Chereads / Want to cry? / Chapter 1 - Good boy

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Chapter 1 - Good boy

"Look mom, its so cute!" A boy looking like a 12 years old was looking at a little puppy from the window

He was so happy because today his parents told him that the family would get a new member, a little dog

The adopted a little beagle, the little guy is only 3 months old

The little puppy, now with the name of Max, is going to start a new life with his loving family


2 months later

Max is starting to lose his fear towards the new house and his new family, now he likes playing and running around the house... the only thing that he fears is the stairs to the second floor

"Lets go Max, its time to sleep" Vincent, only son of the family, took Max on his arms and brought him to the second floor

Now on the second floor, Vincent left Max on the floor, letting him decide where to sleep

Max usually sleep in the great bed with Vincent's Mother and Father, but sometimes he sleeps with VIncent, he likes his new family a lot

Max start to walk to vincent's parents room, its seems that today Max is sleeping on the great bed


3 months later

Winter is coming and Max doesnt like it

On the night, he enter the bed and sleep inside where he gets warm and cozy while feeling his family around him

Today is another night for Max in his good life

Max closes his eyes and in the warm of the bed, starts to sleep


5 Month later

Max finally has a year, and now he can climb to the second floor!

His family applauded him and Max, not knowing what they are doing but still getting their feelings, got happy

He loves his family a lot, always wagging his tail while near them

Today is a good day for Max, he finally go to the second floor alone


2 Month later

Max has been a little sad, Vincent has been coming home late

Max always knows the hour when Vincent returns from school and always waits for him on the door, looking through the window

But lately, Vincent has been going out with his friends

Max is a little sad, but his father and mother are still around so he is still very happy


3 Month later

Max feels that the house is not very good lately, as he can feel the bad feelings on the air

Vincent's mother and father are having hard times and often gets in fights

Vincent, sad about this, hugs Max while trying to not listen to their shouts

"Its juts for now Max, mom and dad are going to get along again..." He talks to Max, trying to convince himself in the process

Max is very confused, he doesnt know why the house feels like this and why his family is fighting

Although confused, Max still try to cheer up Vincent, trying to play with him


7 Months later

Now max is 2 years old, its been a long time since he got a new family

Vincent parent's overcame the hard times and now are again like a happy family

Max is very happy as always, as he can feel that the house is happy again

He cant sense the tight feeling on the air again, so he is happy about it

Today Max is seated on his little bed gazing outside though the window

He went out with VIncent and played with the tennis ball, he likes to catch it and bring it back

Max is a very good boy, always happy, as he feels very loved


1 year later

Max is 3 years old

He is starting to get more energic

And like Max, Vincent also is getting more energic, taking Max for a walk more time than before

The two have a loving relationship of dog and human

Max and Vincent are very happy while playing


another year layer

Max, now a 4 years old dog was sleeping on his little bed when VIncent came to him

"Hey Max, look!" He took out a book and showed it to Max

"Look! These are your photos while growing up, you were so cute while being a puppy!" Vincent shows Max an album the family made with the photos of Max

The family loves Max so much they always take photos of him, to the point that they got hundreds of them on these years

Vincent told his parents about doing an album, which was acepted by them

Max, looking at Vincent, doesnt know what he is showing him, but he is still happy because Vincent is happy

But he still look at the printed dog curiously

'Why does he look like me' he tought for a second before forgetting it and just playing with Vincent


1 Year later

Max is now on the middle of his life, he is now a 5 years old dog

lately, Max has been sad because Vincent is not home

The parents of Vincent are worried because Vincent is hospitalized because he broke his leg

Max can feel the worry on the house, adding the fact that Vincent has been absent for more that a week... so he feels sad, often gazing outside while waiting for Vincent

'He is still not home..' Were the thougs of Max


2 months later

Today, Max was still waiting for VIncent when he saw someone from the window

It was Vincent on a wheelchair whit his mother moving him and him father on the side

Max is very happy, as he finally can see Vincent again

He jumps up and down

Vincent is also happy of seeing Max

While still not able to walk, Vincent takes Max on his legs, both are very happy while his parents are smiling


1 month later

Max is worried about Vincent, he has not been going out lately with him and he is less energic than before

Max doesnt know why

He still remember when Max ran with him, 'why is he not running anymore? did i do something bad?'

That thought makes him a little sad, but he still accompany Vincent on the day

Although sad, Max still feels loved by VIncent, so his sadness is short


2 Months later

Vincent is starting to walk again

Max is happy, as he thinks that Vincent is getting back to run like before

Max is happy at the thought of running again with VIncent


5 months later

Max now is running around, from time to time he looks for VIncent, who is standing around

Vincent still cant run like before but he atleast can walk

Vincent takes Max out very often now, he lets Max run around while he throws him some toys to play

They are happy again, although Max can feel a little sadness on VIncent

Max tries to make Vincent happy while playing with him


2 months later

Max was happily playing with a plushie on his little bed

He is 6 years old but still feels like a kid

Vincent can now walk and run a little, but still not like before

Max, being a good boy, tries to cheer Vincent up, he often brings a plushie to Vincent, offering it to him, trying to make him happy as Max always gets happy when he gets a plushie


1 Year Later

Nothing much happened this year

Vincent got a permanent injury and cant run like before, but he got accustomed to it and is now happy like before

Max is getting old and less energic, he likes to take sunbaths and look outside the window for hours

He is still happy, because as long as his family is happy, he is happy


3 months later

Today, Vincent and his parents went out together

They took the car and left Max

For Max this is normal, as they always come back to sleep with him

He is waiting while gazing outside, for his family to return 'I want to play with Vincent', those are the thoughs of Max

After a few hours, Max goes up to VIncent parent's room

They always left the TV on for Max, as they think that Max will feel less lonely with it

Max doesnt know why that thing is saying things, but he likes to sleep while earing it

"Today on recent news, a family crashed on the highway, its seems that a drunk truck driver collidede with them from the front while deviating from the road. We just got live intel of the accident, Joana i left them with you"

"Thanks Carlos, im at the accident place and its seems that the truck driver has been knocked unconsious while we doesnt know if the people of the are are alive, i will try to get more info for you"

Some minutes later

"Hello we are back, its seems that against all odds the Child is still alive but in critical state, but his parent are now gone, with a heavy heart i pray that the child can live"

"Its seems that the name of the child is VIncent, thats the only intel we have for now"

Max, listening to the TV, found a familiar name, so he lifted his head to gaze aroudn

'Vincent? i guess he is still not home'

Max, still waiting for them his family, continues to sleep


The next day

Max is laying on his little bed, surrounded by plushies gifted by his family, waiting.

'They will come back, i know, they always come back'

Max keeps waiting for his family, the people who he deeply loves


A few hours later, Max went near the TV again, not for the sound of the TV, but because he feels like he is still with his family here

"On hot news, it seems that the child who was saved from the car crash yesterday has died in the hospital, i hope that the police can catch the drunk driver and take him to the justice"

Max, not knowing what they are talking about, tries to sleep, trying to feel the smell of his family, this calm him


The next morning

Max wakes up, searching for the familiar warm only to find the bed empty

He sadly goes to the first floor and eat whats left from yesterday on his dog bowl

Max goes to his familiar bed again to wait, he lays and gaze outside, waiting for that familiar figure to enter his vision


Next day

Max is now getting hungry, and that makes him more sad

'did i do something bad? why are they not coming back?' Thats the only thing he can think

Max, still waiting, plays a little with his plushies, as they makes him feel the love of his family

After a while, Max is exhausted after not eating for an entire day

He drinks some water and goes to sleep again, this time on VIncent's bed, maybe waiting for him to be there while waking up


2 days later

For a few days, Max's daily routine has been getting up and trying to find his family

He search for them for a while and then goes to his bed

Vincent parent's bed right now is full of Max plushies that he moved to feel a little better

Right now Max hasnt eaten anything for 3 days and has been only drinking water

Right now he doesnt have much energy and almost cant climb the stairs

He sleep most of the day and while awake he waits for his family, the only ones he loves


2 days later

Max struggled to get on the bed of Vincent parents, he doesnt have more energy after only drinking water for many days

Right now he doesnt want to eat, he doesnt want to drink water... He only want to be happy with his family again...

'I hope they are alright... even if i did something bad... even if they abandoned me... i hope the are fine'

'Im sorry if i did something bad... im a good boy... im good...' Thats were the last thoughs of Max before closing his eyes which has leaked some tears

He passed out with a deep sadness that makes him doesnt want to wake up again

Only 1 weeks later was Max found. He was peacefully sleeping on VIncent parents bed while surrounded by his plushies, curled up on the place where the mother slept, only to remember a little of the family which loved him

On the bedsite table, was an album of Max, having photos from being a puppy to a grown dog, on the cover it says 'Max the good boy' surrounded by a heart and a photo of little vincent hugging Max