Jake opened his eyes and let out a small yawn, while rubbing his face with his tiny chubby hands blinking in the soft morning light. As he gazed around the unfamiliar room, he felt a sense of disorientation wash over him what happened he wondered and why couldn't he remember anything. This wasn't his bedroom . Where was he and why were his memories so foggy the last thing I remembered was trying to companions from the system!?
*Ding!! Summoning of companion successful ???due to??? One companion is suffering from a debuff which reduces their rank from a tier rank of four to a rank of tier 2 ,condition is temporary and is curable*
The two-year-old toddler pushed himself up into a sitting position, his chubby little hands gripping the soft sheets beneath him. His large brown eyes darted around, taking in the strange wooden furniture and ornate decor that surrounded him.
"Mama? Papa?" he called out tentatively, his voice barely above a whisper. There was no response that's right he thought to himself I'm all alone just like my first life no parents, no pervy old uncle just me all alone.
Jake began to feel a growing sense of panic. He didn't recognize this place at all. Where were his parents was he an orphan all over again? A scared whimper escaped his lips as tears threatened to spill from his eyes.
Just then, the sound of the door creaking open caused Jake to snap his head towards the source of the noise. A tall, elegantly dressed woman with long dark hair entered the room, a warm smile on her face followed closely by one of the women he could remember entering his room earlier, one of the two nurses who watched over him.
"Ah, you're awake, little one," she said softly, approaching the bed. "Do not be afraid. You are safe here."
Jake stared at her uncertainly, his small brow furrowed in confusion. "Where am I?" he asked, his voice quivering slightly. "I want my Mama and Papa."
The woman gently sat down on the edge of the bed, her expression filled with sympathy. "I'm afraid your parents are not here, child," she said. "You have been brought to the royal palace of Tristain. My name is Duchess Valliere, and I am the one who treated you here."
Treated? Kenzo's eyes widened in bewilderment. What did she mean by that? He couldn't recall anything about being treated. The last thing he remembered was falling unconcious in his room after his attempt at summoning .
"I...I don't understand," he stammered, his lower lip trembling. "How did I get here? I want to go home!" But wait I can talk now, looking down on his body he noticed that had aged massive.
The Duchess reached out and placed a comforting hand on jake's small shoulder. "I know this must be very confusing and frightening for you, dear one," she said gently. "But I promise you are quite safe here. You have been accidentally overused your magic to summon a Familiar and the summoning ritual was actually successful - familiars are sacred companions to a young mage. It is a great honor." Especially at such a young age like you did.
Familiar? Mage? Jake's head was spinning with all this new information. None of it made any sense to him. He was just a normal little boy, with a golden cheat system.
"Where are my familiars Familiar!" he asked immediately, hot tears spilling down his chubby cheeks like a child waiting to throw a tantrum if he didn't get his way. "I want my companions! Please, I want to see them!"
The Duchess let out a soft sigh, her expression sympathetic. "I'm afraid that is not possible, right now, child," she said regretfully. "You have just summoned from their world to this world, and your fate is now tied to that of your companions But do not worry - you will be well cared for here in this room and after you recover, I promise you and they can see each other."
Jake shook his head frantically, his small hands gripping the sheets. "No, no, no! This isn't right! I don't belong here!" he wailed, his cries echoing through the chamber.
Just then, the sound of the door opening once more drew jake's attention. In walked a young girl, likely around 15 or 16 years old, with long pink hair and striking blue eyes. She was dressed in a simple white blouse and black skirt, and she regarded Kenzo with a curious expression.
"Mother, I heard crying. What's going on?" the girl asked, her gaze shifting between Jake and the Duchess.
"Ah, Louise, perfect timing," the Duchess said, turning to the girl. "This is the boy who performed the summonning ritual - a young human child."
Louise's eyes widened in surprise as she took in Kenzo's small form. "A child?" she exclaimed. "But...that's not possible! Familiars are supposed to be animals, not humans!"
The Duchess gave her daughter a reassuring smile. "It would seem this child is quite special," she said. "He has been chosen to be regardless of his unusual form."
Jake watched the exchange, his tears subsiding slightly as he observed the interaction between the two women. He didn't understand what was going on, but their words had piqued his curiosity. Familiars? What were they and what do it all mean?
Fuck ...I really regret summoning without proper preparations for it
Louise approached the bed cautiously, her gaze fixed on Jake. "So, you're his the one who summoned two Familiars?" she asked, her voice laced with uncertainty.
Kenzo nodded slowly, unsure of how to respo
The Duchess placed a hand on Louise's shoulder. "The Springtime Familiar Summoning Ritual is a sacred and mysterious ceremony, my dear," she said. "Sometimes, it chooses beings that defy our expectations. This child is clearly no ordinary child after exhausting his mana reserves and been unconscious for the past two his body grew quickly to match the required levels for the summoning ritual".
Louise frowned, her brow furrowed in thought. "But what am I supposed to do with a human child?" she asked. "I don't know the first thing about caring for a toddler!"
Jake watched the exchange, feeling more confused than ever. He didn't understand what they were talking about, but it was clear that he had been brought to this strange place against his will that was different from his usually room. He has no parents in his first life so the thought of being separated from his parents, or them not caring didn't fill him with a sense of dread.
"I want to go home," he said suddenly, his voice quivering. "Please, I want my familiars please he begged."
The Duchess turned to Jake, her expression softening. "I'm afraid that is not possible, child," she said gently. "You just woke up after summoning your first companions to this world, and your fate is now tied to that of your new familiars young master."
Kenzo felt his heart sink. "But why?" he cried, fresh tears welling up in his eyes. "I don't want trouble I just want to live a peaceful and erotic harem life I won't go home even if I could!"
Louise watched the toddler's distress with a conflicted expression. She could see the fear and confusion in his eyes, and a part of her felt sympathetic towards him. As much as she didn't understand how a human child could already summon his Familiars, she couldn't bring herself to ignore his obvious distress.
"Mother, is there really no way for him to return home?" she asked, her voice uncharacteristically soft.
The Duchess shook her head regretfully. "I'm afraid not, my dear," she said. "The Springtime Familiar Summoning Ritual is a powerful and binding magic. Once a Familiar has been summoned their bond with their mage master cannot be severed."
Jakes's small shoulders shook with sobs as he curled up on the bed, his face buried in his hands. He couldn't believe this was happening. He wanted nothing more than to be back in his own bed, snuggled up with his waifu body pillows and erotic gsmes How had his life taken such a strange and terrifying turn?
Louise watched the heartbroken toddler, a pang of guilt tugging at her heart. She may not have understood how this had happened, but she couldn't stand to see him so distraught. Hesitantly, she reached out and placed a hand on his small back, offering what little comfort she could.
"I...I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I know this must be very scary and confusing for you. But I promise I'll do my best to take care of you, okay?"
Kenzo lifted his tear-stained face to look at the pink-haired girl, his large brown eyes filled with uncertainty. "You...you will?" he sniffled, his voice small and unsure.
Louise nodded, offering him a tentative smile.
Jake felt a shiver of apprehension run down his spine. Magical adventures? Magic itself? It all sounded so foreign and intimidating to the young toddler. He wasn't sure he was ready for such a responsibility.
"But...I don't know anything about magic," he said, his small voice wavering. "I'm just a normal little boy. I don't think I can be a mage beside I always like playsing as a monk or martial artist in the games I played hell even a swordsman would do why you ask cos mages are glass cannons.."
The Duchess reached out and gently placed a hand on Kenzo's shoulder. "Do not worry, child," she said reassuringly. "You may not understand it now, but you have been chosen for a special purpose. Your bond with Louise and your familiars will help to guide and shape you, and in time, you will discover the unique powers that lie within you."
Kenzo looked up at the Duchess, his eyes filled with uncertainty. "Powers?" he repeated, the word sounding strange on his tongue.
"Yes, powers," the Duchess confirmed. "As a??!!!, you will possess magical abilities that will grow and develop alongside your familiars. It is a profound and sacred connection."
Kenzo felt his head spinning with all this new information. Magic, powers, Familiars...it was all so overwhelming. He couldn't wrap his mind around the idea that he, a simple toddler, was now expected to become some sort of magical companion.
"I don't know if I can do this," he whispered, his small hands trembling slightly. "It's all so...so strange and scary."
Louise, who had been quietly observing the exchange, reached out and placed her hand on Kenzo's back once more. "I know it's a lot to take in," she said, her voice surprisingly gentle. "But I promise, I'll do my best to help you through this. We'll figure it out together, okay?"
Kenzo looked up at the pink-haired girl, his brown eyes searching her face. There was a sincerity in her expression that he hadn't expected, and it helped to ease some of his fear and uncertainty.
"Okay," he said tentatively, offering her a small nod.
The Duchess smiled warmly at the two of them. "I'm glad to see you both are starting to understand the gravity of this situation," she said. "Now, there is much we must discuss and prepare for. Louise, you and your new Familiar have a great journey ahead of you."
Louise nodded, her expression growing more determined. "I understand, Mother," she said.
Jake felt a twinge of anxiety at the mention of their "journey" and the responsibilities that came with being a dragonkin. But the reassuring presence of Louise and the Duchess's kind words helped to temper his fear, if only slightly.
As the Duchess began to explain the details of the bond between a mage and their Familiar, Kenzo listened intently, his young mind trying to wrap around the unfamiliar concepts. It was all so overwhelming, but he couldn't help but feel a small glimmer of curiosity. What kind of powers did he possess? What adventures would he and Louise embark on?
Despite his trepidation, Jake couldn't deny the part of him that was intrigued by the idea of this new, magical world he had been thrust into. It was a far cry from the simple, comfortable life he had known back home. But as he glanced at Louise, who was listening to her mother's instructions with a determined expression, Kenzo felt a tiny spark of hope.
Maybe, just maybe, this wouldn't be as bad as he had feared. After all, he wasn't alone in this. He had Louise, and the Duchess had promised that he would be well-cared for. With their guidance, perhaps he could navigate this strange new reality and even discover the hidden powers within him.
Kenzo took a deep breath, steeling his resolve. He may not be ready for the responsibilities of being a master, but he was determined to do his best. For the sake of his own survival in this unfamiliar world, he would have to embrace this new role, no matter how daunting it seemed.
As the Duchess continued to explain the intricacies of the mage-Familiar bond, Kenzo listened attentively, his small brow furrowed in concentration. This was his new reality now, and he would have to learn to adapt. With his compan by his side, perhaps he could even find a way to thrive in this magical world.
The road ahead would undoubtedly be filled with challenges and uncertainties, but Jake was determined to face them head-on. After all, he didn't have a choice. This was his destiny now, and he would have to make the most of it.
Little did the young toddler know, this was just the beginning of an incredible and life-changing journey. The bonds he would forge, the powers he would discover, and the adventures he would embark on would shape him into a force to be reckoned with. But for now, all he could do was take a deep breath and trust in the guidance of those around him.
With Louise and the Duchess by his side, Jake was ready to embrace his new role as a Familiar and venture forth into the magical world that had so unexpectedly become his own.
As the Duchess continued to explain the intricacies of the mage-Familiar bond, jake listened intently, his young mind absorbing every detail. He may not have fully understood the gravity of his newfound role, but he couldn't deny the growing sense of curiosity and anticipation that stirred within him.
The Duchess spoke of the deep, magical connection that would form between Kenzo and Louise, and how their shared powers and experiences would shape them both. She described the unique abilities that Familiars possessed, from enhanced physical traits to specialized magical talents.
Jake's eyes widened with wonder as the Duchess described the wondrous and diverse world of magic that existed beyond the confines of his simple, ordinary life. Mages, elementals, spells, and enchantments - it was all so foreign and captivating to the young toddler.
"So, I'll be able to do magic like Louise?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.
The Duchess nodded, a warm smile gracing her features. "Indeed, child," she replied. "As your bond with your familiars grows, you will discover and hone your own magical abilities. They may manifest in surprising and unique ways, but they will be a vital part of your role as their master." Shortly after explaining everything to him the ducheness and left his room before everything went black and he collapsed.
Ryan felt his consciousness slowly returning as he began to stir. His eyes fluttered open and he found himself lying on the ground, staring up at an unfamiliar sky. The last thing he remembered was an intense magical ritual and then darkness as his body succumbed to mana exhaustion.
Pushing himself up into a sitting position,Jake took in his surroundings. He appeared to be in some kind of grassy field, with rolling hills and scattered trees in the distance. There was no sign of the ritual site or any indication of where he was.
"Where...where am I?" Ryan muttered to himself, his voice hoarse.
"Ah, you've finally awoken," a soft voice suddenly spoke.
Whirling around, Ryan's eyes widened as he found himself staring at two familar young women standing nearby. They were twins, with long, silky blue hair and piercing red eyes. While they both wore casual dresses both of them looked a lot younger then they appeared in the show.
"R-Rem? Ram?" Jake stammered, unable to believe his eyes. These were the iconic twin maids from the anime Re:Zero - a series he had been obsessed with in his previous life. "But...how? How are you here?"
The twin regarded him curiously. "You seem to know our names," the oldest - Rem - said. "How is that?" Looking closely at them rem was covered in blood and missing her horn,while ram laid on her back bleeding out from what seen like a stab wound to her stomach which was covered in blood .both looked like they had been in battle
Ryan's mind was racing. Had his reincarnation ritual and summoning somehow transported him into the world of Re:Zero? Was this all just a dream? He pinched himself, wincing slightly at the pain. No, this was definitely real.
"I...I'm not entirely sure how I know your names," he replied slowly. "But I do know a lot about you and your world. My name is jake, and I think I may have somehow ended up here by accident."
Ram , the pink haired twin in the casual dress, narrowed her eyes at him skeptically while bleeding out. "By 'accident', do you mean to say you are not from this world?" she asked.
Ryan nodded. "That's right, I'm not...I'm not from this world. I'm from somewhere else entirely. And I know things about you and this place that I shouldn't really know."
Rem tilted her head to the side, studying him intently. "You are...an outsider, then?" she said. "A foreigner to our world?"
"Yes, exactly," jake confirmed. "I'm not sure how I got here, but I think it may have been due to some kind of magical ritual I was performing back in my own world."
Ram crossed her arms, her expression neutral. "And what is the purpose of this ritual you speak of?" she asked. "Were you attempting to summon us?"
Ryan shook his head. "No well not you specifically. The ritual was meant to...well, to summon companion who join me into a new world. But I never expected it to bring me here, of all places."
"Summoning, you say?" Rem murmured, her eyes widening slightly. "How...fascinating." but I'm afraid that all the time we have left ,you might as well escape jake-san as you see we were just in a major fight and I can feel our pursurers closing escaping we will buy you time to get away
The twins exchanged a brief glance, communicating silently. Ryan waited anxiously, unsure of how they would react to his bizarre and grim situation.
Finally, Ram spoke up. "Well, outsider, it seems you have found yourself in rather unusual- commander we found the pair of Oni bitches a gravely rough voiced rang out and simultaneously we were surrounded by armed human and beast men armed with weapons of kinds.
So what have we got here lads a hero protecting damsels from the gentlemen like us aha ..hahaahahaha!!!! Cranks me up honestly get lost kid if u don't want to end a bloody smear on floor these two onis behind killed forty of my hardworking boys for playing a little joke on them, though one of em lost her horn while killing them.
I'm sorry nee-san I heard rem apologizing to ram looking closer I could see ram bleeding heavily from her forehead with no horn present there .
While I stood there paralysed by fear from the killing intent, and bloodlust which I could see and feel clearly from them,while fat beads of sweat roll down my face I could only frustration at my own weakness, when I was-
*Ding* system update completed
Summoning of companions completed
Rewards available open now Y/N
Mission updated
FIRST combat scenario
(Rem and ram are injured and no state to fight
Protect and escape with both of them)
reward :???
Rem and ram have thinned out the Bandit numbers finish them off.
Kill the remaining bandits .
6/46 left.
Rewards :1000exp
Ryan felt a wave of relief wash over him. At least he hadn't been found by some random strangers - these were two people he knew and could trusted, even if this was the first time they had actually met. And the system was finally back online he muted the notification quickly and accepted the reward from the successful summoning which contained these items which hoped would add him killing hu- stop it Jake think of them as floating bags of exp and loot not humans or people.
Opening his inventory and equping the cursed blade murasame from Akane ga kill he immediately entered the horse stance with on one hand gripping the sheath of the sword tightly and the other hand holding the hilt of the Katana he adopted the ittou Ryu quick stance as best as his amateurish understanding of the quick draw-style he could understand in a limited time.
The first three bandits that charged at Jake were at levels 1,4,6 but they were defeated almost instantly , they all received shallow slashes from Jake who despite having reached level had trouble following up with two of the bandits, the level 1 died instantly ,and Jake had to defend against a furious onslaught from the level 4 and 6 bandits respective , he struggled to cope cos he still just at level 3 and only had sworldmanship at beginner level 2,he finally admitted to himself that anime protagonists were all bullshit power creps cos most of them had no problem beating all the beginner bosses and sub-bosses alone.
Die you bastard !!! he turned around to see that 2 of the remaining bandits had sneaked an launched a pincer attack on all directions at him ,a massive crescent wind blade arced from behind him bisecting bandits from the waist up,as well svsering the sword arm of the Bandit which left open to a sweeping slash attack from Jake Katana that opens a large gush on his torso before dying from murasame curse.
Bandit 5 rushes in quickly at Jake hope to take adventure of his exhaustion which proves unwise as he is then sniped from afar with a magic icicle that rem produces before passing out her elder sister holding looking equally exhausted.
Jake sneaked look at the quest counter out of the corner of his eyes to see a counter that showed (5/6).
Quickly withdrawing three potions he took one to heal and recover hp and stamina ,before the two potions to rem and ram.
"You know for a little shirt you fight well,but I'm different compared to my boys he yelled while radiating ki and charging directly at me, using observe at him I finally saw his name and status
Krig the virgin hunter
Thought: after killing the kid I will fuck these two sluts behind after all he didn't say I couldn't touch the goods.
Seeing his stats and thought I knew that this fight was only ending 1 way with one of dead so I readied myself ;as he advanced towards me I dismissed my sword and pointed my fingers towards him in an L-shape like pistol and mouthed the words Bang!!!.
His body popoped like a water balloon that had too much pressure applied on it .
Ryan took a deep breath. "Right, we did it we won before bending over and vomitting blood and bile I actually killed someone!!
The twins exchanged another significant glance, their expressions unreadable.
Ram narrowed her eyes. " Was this your first time killing someone? she asked only for more vomitting to answer that question.
"Well, to an extent, yes," Ryan admitted. "I have never even killed another human before nor have gotten into a real fight before today.
"Hmm, interesting," Ram murmured, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "So you are an outsider who has somehow stumbled into our world, and you possess knowledge of us that even we do not have. This certainly presents...possibilities."
Ryan felt a chill run down his spine at the gleam in Ram's eyes. "Possibilities?" he echoed nervously. "What kind of possibilities?"
Rem stepped forward, placing a hand on her sister's arm. "Now, now, Ram. Let us not get ahead of ourselves," she chided gently. Turning to Ryan, she offered him a small smile. "As my sister said, your situation is indeed rather unusual. But we should not jump to any hasty conclusions."
Ryan let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you, Rem. I'm glad you're being so...reasonable about all this."
"Of course," Rem replied. "We may be oni, but we are also intelligent individuals. We understand the need for caution and prudence in the face of the unknown."
Ram snorted. "Speak for yourself, sister," she muttered. Turning to jake she fixed him with a piercing stare.
"Hmm, I see," Ram said, her expression unreadable. "Well, that certainly complicates matters."
Rem placed a hand on her sister's shoulder, gi
Rem returned the smile. "Of course. We may be onis, but we are also compassionate individuals. We will do what we can to assist you during this time of uncertainty."
Ram let out an exasperated sigh. "Very well, if that is your wish, sister," she conceded. Turning back to jake, she fixed him with a stern gaze. "However, know this, outsider: we will be keeping a close eye on you. Any sign of deception or ill intent, and you will find yourself in a rather...precarious position."
Jake swallowed nervously. "I-I understand. You have my word that I have no ill intentions whatsoever. I'm simply trying to figure out what's going on and somewhere are we going
Ram nodded, seemingly satisfied with his response. "See that you do, outsider. For your own sake."
Rem gave her sister a reproachful look, then turned to jake with a more welcoming expression. "In any case, please feel free to accompany us as we continue on our way. It would be unwise for you to wander these land.
Jake nodded gratefully. "I'd be honored to join you. Thank you, both of you."
The twins began walking, and Ryan fell into step beside them, his mind racing with a whirlwind of thoughts and questions. How had he ended up here? What was he going to do? And would he ever be able to return to his own world?
As they made their way across the grassy field, jake couldn't help but steal glances at the two maids beside him. They were exactly as he remembered them from the anime - beautiful, graceful, and exuding an aura of quiet strength. It was still surreal to him that he was actually walking alongside Rem and Ram, the iconic duo from Re:Zero.
Jake blinked, surprised by the question. "Roswaal? Well, in the anime, he's the eccentric and somewhat mysterious lord of the Mathers domain, who employs both twins his personal maids but did he really want to follow the events of cannon the outright answer was No,he didn't plan on it." Well he began Though Roswaal was responsible for taking Ram and Rem from her burning village and giving them a job as maids within his manor, after discovering that he had prior knowledge of the attack and that he could have stopped it, her rage boiled within her, and she swore revenge against him. Likewise, due to the severance of her horn and the fact that Roswaal also held the life of her sister in his hands, she was forced to enter a contract with him, making the man responsible for taking on the role of her horn by supplying her mana. She also ultimately discovered that Roswaal only took them in to accomplish his goals and saw them as tools to reach that goal more than people.
Ram nodded thoughtfully. "I see. And what else can you tell us about him?"
Jake wracked his brain, trying to recall the relevant details from the show. "Well, Roswaal is a powerful mage who has a deep connection to the Witch's Cult and their activities. He's also heavily involved in the political machinations surrounding the royal succession in the Kingdom of Lugunica. It was times like this that made him glad to an Otaku and Neet ".
Rem tilted her head curiously. "The Witch's Cult, you say? And the royal succession?" she murmured. "Those are indeed matters of great importance in our world."
Jake nodded. "Yeah, Roswaal plays a pivotal role in those events. He's a complex and enigmatic character - on the surface, he seems eccentric and whimsical, but there's a lot more going on beneath the surface."
Ram's eyes narrowed slightly. "Hmm, interesting. And what else can you tell us about this...royal succession you mentioned?"
Jake hesitated, suddenly realizing he was treading on delicate ground. "Well, in the anime, there's a selection process underway to determine the next ruler of Lugunica. Several candidates are vying for the position, and the outcome of that process is a central focus of the story."
Rem nodded slowly. "I see. And do you know the identities of these candidates?"
Again, jake hesitated. "I'd rather not...discuss the specifics of that," he said carefully. "I don't want to risk altering the course of events in your world. I'm already feeling overwhelmed by the idea that my presence here could have unforeseen consequences."
The twins exchanged another meaningful glance, then Rem turned to Ryan with a reassuring smile. "We understand your caution, outsider. You need not worry - we have no intention of pressing you for information that could potentially disrupt the natural flow of events in our world."
Jake let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you, Rem. I really appreciate your understanding."
Ram huffed, crossing her arms. "Very well, if you insist on keeping your knowledge to yourself, then so be it. But know that we will be watching you closely, outsider. Any sign of you interfering with the affairs of our world, and you will answer to us."
"Ram," Rem chided gently, placing a hand on her sister's arm. "Let us not forget our manners. Our guest has found himself in a most unusual situation, through no fault of his own."
Ram clicked her tongue in annoyance, but didn't argue further. Ryan made a mental note to tread carefully around the more assertive of the two maids.
As they continued their trek across the field, Jake couldn't help but marvel at the surreal nature of his predicament. Just a short time ago, he had been attempting to recover from the summoning ritual himself and he was in in a new world - and now, here he was, walking alongside Rem and Ram, characters he had only ever known through a TV show. Where are my familiars by the way?
"So, outsider," Rem suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence. "If you are indeed familiar with our world and its inhabitants, then perhaps you can offer some insight into our current situation."
Ryan blinked, surprised by the request. "Your current situation? What do you mean?"
Rem's expression grew more serious. "Well, as you may have gathered, our world is fraught with political turmoil and the machinations of various factions. Tensions are high, and the future remains uncertain. And both ram and required a safe haven to recover and consider our plans carefully,the initial plan was to serve under lord roosawal as his maids but after what you told us we wan-just get to the point rem ram spoke assertively we wish to serve you instead as your personal maids and should you wish to slake your I only ask that you use me instead and spare my sister , Ram!!!! rem said trying to interject but ram continue on like no one said anything."
"You do know that jake-san is a man right ? And that men tend to have lust and feelings toward especially the maids serving under them, hearing ram say all these words with nothing but a light pink glow on her white skin that if you didn't look well you would never see it.
Jake nodded slowly, understanding dawning on him. "Ah, I see. You're wondering if I might have any knowledge or insights that could help you navigate these troubled times."
Rem inclined her head. "Precisely. While we are cautious about the potential consequences of you interfering, we would not be opposed to receiving any insights or advice you may be able to offer."
Ram scoffed. "Speak for yourself, sister," she muttered. "I for one am not eager to place our trust in the hands of an outsider, no matter how knowledgeable he may claim to be."
Rem shot her sister a reproachful look. "Now, now, Ram. We should at least hear him out. After all, this outsider may prove to be a valuable ally, if he is willing to share his knowledge and expertise."
Jake felt a sudden sense of responsibility weigh on him. These two were placing a certain amount of trust in him, despite their initial skepticism. And he couldn't deny that he had information that could potentially be useful to them.
"I...I'll do my best to help, if I can," he said, trying to sound as confident as possible. "As I've said, I'm familiar with your world and the events that unfold, but I don't want to risk disrupting the natural course of things. However, if there's any way I can provide guidance or advice without causing too much interference, I'm willing to try."
Rem smiled warmly. "We appreciate that, outsider. And please, call me Rem. My sister's name is Ram."
Jake nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you both, Rem and Ram. I'm jake, and I'll do whatever I can to assist you during this difficult time."
As they continued their journey, Ryan found himself falling into an easy rapport with the twin maids. Rem, in particular, seemed genuinely interested in learning more about him and his world, while Ram remained somewhat aloof and cautious.
Still, jake couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and responsibility. He was walking alongside characters he had once only known through a television screen, and now he had the opportunity to directly influence the events of their world. It was a daunting prospect, but also an exciting one.
As they crested a hill, jake's breath caught in his throat as he caught sight of a grand, imposing manor in the distance. He recognized it instantly - it was the Mathers mansion, the domain of Roswaal L. Mathers himself. And true to himself he planned on changing which he had already began by accepting ram and rem as his personal maids.
"Ah, it seems we have arrived," Rem observed, following his gaze.
Ram glanced over at Ryan, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Well, outsider, it appears your knowledge of our world will be put to the test. Let us see how you fare in the presence of our would have been their but things had changed because they were just going to introduced themselves before leaving as fast as possible .
Jake swallowed nervously, his heart racing. He was about to come face-to-face with one of the most enigmatic and powerful characters in the Re:Zero universe. This was it - the moment of truth.
Taking a deep breath, he followed Rem and Ram as they made their way towards the grand mansion, his mind racing with questions and anticipation. What would Roswaal be like in person? And how would the eccentric lord react to the presence of this unexpected "outsider" and the loss of two capable maids in his domain?
Only time would tell.