Green eyes in the dark at night, Blue during the day. But the same face and voice, I can't be mistaken. Jamal a 19 year old teenager from Florida.
  Who is she? Where does she come from and how does she go? She is definitely not human. I have heard of ghosts and how they behave but not of a girl who wields such power and anger. She can't have multi coloured eyes that could be determined by the power of the light in her surrounding she's definitely not normal.
  "Jamal? Can you stop wondering how her eyes change there colours and come have dinner"
   "Grams, it's just so not normal I'm a guy and she's a girl. I'm supposed to be the one to rescue her and she rescued me!.
  "Please point out what is wrong with that. Jamal after what happened to your mother you should be standing on the empowerment of women. And not against it". Â
  "I know grams and I'm sorry. It's just..."
"Jamal. Not another word"
  Dinner was quiet and somewhat peaceful. Jamal was still bothered about who she was exactly but had no intentions of knowing her further.
Lightening, thunder, rain, darkelness, they all came down at once the whole place seemed to be one long road with no possible exists and her opponent was closing in fast
 *Panting* "get away from me!" She cried "leave me, let go of me please" she cried out to them. They finally caught up on her.
  "What are you going to do young lady?" He said gently caressing her hair "are you going to fight us?" He added with a wide grin on the side of his face while pointing towards his raging erection.
  "Please let me go" she pleaded. Teardrops falling down her face like water fountains. But it was too late
  "Oh my God!!!" She woke up screaming. Beads of sweat all over her body. Even the bedsheets were soaked with sweat.
  "Who are they?!" She sobbed as her mother hastily entered the room and envelopes her in her arms
   "You're having those dreams again aren't you?" She asked soothing her child
   "Yes mum. but mum? Who is she? The girl that is .." she asked raising her head up to look at her mother.
  "My dear, I wish I could tell you who she was or is but you're the only one who can see her. Try get some sleep dear you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow." She replied and with that she went back to sleep in her sweaty mess.
  "Goodnight mummy" she said
"Goodnight my love"