Our tongues are surprisingly the strongest muscle in our body yet it can do the most damage . Words are sometimes the most beautiful things but at the same time it can be one of the worst things . Words when not chosen correctly can hurt others deeply and in return can make us have regrets after we uttered them . We are all human so sometimes we speak words that are not the most kind , sometimes it happens without us even realising it . Once we utter those hurtful words to others it is impossible to take it back since it's already been uttered . The way we use our words can determine the condition we put others in . Our use of language can also determine the condition we put ourselves in . For example : Whenever we think about bad things it affects everything negatively, our thoughts affect everything we work towards . Similarly if we speak good things to others or ourselves then the outcomes are good . If we decide to speak badly about or towards others then the outcome will be bad . When I think about a glass I think about the fact that it can shatter easily . Glasses are fragile and needs to be handled with care . If pressure is asserted on a glass then it won't last . The glass might slowly crack and if the pressure is persistent then it might end up shattering completely . Broken glasses cannot be fixed back to the way that it was . Whether you try to glue it back or any other solution won't fix it . You won't be able to receive the same capacity or helpfulness out of it . What if our tongues were made of glass ? I think we would all be cautious since it's our tongues and we knowĀ about the characteristics of glass . We would treat it gently and take care of it . We would be vigilant on what we feed it or what others feed it because of fear that it can get hurt and if it gets hurt then it will break . Broken glasses cuts deep and wounds take time to heal , some wounds don't heal at all . If all our tongues were made of glass we would be more mindful of our words towards one another . Words can build a person up or it can destroy them completely . After all glasses are unique and has a purpose . Most glasses are see through but sometimes in life we fail to see through the hearts of others , we cannot see what they endure and the problems they have . Sometimes we see glasses in many different colours and choose to judge . In reality we should always be kind and speak words of kindness to ourselves and others . Nobody wants to feel unloved or get hurt by anyone and in the same way we shouldn't hurt others but love them instead . People often need to hear words that they do not hear from others . You never know the impact your words have on people . If we have nothing good to say in life then we shouldn't speak at all . Rather give someone a genuine compliment and motivation and see how that "glass tongue" becomes even more durable,strong and shinier . Polish someone's glass tongue and make it shiny . It takes nothing from you to leave a spark on someone's glass tongue . Due to your actions you might then receive it from someone else , what goes around always comes around . In return you'll receive words that are beautiful and words that will make you feel good . Words that helped you continue when you felt weak , as if you could shatter in pieces at anytime . Glasses build each other up and if you were to modify your tongue in any way .... make it a glass tongue . Help build yourself up by building others up . Glass tongues are worth it when it's taken care of .