The Something was far superior to the others.

Omega said aloud, his mind made up.

"I'll go with "The Something Race," Rory; it has the lowest starting stats, but its potential for growth outclasses both races in the long run, and its shapeshifting abilities were truly insane."

«... Wise choice, I knew you'd go with it, at least you have a brain when it counts.»

"Offensive, but oh well, yeah, instant overpowered is nice and all, but weak-to-strong has way more potential, I'm not explaining any further, too much trouble, but I think you get where I'm coming from, now then, let's move on to the occupation, then you can send me on my merry way."

«All right... I've also chosen three vocations that might be of service to you. A small disclaimer: occupations affect your personality over time, but the bonuses they provide in exchange for the personality change are absurd, because my power-giving abilities always have a cost, so please choose wisely.»

Said Rory as she explained a little bit about her power, but regardless, personality change was a tiny sacrifice to make if it meant obtaining more power in exchange if you think about it.

So Omega responded in the only way he could in this situation.

"I'll keep that in mind, show me what you've got, either way, there's no way I can prevent the unavoidable from happening even if I wanted to, as I said sacrifices must be made to achieve greater power, even if it means deep diving down the palms of an eldritch goddess."

«Hahah... We'll get along just fine, Omega, hahaha... don't worry too much, if it makes you feel any better, in both of your lives prior to the one I'm about to give you, you were already starting to become a mental case either way, so my advice to you would be, embrace life as an eldritch monstosity, deny humanity all together»

Omega response to that was of course.

"Shees thanks, if you put it that way, then I don't have to feel bad about nuking my humanity and morality without worrying about the consequences of my actions, and the effects that it has on others and even myself, what's the worst that can happen, maybe chaos spreads, people die, I go insane, but ehhh... eldritch are mind breakers, and reality shatters by default, I guess."

«See! As eldritch entities' morale values tend to be twisted, but humans are naturally warped, so everything will be ok, therefore with that stated, here are the occupations I would recommend you choose.»

And just like that, tree occupations appeared in front of Omega; of course, he carefully looked through each of them before making a final decision. Because this was going to be a permanent situation.


❖ Hunter (evovlable): A hunter is a job for someone who hunts monsters for a living; they are a jack of all trades and master of none.

Class perk: +20 strength| +20 speed| +20 stamina| +20 durability| +20 intellect| 80% immunity to all traps| Weapon mastery: you can use all weapons at 60% mastery but no higher| Herbal vision: you know every herb in the book|


❖ Dark Merchant: They appear in every world due to their unique ability to travel from otherworldly dimensions across the omniverse, but they are truly neutral; they can't grow any stronger than level 20, but when in danger, they compensate with both quality and quantity when using their otherworldly weapons and merchandise.

Class perk: +10,000 Speed| 20,000 Durability| All stat points have a 7 multiplier until level 20| Infinite storage skill| Persuasion | Greater con| Dimensional pass-port| Treasure locator skill|


❖ Yandere: Are you sick of being cucked by other people? Are you fed up with being rejected? Are you bored of being alone all the time? Well, say no more, this occupation class is a combination of both cute and psycho, and these statements have never been more true "LITERALLY!", with this occupation you can keep track of your harem or main love interest, it doesn't matter where they are, they can be at the center of greater edge of time for all you care, you naturally can track them down, and you better believe you are going to find them, they can't escape your love, they can run but no, they can't hide, to you no sacrifice is too great if it means your romantic love interest in not harm... because by the end of it all... THEY! WILL! BE! YOURS!... they don't have a choice.

Class perk: +69 in every stat| Brave level Blade mastery: Anything below your level or five levels ahead can be cut as easily as butter| Absolute scam immunity| 90% resistance to fear| Greater fear inducement| Unique psycho meter| Most common girls feel uncomfortable and fearful around you| Guys who levels are below yours instinctively avoid you| Banker: always have creative ways to make money| Blessing of currency: You will never be broke, but it doesn't mean you can afford everything| lock picking skills| Greater stalking| 30% obsession| Otome Game choices|


Omega reconsiders his options, his gaze drawn to the Yandere class, or more specifically the «Blessing of Currency», «Lock Picking», and «Brave Level Blade Mastery». It didn't take him long to make his decision; after all, as someone with lazy inclinations, money was everything, and who cares if girls shun him when prostitutes exist? And so what if he is a touch obsessive with his women? He has been a cuck all his prior life till now, no more shall he let this destined violation stand. With the Yandere class, he will dominate all violations.

All other abilities had little relevance to him, and how horrible could the personality change be anyway, this was a bonus, honestly this thing was too kind despite being eldritch in nature, yeah +1 Rory indeed.

'Ha... Wait a second... That last comment was strange, why did I suddenly say that... oh well, it doesn't matter.'

"I chose the Yandere class, Rory."

However, the response he received was surprising.

«Wait what?»

"You hear me, let my occupation be Yandere, money is life, and I want to have a good one at that."


"Is there a problem?"

«I expected you'd go with Hunter, but everyone to his own, I suppose»

"Hunter is a worker; I want to be that one guy who works less and earns more."

«... You are an unusual one, you do know Yandere is a crazy obsessive stalker right... the sort that kills out of pure jealousy, and may misunderstand a scenario by changing the actual narrative by twisting it with the worst ending right?»

"I'm no simp lady, girls will naturally avoid me anyways, that's a plus giving my miraculous track record of being cucked 43 times, and its about time I place these girls on a tight chain, in the end, something needs to change, I wont be a full yandere, I will try to keep some reasoning, but this job class can teach me a few things, and as a plus all weaker guys won't act up before me, and best of all, FREE FUCKING MONEY FOR LIFE... LETS FUCKING GOOO. HAHAHAH!!!"


«You're different.»

"Who knows, I don't care; send me to another world, and I will rescue your child, destroy the facility, and return her, him, or whatever it is to you in one piece, while I can continue with my lazy lifestyle."

«... You know what good luck Apostle of mine, I wish you everlasting pleasure in the land of Terra, may my blessing guide you down the path of victory, and may all your desires come true, I shall wait for the completion of your mission apostle of love and fertility»

Rory sent Omega off to a new realm with those words, as a feeling of drowsiness hit him, making him drowsy, and the last thing he heard from her before he lost his sense of self was.

«Oh. I also left you a gift, the E.Y.R.P. system, short for Eldritch Yandere Roleplaying System, take this as your cheat ability, it's the strongest gift I can give, so far, you are the only person who has the qualification to use it, no one has picked the Yandere class until now, maybe you not being an otaku turn out for the better for both of us, hahaha... Have a good time.»