Chereads / Auxiliary Immortal / Chapter 204 - The Journey Begins

Chapter 204 - The Journey Begins

This was already her second time making this trip, but how could anyone completely absorb the atmosphere in only a few journeys?

Soon enough the family entered Underwood City, and Minos made a quick stop at Trin's Abode to check in on Beetus and the others, as well as reveal the news to them.

As expected, the entire group was devastated, but they had already gotten used to Minos's long absences, so they got over it much faster.

The only one who wasn't here was Rubella, who was off on her secret quest that was only known to Minos.

The entire group just assumed she was off doing business in some far off place, no clue just how deep she was.

Minos decided to take a small break in the mansion, giving TInka and Rinka a chance to rest while also sending Beetus off to buy them a few strong horses, a sturdy carriage, and enough supplies to last the journey.

With Beetus off doing as Minos commanded and Rinka and Tinka resting, Minos vanished from the mansion, quickly scouting out for Rubella.

Previously, he had sent Rubella off to act as Yolan, the City Lord's son, so before he left for the Aleph Empire it was critical to check if she had everything accounted for.

Walking around the city for a while, Minos finally sniffed out 'Yolan's' location, a small gambling house where he spent most of his days.

Sneaking into the dark alleyways, Minos sneaked behind the building before climbing up to the second floor window and peering in.

As expected, 'Yolan' was there, gambling as usual with his riffraff friends, but his appearance seemed more stern than usual.

With his incredible hearing, despite the walls being thick, Minos could easily hear everything going on inside.

"What's the matter Yolan, you've been kind of off these past few days?" One of Yolan's friends inquired.

"You guys must have heard the news by now." 'Yolan' replied succinctly.

"Is this about Lefron Academy? I don't know what you're sad about, that place is filled with beauties of all sorts, not to mention they all have great backgrounds. Imagine landing one of them." Another friend said, his mouth slightly salivating.

"Are you kidding? Yolan couldn't even land a beggar, much less one of those girls." Someone else said, causing the whole room to erupt into laughter.

"Enough." Yolan said, slamming his fist against the table and causing everyone to go silent.

"What's wrong with you?" Someone finally asked, breaking the minute long silence.

"What's wrong with me? Everything, including you guys. The truth is, I came here to tell you that our friendship is over. I can't waste anymore time on people like you guys." Yolan said, stunning everyone.

"What the hell are you saying you bastard! We're the only ones who were ever willing to put up with you and now you want to dump us?"

"That's just how life is sometimes. I recommend you guys also put this childish behavior behind you if you ever want to amount to anything." 'Yolan' said, standing up and leaving the room.

"Where do you think you're going bastard, wait right there!" Someone shouted, wanting to reach out and grab 'Yolan' by the shoulder.

However before he could even get up, he was held back down by his friend beside him, his head shaking slightly as if to tell him it wasn't worth it.

Meanwhile, back on the streets 'Yolan' was walking mindlessly through the road as he considered his future direction.

Suddenly, as 'Yolan' walked past a dark alley, a hand reached out and pulled him in, so fast that the passersby's didn't even notice him vanish.

Back in the dark alley, Minos held 'Yolan's' mouth shut while pulling him into the back of the alleyway, before finally releasing his ironlike grip.

"What the hell master, what did you do that for?" Rubella gasped, the words not matching her appearance, throwing Minos off for a second.

"Sorry, I just had to make sure that you finished the swap. Anyways, did you do what I told you?" Minos asked.

"No worries, I've already convinced Helon and Yufu to give me a chance to deal with Trin's Abode by myself, so they shouldn't touch it for at least the next five years." Rubella bragged.

"Well done, I knew I could count on you. Besides that, I came here to tell you something else."

"What is it?"

"I plan on leaving for the Aleph Empire, so I won't be seeing you guys for a long while." Minos said.

"What the hell, you just left, and now you want to vanish again." Rubella said, her eyes slightly teary.

"Don't be sad, besides, you're going to head to Lefron Academy soon anyways, so we won't be able to see each other either way." Minos explained.

"I guess you're right…" Rubella said while sniffing.

"Anyways, while I'm gone, you'll be the second-in-command. While Lefron Academy is a bit far from Underwood City, you should be able to come back if there's any real trouble."

"You can count on me." Rubella said confidently, pounding her chest.

"Good, then take this, you can use it to communicate with me and the others. Anyways, I won't waste anymore of your time." Minos said, handing his small communication device to Rubella before he was about to leave.

"Wait!" Rubella said, just before Minos left.

"What is it?"

"I want to go with you…" Rubella finally said, speaking her heart.

"I'd love to, but you have other business, not to mention Lefron Academy is an elite school where you'll be able to advance your cultivation, you can't waste this chance." Minos said.

"I don't care, give the opportunity to someone else, I just want to follow you…" Rubella begged, not wanting to be abandoned again.

Sighing, Minos scratched his chin for a moment as he thought of what to say before finally finding the words.

"Tell you what, go to Lefron Academy first and once you're done, you can come join us."

"Really?" Rubella said happily.

"Have I ever lied to you?"

"Then let's seal it with a pinky promise!" Rubella said, reaching her pinky out.

Seeing her acting so childishly despite being an adult, Minos couldn't help but crack a smile, reaching his pinky out and sealing the promise.

"Then I'll see you later." Minos said, finally vanishing completely.

"Goodbye, Master…" Rubella said, her voice so low that the words barely reached Minos.

Letting out one more sigh, Minos didn't turn back, rather he increased his speed and quickly reached the mansion, relieved to find that Beetus had prepared everything like he asked.

"Boss, the carriage and the goods are ready, you're set to go!" Beetus said as he noticed Minos re-appearing beside him.

"Good job, then I'll leave Trin's Abode in you and Zatiana's hands while I'm gone. If there's ever any trouble, use this to communicate with Rubella, she should be able to come over if things ever get too bad." Minos said, handing the same device from before to Beetus.

"What is this?" Beetus asked.

"Just think of it like a Signal Talisman, but much more advanced, also, give this one to Zatiana."


"Well then, we should go, the sun won't be up for much longer." Minos said, as he called out to Tinka and Rinka who were still resting inside the mansion.

Hearing his loud voice, the two soon came out, Minos helping them onto the carriage while making sure they hadn't forgotten anything.

After double checking and making sure he had everything prepared, Minos jumped on the front of the carriage, taking the reins into his hands and giving them a strong whip, sending the horses into action.

"Take care guys, I'll come visit if I ever have a chance." Minos said, waving goodbye.

"Bye everyone, bye candyman, bye short boy, bye tall girl!" Rinka shouted, her head sticking out of the carriage window.

"Take care everyone." Tinka said, reaching out to give everyone a wave.

"Goodbye Mister Minos!"

"Take care Boss."

"Don't get lost!"

"Make sure to come back and visit!"

As the carriage left Underwood City, a cacophony of goodbyes followed behind them, filling the small family with the support needed to begin such an arduous journey.

There was only one person who didn't say goodbye, and if one was to look up into the second floor window, they would see them.

"Goodbye, Minos, goodbye, my love…" Zatiana said gently, closing the curtains as she fell into her bed, her heart having never felt so empty.