"Damn her smileeeee. I'm melting!! Save meeee."
They got her uniform and books and went to the staff room. Teacher Kim Lan saw her students coming to the office with a new student,she went to them.
"Little Lan,she is a new student here. She had admitted before but was absent. She isn't a transfer student!" Fu Wei Wei said.
"Okay,Students go to your classroom. I'll bring this student later after sometime." Teacher Kim said.
Han Yixin and Fu Wei Wei went to their class. Before they entered the class everyone was discussing about the new student,Wu Yin. After they entered the class everyone were silent. No one talked to them since they fight very much in the school. They are school hunks!!
"Student, you're Wu Yin right?" Teacher Kim Lan asked.
"Yes I'm. Teacher can I add you in Instagram? If I need your help it will be easier." Wu Yin said.
"Yes sure! It's kmlan" Teacher Kim Lan cheerfully answered.
"I'm following you back on Instagram. I like you." Wu Yin said while blinking her eye.
"Wear your uniform and meet me outside the home room." Teacher Kim Lan said trying to hide her blush.
"Okay mam." Wu Yin said.
Everyone were busy on their own worlds. Some were still discussing about Wu Yin,if she's coming to their class or not!
Kim Lan entered the class and silenced everyone in the classroom.
"Students,we have a new student joining us today. Let's welcome her with a short applause." Kim Lan declared.
All started clapping while Wu Yin entered the classroom once Teacher Kim signaled her.
"Goodmorning everyone. I'm Wu Yin. I hope we can stay together in the classroom peacefully without any violence." Wu Yin said.
"Student Yin,you can sit beside Lin Shuang,the lady over there." Kim Lan said pointing on Lin Shuang.
"Hi,ummm, you're Wu Yin right?? oh my gosh,you got 100 plus followers. Can we add each other?" Lin Shuang said being as cute as a kitten.
"Yes,of course." Wu Yin said.
"Just a 100 plus followers. Sister Si got 15 thousand followers on Instagram. Sister Si is the best. You think you can be the School Bella just because of your pretty face. Sister Si will always be the School Bella not a random stupid who came out of nowhere!!" Zhou Bei arrogantly said.
"I meant 100 million plus million actually!!" Lin Shuang shyly said.
"What? Million?" Zhou Bei was shocked!
"Yes you heard it right!! And she is a rich lady unlike someone who acts like a noble and carries fake products!!" Fu Wei Wei meddled!
"You bitchh.!!" Zhou Bei was red as a tomato.
"Students Quiet!!" Miss Lan shouted banging the podium desk.
They sat in their respective seats and teachers came,taught and went! It was time for launch break. The bell rang as the students stormed off to the cafeteria.
Lin Shuang peeked toward sleeping Bella,Wu Yin. She clicked a picture whose sound woke Wu Yin up.
"Am I adorable when I sleep?" Wu Yin said flirtingly.
"Ummm,very much. Wu Yin let's go to cafeteria!" Lin Shuang said blushing.
"Sister Yin!!" Han Yixin and Fu Wei Wei said in unison once more.
"Let's go to cafeteria." Fu Wei Wei hurriedly said before Han Yixin could spout anything.
They went to cafeteria. All eyes were on the group of four. Wu Yin casually put her arms over Lin Shuang's shoulder.
"Sister Yin,you two look like a couple, a lesbian one." Fu Wei Wei looked at them and their height distance.
Here, Wu Yin is 5 feet 9 inch which is considered tall among girls category, on the other hand, Lin Shuang is only 5 feet 4 inch!!
Wu Yin looked at Lin Shuang from her height and smiled ,"I'll consider her as my girl then."
"Brother Yin you can't do that. You aren't a fucking gay right!!" Han Yixin said.
"Brother Han,you aren't jealous right!" Wu Yin laughed as Lin Shuang sheepishly said.