Chereads / Medical Terms [Intermediate] / Chapter 32 - Lethargy

Chapter 32 - Lethargy

lethargy ; letharg.forgetful.drowsy+y.n

leukocyte ; leuk.white+o+cyte.ball.cell

leukocytopenia ; leuk.white+o+cyt.ball.cell+o+pen.lack+ia.n

leukocytosis ; leuk.white+o+cyt.ball.cell+osis.abnormalstate

leukoderma ;

leukopenia ; leuk.white+o+pen.lack+ia.n

leukoplakia ; leuk.white+o+plak.flat+ia.n

leukoplakic vulvitis ; leuk.white+o+plak.flat+ic.a / vulv.vulva+itis.inflammation

leukorrhea ; leuk.white+o+rrhe.flow+a.n

levater palpebrae superioris muscle ; lev.lift+at+er.thing / ( palp.touchsoftly+e+br.tool+ae)eyelid / super.upper+ior+is / mus.mouse+cle작.little

levator ani muscle ; lev.lift+at+or.n / (an.ring+i)anal / mus.mouse+cle.little

lichenification ; lichen.ringworm+i+fic.make+at+ion.n

ligament ; lig.bind+a+ment.n

ligament of ovary ; (lig.bind+a+ment.n) / of / (ov.egg+ary)

ligament of Treitz ; lig.bind+a+ment.n / of / Treitz

limbic lobe ; limb.edge+ic.a / lobe.leaf

linea alba ; linea.line / alb.white+a

linea terminalis ; linea.line / termin.boundary+al+is

linear accelerator ; line.line+ar.a / ac.toward+celer.quick+at+or.thing

lingual branch ; lingua.tongue+al.a / branch

lingual root ; lingu.tongue+al.a / root

lingual tonsil ; lingu.tongue+al.a / (ton.stretch+sil)

lipase ; lip.fat+ase.enzyme

lipoma ; lip.fat+oma.tumor

liposarcoma ; lip.fat+o+sarc.flesh+oma.tumor

liquid connective tissue ; liquid / con.together+nect.tie+ive.a / tissue

lithotripsy ; lith.stone+o+trips.rub+y.n

liver-spleen scan ; liv.slimy+er.thing / spleen / scan.scand.climb

liver ; liv.slimy+er.thing

liver cirrhosis ; liv.slimy+er.thing / cirrh.tawny+osis.abnormalstate

lobar pneumonia ; lob.lobe+ar.a / pneumon.lung+ia.n

lobectomy ; lob.lobe+ec.out+tom.cut+y.n

lobular pneumonia ; lob.lobe+ul.little+ar.a / pneumon.lung+ia.n

lobule of auricle ; lob.lobe+ul.small+e / of / auri.ear+cle.small

lobule of liver ; lob.lobe+ul.little+e / of / liv.slimy+er.thing

lobule of mammary gland ; lob.lobe+ul.little+e / of / mamma.breast+ary.a / gland

lobule of testis ; lob.lobe+ul.little+e / of / te.tri.three+st.stand+is

lochia ; loch.childbirth+ia.n

longitudinal muscle layer ; (long.long+i+tude.n)+in+al.a / (mus.mouse+cle.littlething)muscle / (lay.lay+er.thing)tier

loose connective tissue ; loose / con.together+nect.tie+ive.a / tissue

lordosis ; lord.bentbackward+osis.abnormalstate

low forceps delivery ; low / ( for.warm+ceps.take) / (

lower extremity bone ; low+er / ( ex.out+ter+em.most+ity.n) / bone

lumbago ; lumb.loin+ago.n

lumbar nerve ; ( lumb.loin+ar.a) / nerve

lumbar plexus ; ( lumb.loin+ar.a) / ( plex.fold.plaiting+us)

lumbar pucture ; LP, LMP ; lumb.loin+ar.a / punct.prick+ure.n

lumbar region ; lumb.loin+ar.a / reg.rule+ion.n

lumbar spine segments ; L1-5 ; lumb.loin+ar.a / spine.backbone / ( seg.cut+ment.n)+s

lumbar vertebra ; lumb.loin+ar.a / ( vert.turn+e+bra.tool)backbone

lumen : lumen.light.opening

lung biopsy ; lung /

lunula ; luna.moon+ul.small+a.n

lupus vulgaris ; lupus.wolf / vulg.multitude+aris

luteinizing hormone ; LH ; lutein.yellow+iz.make+ing.a / horm.urge+one

lymph node ; lymph / node.knot

lymph node biopsy ; lymph / node /

lymphadenectomy ; lymph+aden.gland+ec.out+tom.cut+y.n

lymphadenitis ; lymph+aden.gland+itis.inflammation

lymphadenopathy ; lymph+aden.gland+( path.suffer+y.n)disease

lymphangiography ; lymph+angi.vessel+o+graphy.picture

lymphangioma ; lymp+angi.vessel+oma.tumor

lymphangitis ; lymph+angi.vessel+itis.inflammation

lymphatic capillary ; lymph.nymph.bride.clearwater+atic.a /

lymphatic tissue ; lymph+atic.a / tiss.tex.knit+ue

lymphatic vessel ; lymph.nymph.bride.clearwater+atic.a / vess.vas.vessel+el.little

lymphocyte ; lymph.nymph.bride.clearwater.lymph+o+cyte.sack.cell.ball

lymphocytopenia ; lymph+o+cyt.ball+o+pen.lack+ia.n

lymphocytosis ; lymph+o+cyt.ball+osis.abnormalstate

lymphogenous metastasis ; lymph+o+gen.produce+ous.a / meta.moving+st.stand+as+is.n

lymphoma ; lymph+oma.tumor

lymphopoiesis ; lymph+o+poies.form+is.n