Michael Soden was born in Lansing, Michigan.
Michael was a 16 year old boy who never did anything with his life.
Michael was a spoiled brat from his young years to his teenage years.
Even though Michael had loving parents and a loving sister, one day they would have enough of his bull crap.
It was an early Thursday morning and they were heading to the airport to fly to Tennessee for a vacation.
Michael: "Ugh, when are we going to get there, it's been forever."
???: "Please calm down dear, we will get there soon!"
???: "Don't listen to him mom, we still have a few hours until the plane takes off anyways."
Mom: "No it's okay, Michael just wants to get there sooner so we don't have to wait."
Michael: "Exactly, at least mother knows something unlike you."
Sister: "Michael, do you ever shut up."
Michael: "I guess I don't, but you can't do anything about that can you?"
Sister: "Do you want me to do something, because your a lot weaker than you think."
Michael: "Oh, are you threatening me?"
Mom: "Hey kids, please calm down, it's gonna be okay."
The atmosphere in the car got worse and worse as they continued to argue more and more until the dad couldn't take any more of it.
The dad looked back at the kids, and yelled at them.
But at that moment, something bad happened. A truck in front of us drove out of control and before any of us could say anything, the truck hit our car and everything went silent.
Michael couldn't hear anything, he couldn't move anything and he couldn't see anything.
Michael: "Well, this is At least better than being with them."
One second turned to one minute. One hour turned to one day. One day turned to one week. It was torture not being able to do anything, maybe Michael regretted what he said, but he didn't have much more time to think about it cause randomly he opened his eyes, and there was light, but something seemed off. He saw 2 people, a man and a woman staring at him, but that wasn't the weird thing. The weird thing was that they seemed giant, but he couldn't care about that right now, he tried to move but he couldn't move, he then tried to talk but he couldn't talk.
Michael: "Wha…what's going on…"
But then the two giant people said something.
???: "Look, he's finally awake!"
The man grabs Michael and pulls him up to eye level.
???: "Have you thought of a name for him yet?"
The woman gets closer to the man and says his name out loud.
??: "Jonathan, we should name him...Anthony."
Jonathan: "Good choice as always, Eva."
Owen: "My names….Anthony???"
It took about a few months for Anthony to finally understand that he has been reincarnated and another 5 months for him to finally give in to his name being Anthony. 5 years have passed since that day Anthony got reincarnated, he still remembers everything from his past life but he doesn't seem to care.
Anthonys new family were on the poor side on life, as they only had enough money to buy 2 wooden swords. Anthony hated this, as he was still a spoiled brat but after living like this for 5 years, he got used to it.
Meanwhile Anthony and his father Jonathan were fighting outside with the 2 wooden swords.
Jonathan: "Your skills have gotten much better than when you started, especially since you started practicing with me only 1 year ago, if you continue to do as good as your doing now, you might be able to go with me on a adventure next year!"
Anthony breaths frantically as this has been the most he has exercised in a long time.
Anthony: "Yes dad, I will get better!!"
They continue to fight and Anthony almost beats Jonathan many times, but he never once finished the deal. After another 30 minutes, Eva comes outside to say something.
Eva: "Jonathan, Anthony, come on inside, dinners ready!"
Anthony and Jonathan: "YES, DINNER!"
They go inside to eat dinner but halfway through, Eva speaks up.
Eva: "So, Anthony."
Anthony looks up at Eva and says something with food still in his mouth.
Anthony: "What?"
Eva: "I have hired you a teacher to teach you magic."
Eva leans in to whisper to Jonathan.
Eva: "I know but don't you want him to live the best possible life, being able to use magic will let him have a higher chance to go to school."
Jonathan: "I guess that's true.....fine."
Eva: "So, as I was saying Anthony, I hired you a teacher to teach you magic, she should be here sometime next week."
Anthony: "Magic? I'm gonna be taught magic??"
Jonathan: "…yes you are, so be nice to her, if you aren't she can light you on fire!"
Anthony tenses up from fear.
Jonathan: "It's a joke, she won't do that…right Eva?"
Eva: "Yep, she won't hurt you!"
For the next week, Anthony continued to sword fight Jonathan, but for some reason, it seemed like he was going much harder than usual.
The week felt like it was a day to Anthony as he was excited to meet his Teacher.
Anthony: "So, she should be here any minute now?"
Eva: "Yes."
The next few minutes that were silent felt like hours, until…there was a knock.