(The episode opens with Adam, Luke, Grey, Jay, Don, and Den entering the classroom)
Adam: I telling you this guy actually walked up to me
Den: You expect us to believe somebody didn't know about us and actually asked you out
Adam: Yup
Luke: What did you say?
Adam: I may have embarrassed him
Grey (seriously) (glasses on): What did you do?
Adam: I said sure, but he has to prepare himself and he said 'for what?' And I said 'for anything'.
Don: Poor guy
Grey (serious) (glasses on): What was the guy's name
Adam: I think he said Zayne Quarter
Grey (serious) (glasses on): He doesn't sound familiar, wait, he must be that transfer student
Adam (smirks): How daring (shrugs his shoulder) too bad, I scared him
(A woman who has red hair, brown skin, wearing glasses, white work dress and heels named Ms. Yamsere)
Ms. Yamsere: Good morning class
Everybody: Good morning, Ms. Yamsere
Ms. Yamsere (looking at the class): Everybody I have a special announcement, we are having an exchange program, a student from each class switch from a different student from our rival all boys school: Apple Valley Academy
Luke (whispers): I wonder who will it be
Den (whispers): Probably, Grey
Grey (whispers): They pick at random, not by grades
Don (whispers): Yeah, right
Ms. Yamsere (opens the envelope): And that person is (looks at the envelope) Adam
(The class are clapping)
Adam (smiles): It seems we were wrong
Grey (with glasses on): It would seem so
Don: It seems you are going on in an interesting trip
Adam: Yeah
Luke: Remember not to scare them too much over there
Adam: I'll be on my best behavior
(The boys turn around and listens to the teacher)
(The episode ends with the teacher talking)