Chereads / Title Bearers / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Two Sides

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Two Sides

----narrator POV----

Somewhere nobody knows. A shady gathering had taken place. Nobody knows where and what comes when; Enemies and allies, neutral and the indiscriminate. All have come to witness the rousing of these ancient dwellers. What is good, what is evil? Everything is all the same. "We must purge these threats at once!"

Here are thoughts carrying a will for them and what they value for fear is omnipresent in the moment of birth. The stillness of the mountains, the torrential rainfalls, the thick mist that hides the truth and the suspense killing the hour reigned over these disfigured demons. The promised day has passed and the wait must have gone in vain.

But no, it hasn't ended yet. The mist worked its way in their organs as they unknowingly inhale its poisonous components, 'you reject my initiates like you reject a blessing for fear of them. Now, you will pay for it dearly!' A voice thundered over the land as the skies cleared, revealing a peaceful forest.

Each rose in high alert, no comrade to be seen, no enemies to be heard of but they were all there. They were there but they weren't. It was a fitting punishment granted by the voice that departed a while ago. Each called for his own and gained no answer in return. Only then have they realized their miserable curse, to be a phantom and with no way of ever being seen again, for that of which had given them their trial left no trace of their trail.

All that had been sent were never heard of again and by this time, the authorities are eating away their patience for a wait that doesn't seem to end. 'What! They just disappeared? But that is highly illogical."

Estinto, one of Anaphrea's publishers had sent his forces to intercept the awakening of 'The Ancient Dwellers' together with the forces of another publisher, Schwig, one who serves 'The Magical Author. Estinto tooled on a helicopter; face contorting to a lurid frown, and preparing to lord his staff in a mad cap of desperation.

The messenger slightly cringed, 'be… before they disappeared sir, I heard the 'Madam's' voice. Co… could she have punished them for trying to kill your co publishers sir.' Before Estinto could reply, the pilot called to him, 'Sir, Lady Anaphrea is on video call.'

The mention of the name brought Estinto in a state of guilt which grew to embarrassment when he realized that his mistress might have heard about his plot.

He brushed his dishevelled, blond hair and fixed his business suit before switching for the monitor. Anaphrea's masked face appeared on the screen, hiding her expression but was evident by the way she spoke, 'The Madam has come to me, I'll be awaiting for you to report back to me at once, no delays. As for your staff and Schwig's, the Madam is quite adamant on teaching you a lesson or two was what she had told me.'

Anaphrea had never raised her voice, never but her speech hinted that of concern despite their misconduct. The monitor went blank and the helicopter turned back swiftly for the Anaphrean headquarter deep within the vast nature reserves of the jungle.

The helicopter hovered over the trees while Estinto lowered a rope for him to descend while the messenger fidgeted with nervousness, 'Sir, if I may be so bold as to ask of whatever may have happened to my brethren?' The messenger backed in response to the twitching of Estinto's ear, suggesting his irritation for the delay. Estinto, however, trapped his face with a slap from both arms and forcefully rubbed it downwards, revealing the red in his eyes and sighed. 'What was your name again?'

'Um, Li… Lino sir,' the messenger said as he straightened his pose.

'Right, Lino. Have you forgotten who it is that we serve?'

'Even if my carelessness put your brethren in a situation we can't help, do you suppose our Lady Anaphrea will just sit idly while you remain distressed and alone?'

'No, no. Our mistress will not. I apologize.'

'Good, now, excuse me.' Estinto dropped to the jungle as the helicopter departs, the messenger peering at him with a new light in his eye.

A temple lies in the middle of the jungle, vines decorating its very walls and wild animals acting like domesticated ones as they flock around it. Estinto stilled his emotions, calming his nerves and presented himself before the flock of animals or more directly, their mistress who is busy grooming the animals near the river.

She wore simple everyday clothing which is composed of a loose t-shirt and a basketball short, hair tied back in a ponytail. [Very light clothing is certainly a comfortable wear but this is a jungle. Insects and animals roam it, ready to harm her any minute. This is very worrisome.]

Estinto's forehead was knitted in a wrinkle as he thought of the horrific possible harm that may come upon his mistress. She turned briefly before cleaning herself and making herself comfortable on a nearby tree trunk jutting out like a stretched vein, 'you are concerned that the authorship of the mortal man will clash with my peaceful and harmonic endeavours.' It was not a question but a mere observation derived from Estinto's obvious obsessive loyalty and absolute regard for his mission.

Estinto grovelled before Anaphrea but no words were spoken. Anaphrea stood up, her back facing him, 'You hold yourself responsible for your lost comrades. You and the Madam are just the same, both having a caring heart. She, however, is but a subconscious of the world, a human sentience to be exact.'

Anaphrea headed for the temple and Estinto followed with silent steps. Finally, they reached the titanic, 20 feet door which glittered with gold and an image of a jaguar and a human were carved on each side, trees and birds above them to the serene and stormy skies leading to the darkened space of the universe.

Anaphrea positioned both palms on each door but seemed to push and push without much progress. This much is known to Estinto for even if their mistress have lived for thousands of years, she may as well be a normal human considering her physical appearance and strength. He moved forward to gesture that he wanted to help and Anaphrea moved to allow him whom he surprisingly accomplished by using his 'Title'-given abilities. He summoned a flute into existence and commanded the door open with a musical note.

'Why do you not speak to me, Estinto?' Anaphrea asked in a solemn tone while remaining behind him.

Estinto did not expect such questions from his mistress so he thought quickly, [why could I not bring myself to speak before her? Why did I never so much as speak a single word when it is she?] He could not find any reason to answer with but someone from the inside filled him in, 'For he acted against the original mission. However, he does not acknowledge the fact that he had done it for the sake of the mission itself.'

There was a movement in the darkness but soon after, the fireflies inhabiting the pillars were lit and a woman in her twenties crossed her arm or so what her appearance may show.

'Arte and I have been waiting. Do you want to have an appointment with my clinic, Estinto?' After that, the woman dressed in a nurse outfit left for another opening which led to a conference room.

'Medikai,' Estinto frustratingly whispered to himself.

Anaphrea got her answer so she went ahead saying, 'Medikai is such a gentle one as always, you will be at peace if you consult with her.'

'This is my solution for your comrades. Complete your mission and Madam will surely bring them back.' Anaphrea gave to Estinto a book with a title 'Estinto', his mission. The book is written with a certain mission whom he is to accomplish and if he does, the written mission will disappear making the book blank. He will then return it to Anaphrea until further notice.

He made his way out, ignoring the meditating figures of Medikai and Arte who never said a word upon their arrival. When he was out, he stretched and suddenly a figure zipped past him and is already inside shouting with urgency, 'Anaphrea! What happened with Madam? Is she… Is she...' And then he was cut short by Anaphrea's surprised Question, 'Magi?!'

Estinto just looked back with a frustrated look on his face and then he clutched on his hair with both hands while running to the jungle. He screamed and screamed until he reached the spot where the helicopter would drop a rope for him. 'Why do all authors except Anaphrea put me on edge?'

Meanwhile, Magi checked and triple checked Anaphrea before collapsing on a couch when he realized she wasn't hurt. 'I came here as fast as I could when I heard what Schwig and Estinto had done. Madam really values her initiates; even I don't want to face her wrath. I'm so glad she didn't go berserk and attacked you.' The lean, pointy eared and masked magical author still had trouble breathing but he calmed the instant Anaphrea pulled him to a hug.

'Come now, we were once her initiates as well. I'm positive that Madam has no intention at all of harming us.' Magi hugged her back in a tight embrace, 'you were always very calm and understanding, Anaphrea.'

He was a little taller than Anaphrea but a little younger in appearance. He wore a cloak to hide his appearance from human satellites or any prying individuals along the way. A few moments later, Anaphrea tapped him for release, 'your people will have been in a frantic act of stress by now.'

'Oh right, It was nice meeting you again. I hope we could meet at an earlier date but hopefully, not for stressful reasons.'

After his departure, the communication statues in the room simultaneously rang and echoed all throughout the temple. Arte and Medikai had their ears twitching as well, their meditation disrupted thrice in a row by emotionally driven males.

'Medikai, could you go and inject those frantic, panic-attacking publishers of Lord Magi with 5 doses of sedatives so that they can learn to be peaceful or I'll go myself and arrest them for public disturbance!' Arte could not take in her ears the loud race in which the people in the other end of the line had spoken.

Anaphrea on the other hand had fallen to sleep, earning the envy of the two who waited for her to discuss the return of the mortal author.


author- first order Title Bearers who were never killed or have killed another player.

Publisher- 2nd order Title Bearer who killed at least 5 players or have been killed 5 times.

ancient dwellers- they are Title Bearers who were neither killed nor got killed. They just log in irregularly but still very popular to the masses. Therefore, having more advantage over most players.