Chereads / In Naruto without Godmode / Chapter 67 - Chapter 67: It Could Be Sweet

Chapter 67 - Chapter 67: It Could Be Sweet

Ever since the fight with Killer B, Kannin had looked at Warai a little differently. He noticed with more clarity and detail the way she looked, the way she acted, and what she said. Kannin wasn't really emotionally able express how he felt, but he held a much deeper admiration for her than just as his friend.

Everything she did was beautiful to him: the way she looked, even in her combat uniform, her fighting prowess, her sense of humor, her laugh, her dedication and resolve, and, above all, Kannin had come to find her eyes beautiful. He had heard a number of people on the front call the Sharingan ugly or cursed, but the deep red color and floating tomoe within it were staggering. It wasn't some fetishization of its powers like what Orochimaru would come to have, but a purer admiration for their natural beauty.

The last item on Kannin's list of important things to do was ask Warai on a date, which he thought would be one of the easiest ones to do. He had fought an entire war, nearly died a number of times, sacrificed himself, battled kage-level shinobi--asking a girl out should be a walk in the park.

But no matter how confident Kannin was on the battlefield, the anxiety welling up in his head at the prospect of asking her out really worried him. His heart was pounding so hard he could feel it in his ears, and a strange itchy sensation was tickling the back of his head.

'Konoha's Tempest is reduced to a quivering mess so easily' he thought with a sardonic smile, 'if only Kumo knew my real weakness was dating.'


When he reached the Uchiha compound, he saw a number of Uchiha milling about, a couple he recognized, and few that recognized him as well. He saw what looked to be Shisui, who was around 6 years old at this point, running around. Seeing him, Kannin called out:

"Is that the famous Shisui of the Body Flicker I see?"

Shisui looked over at the voice and waved at him. Shisui was closely related to Warai, so he was around a lot when Kannin came over.

"Hi Kannin," Shisui said, "here to see Warai again?"

"Yeah," Kannin replied, "seen her around?"

"I think she got called to talk to Fugaku-san."

'Oh dear' Kannin thought

"Thanks for letting me know, Shisui." Kannin said, "Before I go, why don't you show me how good at the Body Flicker you are! You could probably teach me a few things; believe it or not I only learned it just recently."

Shisui smiled and nodded. He made a single hand seal, and suddenly dozens of transparent, flashing Shisuis appeared around him, almost glitching in and out of reality. Kannin was stunned. His depth of knowledge with the Body Flicker jutsu was beyond belief. Kannin's eyes were better than most, and he couldn't even begin to tell which one was the real Shisui.

"Wow," Kannin said, "to think you've mastered it to this degree at such a young age! Your parents should be proud."

"You think?" Shisui said, slowly canceling the jutsu with a big grin on his face.

"Without a doubt." Kannin said, ruffling the kid's hair, "Alright, I need to go see Warai. See you around."

Kannin loitered around for a while, waiting for Warai to finish whatever business she had with Fugaku. He eventually wandered to the practice field, and found a little boy practicing shurikenjutsu by himself. Kannin watched as he threw three kunai, and then three more shuriken, which hit the kunai, redirecting them at their target, hitting a bullseye. Just when Kannin thought he was finished, the boy tossed 10 shuriken in the air, and shouted,

"Fire Release: Phoenix Fire!"

Flames erupted from the boy's mouth and coated the shuriken, which then embedded themselves into the target, setting it ablaze.

'This must be Itachi,' Kannin thought, 'to think he was this skilled this young...'

"Wow!" Kannin said, "That was fantastic, kid! How'd you learn all that?"

Itachi turned around and looked at the unfamiliar man with white hair and a grey cloak standing at the edge of the practice field. He didn't look like the average Konoha shinobi, and for some reason, his complexion made Itachi wary

"Who are you?" He asked, a little threateningly, thought it really cute, like a kitten trying to roar.

With a bit of a chuckle, Kannin replied, "Don't worry, little Uchiha, I'm a friend, I promise."

"I've never seen you around here before." Itachi said suspectingly

"Well," Kannin said pensively, "that's probably because I've been off at war for a number of years. Believe it or not I used to hang around here a lot. I'm a friend of Warai's"

"Who are you, then?" Itachi asked

A smile crept over Kannin's face and, taking a superhero pose, he said with pride, "I'm none other than Konoha's own Tempest, Uzumaki Kannin!"

A look of confusion came over Itachi's face hearing his name.

'Don't tell me Itachi's never heard of me...' Kannin thought, his ego humbled.

"Stop trying to impress the kid, Kannin, he doesn't even know who you are." said a familiar voice behind him, "What are you doing here anyway?"

Itachi watched a number of emotions flash over the weird man's face, joy, worry, and few other ones, and he saw as the man visibly centered himself before he turned around. Seeing Warai, Kannin's words were caught in his throat at first, but he eventually said:

"Oh there you are!" Kannin paused for a moment, "Do you wanna go on a walk with me? There's something I want to ask you"

A grin appeared on her face, and she said, "Sure. Let's go"

They both waved goodbye at Itachi before waltzing off, leaving the boy to wonder,

'Uzumaki Kannin? What a strange guy...'