So for the last chapter we have Persian mythology as a faction and with a possibly the worse but best thing free will. For this faction you chose to be the good guy or bad guy and everything is effected from building to myth units and even Titans.
AHURA MAZDA is the good factions and focus on the group effort and developing a unified nation with other cultures.
ANGRA MAINYU is the evil faction and take what you want and the individual talent out ways the masses.
As for units it is all historical accurate but your Persian immortal are doing there name sake justice to an extent.
For your lovely Myth units you have the manticore who as the evil faction .Is a cruel sniper who applies disadvantages with each barrage but as the good faction it steals life from an enemy and then sprays a healing mist which will also cloak.
Now that we have that out the way we can move onto the. Djinn who is either Will smith or Jafar.
Next short story is if I gave this anime character a stand what would it be?