Chereads / Moon Valley's Legendary Farmer / Chapter 29 - 029~Viseli, The Fallen

Chapter 29 - 029~Viseli, The Fallen

"W-Wait don't attack, I'm Yvlena, the harvest guardian." the elven girl said in panic. She held her hands away from her waist to show she wasn't a threat to Viseli who stared, ready to attack at any moment.


Viseli stood almost as tall as the outer statues, long blonde hair cascading down her back and complementing her shiny bronze skin and the silver armored chest plate she wore. Underneath was a long armored skirt she had no trouble moving it, so long Yvlena could not see her feet.


The being's entire form seemed to sparkle under the light of the forest.

So this was a Titan, the esteemed servant of the gods.


Viseli snarled, pulling her spear to her side with lightning fast precision. After a moment of pacing, she turned to face Yvlena.


"How can you be the Harvest Guardian? Where is Rael?!" Viseli barked. Yvlena lowered her hands slowly, already understanding that the Titan did not know anything happening outside the Miasmatic dimension.


"You don't remember? Rael's gone. In fact, this part of the forest has been abandoned." Yvlena said slowly.


"You lie!"


"I do not, this is some kind of pocket dimension where everything's been preserved, try to leave it and you'll see what I mean." Yvlena said.

Viseli faced the path out of the forest that would take her to the next town over. She hurled her spear intending to disprove Yvlena's words but instead, the weapon struck a barrier. The pocket world rippled, shifting the appearance of the dimension.


"What the-" the Titan gasped, her spear returned to her hands in a flash of light. Viseli charged the path once more intending to brute force her way through the barrier.


She slammed head first into the barrier wall, taking a gauntlet covered fist she punched hard, but her strikes couldn't break through the energy field.


Yvlena watched her feeble attempts to pull down the barrier. Eventually, Viseli turned back to her with an angry expression.

"You!" but before she could continue her sentence, a piercing pain rang through her head like a church bell.

Viseli screamed clutching her head, from the force of sudden incursion on her mind.


"Viseli what's wrong?!" Yvlena asked, trying to approach the Titan. Viseli swung her spear, forcing Yvlena to jump back to avoid being struck by the weapon.


Slowly the world began peeling away in flakes of gold, shattering the illusion Viseli held. The Titan transformed, starting with her arms, sunkissed skin peeled away to reveal decayed, darkness infused flesh. Viseli crumpled, a horrible sound ripped from her throat as her armor began closing in on her and twisting and twisting until Yvlena was met with someone else.


Before her, was a twisted mimicry of the golden Titan Viseli. The form of the former Titan towered over Yvlena and her summons, gone was the beautiful Titan of the Elven gods, replaced with a skeletal armored being exuding miasma from every pore.


"Viseli?" Yvlena called weakly, A single glowing eye fixed itself on, her immediately charging forward.

Now this was who she was meant to fight. Viseli, The Fallen.


Yvlena jumped back, avoiding what would have been an instant kill from Viseli's spear. The being pulled back, gearing to throw her spear with the intent to impale Yvlena.


[Sprite cast Sting (01 MP)]


The system read while Yvlena was doing her best to avoid being impaled by Viseli's long spear, her summons weren't slacking. Sprite and Rabbit Knight do a combo inflicting any damage they can on the Titan.


With a sweep of her spear, Viseli knocked Rabbit Knight into some bushes leaving only Sprite to do her best to fight.

"At this rate, I won't even be able to get close enough to attack her unless." Yvlena dodged another devastating blow, the ground around her scattered as she rolled away.


[Yvlena Cast Carrot Strike (10MP)]


The beam flew across the area, hitting Viseli square in the abdomen. the creature wailed. It turned its attention from Sprite to Yvlena who stood away from it.


Viseli opened her mouth, powering up a beam of her own.

"Oh crap!"


[Viseli, The Fallen Cast Miasmic Shot]


A black pulsating beam shot forward in a display of sheer destructive force. Yvlena grabbed Rabbit Knight by the collar and dove behind the statue of Vaelindor just in time for the beam to hit.


She peeked out, gasping at the sight of singed trees and burned grass. But then she noticed an opening. Viseli, slumped forward, resting from the attack she had delivered.


"Attack!" Yvlena said running out from behind the statue. She launched her most powerful attack on the prone body of the boss.

[Yvlena Cast Carrot Strike (10MP)]


The beam struck Viseli's prone form, throwing its head back but waking the being up. The Miasmic guardian roared, calling her spear to her hand once more. Yvlena couldn't move fast enough and was met with the tip of the spear lodging into her side.


The girl screamed causing her summons to rush to her aid. before Sprite could cast a healing spell, Yvlena pulled her out of the line of the spear, they rolled onto the grassy floor landing in a heap.


Yvlena clutched her injured side, panting. The pain wasn't as intense as when the blow struck but she could still feel the dull ebb of pain from being hit.


"Yvlena you're hurt!" Sprite said.


[Sprite cast Cure (05 MP)]


The tingling sensation spread through Yvlena's pain filled side, she sighed in relief letting herself catch her breath for only a moment.


[Viseli, The Fallen Cast Miasmic Shot]


The three of them flew behind a tree, as the dark beam leveled the area. Luckily for them, their tree remained untouched.

Once again Viseli slumped forward, recovering from the beam attack and giving Yvlena and party a chance to attack. Yvlena raised her sword above her head and with new energy she didn't know she still had unleashed an attack of her own.


[Yvlena Cast Carrot Beam (20MP)]


A wave of orange energy flew from her sword, hitting the Miasmic Guardian and forcing it out of its slumber.

"If only there was something else I could use." Yvlena thought as she ran for cover. She gasped. "Spell stones." she retrieved one from her inventory that just happened to be the grass stone.


"Low Grade Grass Stone? Uh, so what do I do with it?"

A menu opened up showing her the spells she had on hand.


"Okay, so we have Bind, Drain, and Dew." Yvlena said.

"Try Bind!" Sprite said from where she was stinging the enemy. Yvlena jumped out and called the spell.



[Yvlena Cast Bind (1/5)]


Thorny vines sprouted from the ground beneath them, they shot up wrapping around Viseli's armored ankles and snaking up to bind her arms and legs, holding her still.


Viseli roared, fighting the surprisingly tough grassy binds, the being shook but was unable to free herself for the time being.

"Drain!" Yvlena called, launching the next spell on her roster.


[Yvlena Cast Drain (1/3)]


A warm green light erupted from beneath her, filling her with energy and restoring her health.


[+15 HP Restored]


Yvlena raised her sword to the sky once more, she brought it down hard unleashing her newfound power upon the Miasmic guardian.


[Yvlena Cast Carrot Beam (20MP)]


The beam swept across the area, crashing solidly into the Miasmic Guardian who was just about to unleash an attack of their own. Viseli stopped in her tracks as the force of the beam cracked her helmet revealing her face.


"Vaelindor, Selendriel, what's happening to me?" Viseli's panicked voice asked. "Why is the Miasma consuming my soul?"

The helmet afixed itself back unto her face before the Titan could speak anymore and soon she was back to ruthlessly attacking them. She broke through the binds and crossed the area with tremendous speed.


Yvlena found herself thrown back by the sharp tip of the spear, Rabbit Knight leaped to her aid but the swift movements of the Miasmic Guardian threw him back.


[Yvlena Cast Bind (2/5)]


The elven girl stalled Viseli while she ran to get check on her summon. From behind her, the being continued to rage against the grass holding her down.


[Sprite cast Cure (05 MP)]


"I don't know how much longer we can go on like this." Yvlena panted, the spear wound in her side was not a pleasant feeling, and though it was merely the feeling of discomfort and not pain. It still took its toll on her.


"Dew!" Yvelna said casting the only spell she hadn't tried.


[Yvlena Cast Dew (1/3)]


From beneath her party's feet, a patch of fresh grass grew filling them with health and mana

[The Dew Rejuvenates Your Party]

[+10 HP]



There was no time to celebrate as Viseli had broken through the grassy binds and began chasing after them. Yvlena and Rabbit Knight ran while Sprite continued to cast Sting as the only opponent Viseli could not detect.


[Yvlena Cast Carrot Beam (20MP)]


The Fallen Titan meets the attack head on, only stopping a moment to absorb the blow.


[Viseli, The Fallen Cast Miasmic Bullet]


"That's new!"

With a mystical force, Viseli shot a spray of dark energy bullets, each one hit with a loud drumming sound as they lodged in the branches of the trees all at once.




[Yvlena Cast Bind (3/5)]


"Only two more turns of this! I'm getting so close to the limit!" she said running up to Viseli and slashing hard.

The being gave a grunt of pain, wrestling to get out of the grassy hold. Rabbit Knight and Sprite attacking. Hitting with Rabbit stinger combo.


Viseli shook off the binds once more, moving her spear in a grand sweeping move that knocked Yvlena away. The girl landed hard against the ground, rolling until she hit a tree.


"Ah!' Yvlena yelped from the pain, she could feel a welt spreading all over her back but by now she had noticed something.

"The battle is almost over." she said, getting up. Her legs wobbled from the fatigue, this almost didn't feel like a game to her anymore.



[Yvlena Cast Bind (4/5)]




[Yvlena Cast Drain (2/3)]

[+15 HP Restored]


[Yvlena Cast Carrot Beam (20MP)]


With everything she had, she attacked the Miasmic guardian with the time she had left. Viseli's fighting became more erratic signifying the last ditch effort to win the battle but Yvlena was not one to give up so easily.


She used the final bind spell to hold Viseli in place while she delivered one last hit.


With a great yelp, Yvlena swung her sword in a great arc, releasing her finishing move.


[Yvlena Cast Carrot Burst (50MP)]


A homing beam shot out of her sword in the shape of a great orange carrot. The projectile flew toward the Miasmic Guardian held only in place by the grassy magic of the spell stone.


The impact is enormous, the blowback of the rough winds is enough to send the party running for cover behind the great statues of the elven gods. Viseli gave a final visceral scream before she fell to the ground twitching.


"Viseli." Yvelena whispered from her hiding place. Hesitantly she approached the being who laid on the ground twitching in agony.

"Please, tell Rael I'm sorry." Viseli said. A single tear trickled down her cheek. Yvlena grasped her cold hands.


"I'll tell him. I promise." Viseli wheezed, closing her eyes and accepting her defeat. Her body is enveloped in a burst of light, rapidly dissolving and melting away into flakes of the light. Yvlena gasped, the hand in her own was suddenly replaced with a key.

The ground rumbled.


[You Have Defeated the Miasmic Guardian, The Realm is Unstable Please Return to the Entry point]


"The pocket dimension is collapsing we need to hurry!" Yvlena said, grabbing a limping Rabbit Knight in her arms and running straight for the temple. Behind her, a massive crash could be heard as the dimension began swallowing itself up.


Darkness fell over the temple and only with the Fairy torch was Yvlena able to light her way through. The Miasma follows, choking her with its oppressive force. It tried to swallow her the way it did to Viseli, tugging at Yvlena's arms and legs.


"Ours, ours, ours!" the ghostly wails whispered.


Yvlena gasped for air, struggling against the darkness trying to suffocate her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she reached the statue of Seledriel, Yvelna fought to get closer, dropping her torch. She groped the darkness for a flower any flower just hoping she would reach the ever Bloom.


She heard Sprite's yells, for her to hurry, while Rabbit Knight fought by her side to grab hold of the torch.


[Rabbit Knight Has Been Dismissed]

[Sprite Has Been Dismissed]


A fearful yell escaped her, now she was all alone. Her summons, now gone for their own safety.


Finally, she felt it, her fingers brushed against the petal of the Ever Bloom. A choice appeared before her.


[Return to Bloom Forest's Forgotten Depths?]

(Cannot Undo)



"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She sobbed!


In a flash of light, she's gone.