"Are you sure this thing can make it to Stanford in California? That's nearly five thousand kilometers across the entire United States," Tommy said, standing in front of the Chevrolet Corvette C2, which had been covered in various graffiti and had its original color obscured. His tone was somewhat uncertain as he called out to Tony, who was giving the car a final inspection under the hood.
Tony lowered the hood and looked at Tommy, "You can trust my skills; Mr. Anderson said I'm fully trained."
"It's not you I'm doubting; it's this car. A '63 Stingray, older than both of us. I did imagine driving across America by myself, but I never thought it would be in a car like this," Tommy said hesitantly as he circled the graffiti-covered car.
The car was a gift from his family to prepare him for university, and according to Tony and his father, a man should drive a high-powered sports car to cross the United States and arrive at his dream university for enrollment.