The Emperor was a considerate person, so it was no wonder he was worried about how tired Yu Ming and Wu Jingguo were when they had just returned from the demon realm. He had previously asked the two men to rest first, but when Wu Jingguo said that he wanted to follow him to Jijing Palace, he could see how Yu Ming nodded to him as a sign that he wanted to come with him too. That was why the Emperor had no choice but to grant the request.
The Emperor's entourage departed from the Xinyang Imperial Palace at noon, and after traveling for nearly three hours, they finally reached the Pocheon District.
Xinyang Imperial Palace was located in Yeonan District, and the closest district was Pocheon District. That was why it didn't take all day for the Emperor's entourage to reach Jijing Palace, and the Emperor had already gotten out of the palanquin that carried him from Xinyang Imperial Palace.