Mom really made me upset because of what she did and I had to go straight home to rest. I met my housekeeper, she was about to leave for the day and she had already prepared dinner for me according to the time table.
So I bid her well and went to freshen up in my bathroom, tired and exhausted when I got a text message from an unknown number.
I clicked on it immediately to see what it was and I saw a half body pic with the boobs all out. It was Candice, again!
She's seriously getting on my nerves!!
She also left a text.
"I don't like you but you'll surely give me what I want Mr sexy"
I blocked the number immediately and reported it.
She has spoiled my day all over again.
I threw the phone on my bed and proceeded to go down to eat the dinner my housekeeper prepared.
She's the best, really.
It was pasta!