As the sun began to rise a high pitched crowing woke Raeja and Cas from their slumber, having quartered in a spare room the two had slept like rocks. As Raeja looked for the sound of the crowing Cas thought of his dream, it was a fabricated memory of life in the Ludus Lararia, just thinking of it made it feel twice as real as any memory from before the upload... Cas had noticed the longer he spent in Xternity the harder it was to remember his life before the accident, was it this way for others? Could the people he encountered have endured situations similar to his on? Thinking not he rose from the feather mattress, the ones in the Ludus had been stuffed with straw, at least he remembered them being itchy and rough, there wasn't any concrete evidence he ever actually spent a night there. Not that he was upset having fast tracked the day in and day out life of a trainee there, it was simply a bit overwhelming. Pulling on his meager equipment he watched as the lion paced the small room peeking out each of the three windows in hopes of finding the insistent crowing culprit, his persistence paid off. Outside the second window a bizarre beast came into the frame. It's body was the size of a cow, covered in feathers, it had two large leather skinned legs, a long whip like tail, sharp spurs the length of a door shined in the morning light, its head was that of a giant rooster. Cas was astonished, the mutant chicken peered through the glass at the pair before letting loose a headache inducing crow. Roaring in anger, the lion looked at Cas with an expression that implied lets go kill it. When Cas opened the rooms door Raeja bolted out navigating the maze like villa they entered the court yard.
"Where you boys off to in such a hurry this morning?" Pouring what looked like coffee Valeria wore the outfit of an adventurer today.
"Some freak chicken gave us a wake up call and pissed Raeja off." The lion was pawing at the gate, his massive claws removing splinters with each scrape.
Giggling Valeria bequeathed a nugget "Seems a cockatrice decided you guys needed an alarm, well if you want to go fight it I wont stop you. Don't let it peck you, besides being as sharp as steel its venomous."
Making his way to the gate Cas called back "I don't think Raeja's letting this slight go." Pushing open the doors the Lion broke off into a run, it was all Cas could do to keep up as the rounded the corner of the villa. Standing near a grove of lemon trees awaited the monster, its eyes full of hatred and cunning.
Character: Cockatrice
Lvl: 5
HP 500/500
"Reputed to cause the destruction of farm lands these beasts possess sharp intellect and sharper armaments"
Lowering his head the Cockatrice scratched a gash in the soil sending dirt and rock spraying into the crisp morning air. Guttural noise brewed in the beasts goozle, its eyes firmly focused on the approaching lion. Raeja stalked the foreground eagerly waiting his tamers command. Unfurling Lions tooth and equipping the bone scutum Cas prepared his strategy. Moving as one in opposite directions, beast and tamer circled their opponent keeping intent focused on the overgrown chicken. From the left, Raeja used pounce leaping into the air, jaws wide open, hungering for the foes blood. On the right, Cas used the basic earth endowment to fortify Lion's tooth, lashing out with full reach, barbed tip aimed for the monsters head. As if the bird played possum it utilized the last available seconds to spring high above the duo. Without the target separating them, the barb bit into Raeja's chest causing -50hp and slight bleed damage. Remorseful, Cas pulled the thong back, removing the barbed tip and sending a spout of blood into the air. Above, the shadow of the monstrous avian descended, spurs aimed for the kill. Enraged, Raeja rolled, evading the damage, consequentially causing the cockatrice's spurs to bury themselves into the earth. As the winged fiend fought to remove itself Raeja reached out with a mighty Regal Paw, claws digging into the feathered wing scattered plumage into the air.
Bleed inflicted another ten damage per second for five seconds as Cas rebounded his whip using whirlwind to strike the monstrous chicken in the flank
Critical hit, -50hp, enemy is stunned for ten seconds
Damaged areas flashed on the wounded beasts body. Unrelenting, Raeja rushed in, jaws finding the shoulder of the birds wing, with a powerful snatch, the lions head reared back detaching the appendage as a cascade of blood poured onto the sand. Shrieks of pain and hatred filled the air, madness overcoming the monster.
-105hp Target has suffered a debilitating wound, bleed caused for 5 damage per second for twenty seconds.
Face to face with the maddened bird, Cas discarded Lion's tooth and drew his basic gladius, protected by the bone scutum he lashed out attempting to hack the bird. Even in its weakened state the monster would not relent, powerful jabs from his beak sent shockwaves rippling through Cas' shield hand. Blocking the pecks he returned fire, causing ten to twenty damage per slash. With 55hp remaining the Cockatrice fell into a miserable state, unable to avoid the onslaught a perfectly timed pounce saw Raeja land on the birds back, surround its head with his jaws and finish it with a bone crushing crunch.
Enemy Defeated, 400exp obtained. Cas leveled up receiving six additional stat points this time while Raeja's exp climbed to 700/1500
Allocating three to strength, two to stamina and one to intelligence Cas started to examine the loot.
Material- Spur (Bronze) used for crafting
Material- Pinion (Bronze) used for crafting
Material- Cockatrice tail (Silver) used for crafting
Material- Cockatrice meat x 6 (Bronze) additional effects when cooked
Satisfied, Raeja let out a victory roar. From behind a voice called "You guys worked well together, your initial attack not withstanding, that was an excellent fight. In the future you need to take a moment longer to think about the enemy abilities, I'm sure Raeja would appreciate not being dealt anymore blows from his tamer. On the bright side it looks like you guys acquired our dinner for this trip, here's to not having to rely on bog-rat jerky to survive." Smiling, Valeria handed over a pouch. "Use this to store your materials, it can hold up to 100 items so you'll have to choose carefully until you're able to make it back to the city."
Hearing this, Cas was convinced the women was an NPC and not some misfortunate player like himself. Though, he gladly accepted the gift and placed his newly acquired goods within. "Where to domina?" Cas asked heartedly.
"Blackrock is two days walk North through the foothills of Darkridge, the journey isn't especially treacherous but we may encounter trouble the closer we get. I suggest we head out now and try not to waste anymore time with vendettas caused over sleep." Raeja snorted, disagreeing and seeming to say it was woe to any fool who dared disturb him while he tried to rest. "Now that were officially on a quest I think its time for you to start calling me Vale, now do you prefer boy or kid?"
"You cant be much older then me... Id prefer Cas though."
She said with a smile "But I am older"
"Debatable..." There was no way or reason to explain he was a transplant thirty year old in a young adults body. Best to leave that one alone.
Vale tended Raeja's wound with a salve from her pack and with Gruxe in tow the team set out. The scenery leaving the villa was storybook. Herds of long horned deer grazed the hills, crisp gusts of air caused the lions mane and vale's hair to flutter in the wind. Storks the size of men pulled humongous fish from streams and ponds. Occasionally the group would see packs of hyenas think better of approaching and set off to find easier prey. In the rear of the group Gruxe's steps would freeze his grassy footprints leaving the ice to melt in the mid day sun. Cas couldn't help but feel his spirt soar, for the first time in his life he felt free. The life he left behind couldn't hold a candle to this experience. Pondering Cas asked, "After we finish this quest, then what?"
"You'll go back to Eleutiro and he will decide if my services were worthy of his coin. That is, if we survive." Cheer in her voice almost hid the ominous words, Cas couldn't help but feel aghast at her nonchalant mention of their deaths.
"You say that like dying out here wouldn't be terrible."
On cue Vale replied, "When we die, all worries cease to matter, death is simply release from the trouble of being mortal. I find it difficult to fear a realm of everlasting peace."
Laughing Cas couldn't help but smile "I've got my doubts about that."