She didn't nod or answer him vocally but took the collar up immediately. He held up a hand to stop her, seeing what she was about to do.
"Do you need anything before we begin? A glass of water, to use the bathroom, anything?" He asked.
She shook her head and finished her movement. She placed the collar around her neck and snapped the clasp into place behind her head. It fell against her neck like a loose choker, settling at the base where her collarbone met her throat.
"I understand, sir." She looked down to the floor as she said it, averting her gaze.
Their first session had officially begun.
"Are you familiar at all with slave stances?" Arthur asked as he stepped around behind her.
"No, sir." Selene answered, her eyes still on the floor.
"Then let's begin with those basics." Arthur's voice assumed that tone that caressed her ears. "I'm going to teach you three poses. If you fail to follow instructions, I will spank you and then reposition you myself. After you've learned them, I expect you to assume them whenever I give you the command. If you fail to assume them properly or immediately, I may use it as a cause for further punishment. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir."
"The first position is called 'kneel.' It is the position I want you to assume whenever I tell you to kneel without any further direction." Arthur started. "First, I want you to stand and face me."
Selene was surprised, but she obeyed, in the order that he stated it. She stood up, turned around, and then lifted her eyes to look up to him. Their gaze met for a moment, and she could see his eyes were more formidable than they usually were.
His gaze was unyielding, and he was unapologetic for the weight of it as it swept from her feet to her eyes. She felt as though she were naked, though she knew the clothes she wore were modest. She looked back down to the floor.
Arthur surprised her when he reached forward, took her chin between his thumb and forefinger, and lifted it back up until her eyes met his gaze once more. He was closer now, and although she half-expected him to laugh at how small and bare she felt, he didn't.
"Do as I do." He said simply as he lowered himself to his knees. "Sit with your legs beneath you, knees together, butt on your heels, toes pointed behind you, your back straight, head forward, eyes down, palms down on the middle of your thighs."
She sank down with him, following his example and his instructions as quickly as he spoke them.
"Perfect." That piece of praise, spoken in that tone, swept a chill down her spine.
"Next is Nadu." Arthur spoke as he spread his knees apart and adjusted his stance.
Selene's eyes lifted slightly and stopped on his crotch.
Arthur's voice caused her to lift her eyes to his for a moment and then look at what he was doing. It was the same position, more or less, but now the palms were face up, and the knees were spread. She took the position with a little more difficulty, but she held it nicely once she moved her skirt.
"Very good." Arthur nodded once more. "And what is the name of that position?"
"Nadu." Selene answered.
There was hesitation in her voice that Arthur assumed came from uncertainty about the origin and the meaning of the word. She would learn its source in time, but now was hardly the time to give a lesson in the various sub-culture impacts science fiction could have.
"Correct." Arthur nodded. "The next is called display." At this, he rose to his feet and stood with his legs apart. Then he lifted his hands and placed them so that his fingers were resting behind his head as though he were laying back, although he stood tall.
Selene did the same, finding this the easiest of the three poses and almost confused as to why it would be considered a submissive posture. Then she realized that it would live up to its name when naked, displaying her to him with no obstruction to his gaze.
"Display." She repeated, which brought a slight smile to Arthur's face. She learned quickly.
"Good girl." Arthur praised her again. "Now that I've shown them to you, and you've learned them. You are going to practice them a little bit. Stand here." He pointed to the space directly in front of him after he stepped back a step. It gave her a wide furniture-free area with which to work. "And I will watch from here." He said as he moved to the nearest corner-seat of the sofa and sat down.
Selene stood in the center of the room and looked at him for some signal, some command to begin. For a moment, he simply looked at her. That gaze was one she wasn't used to seeing in his eyes. Arthur was her friend. Arthur was safe. She knew that as easily as she knew her own name. He would never do anything to hurt her. Yet there was a look in his eyes now that bespoke a hunger. Was it always there? Had he just been very good at hiding this part of himself from her, from everyone? Or had she created it by offering herself to him like this?
She didn't know, but the questions her mind was asking her to answer increased with every moment he failed to speak.
Selene dropped immediately into the position, almost in relief, but still trapped in his gaze, keeping her eyes on his.
"No, that is not correct." Arthur shook his head.
She took a moment to look at herself. She was sitting with her knees together, just as she had before.
"Where do your eyes belong?"
She looked up at him for a moment and then immediately looked down to stare at the floor a few inches in front of her knees as she had before.
"Correct." She could hear the smile in his voice, even if she couldn't see it, and immediately felt pleased with herself for having pleased him.
"Now stand up." Arthur instructed as he stood up too.
Selene obeyed.
"Put your hands on the coffee table."
Following that instruction, she bent at the waist and placed her hands on the coffee table that came up to just below her knees. Arthur's hand came down in a swift spank on her left cheek that caught her by surprise. She gave an involuntary squeak that drew a smile onto his face.
She moved quickly and retook the kneeling position, opened her legs, and turned her palms over.
She closed her knees and placed her palms flat against her thighs.
She rocked backward and up to her feet once more and stood once again with her hands behind her head.
"Feet apart." Arthur corrected as she immediately moved to correct the pose. His palm struck her right cheek this time and rocked her forward a little bit.
She assumed it correctly this time.
She stood back up. Her heart was beating faster now, whether from the movement or the excitement. Her clothes were still on, but the situation made her feel naked. She felt vulnerable beneath his eyes as he watched her with interest. She could feel the leathery collar against her throat and knew its significance. Tonight, she was his play-thing, there to please and serve him - even if he had to teach her how.
She dropped to her knees again and took the pose, this time with her chest thrust forward a little more than she had before.
"Back straight. You don't need to try and improve the size of your breasts in my eyes." Arthur shook his head.
"I know Lori had-"
"Lori's breasts are not your concern. Yes, they are larger than yours, and no doubt she told you of my fondness for them if she told you everything else that we did, but you are not Lori - and you do not need to compare yourself to anyone. You are my slut - you are who you are, and the only person you need to concern yourself with is me. Do you understand?" Arthur's voice had that tone again. He was not offering her an argument or any false compliments. He was telling her how things were and how they needed to be.
She understood, and she would obey. She was a good girl.
"Yes." Selene answered.
"Yes..." Arthur led her, and she followed.
"Yes, sir." She answered.
"Good girl." Arthur nodded. "Once more, stand and put your hands on the coffee table." She quickly and obediently moved into the position.
Arthur spanked her twice this time, once on each cheek. To her surprise, he groped her breast through her clothing while he did so. She felt herself respond to it as her nipples started to press against the fabric of her bra.
She practically jumped and took the pose.
She dropped back to her knees and spread them for him.
Arthur took a step forward and stopped when his foot was on her skirt between her thighs. It pulled the skirt from her waist a little, though her shirt still covered the waistband.
She knew what would happen when she stood, and she obeyed. Her hips rose as her legs lifted her off the ground, but the skirt stayed trapped beneath his shoe. It rolled over her hips and down her legs and fell to the floor in a heap. Her shirt did not cover the bottom of her panties, and it covered even less as she raised her hands and placed them behind her head just as the pose demanded.
"Good girl." Arthur's eyes stayed on hers. Her breath caught a little in her throat, and she took a deep breath in, trying to calm it. "Now that you've learned those positions, I may call on you to take them at any point this evening or in our other sessions. You may want to practice the poses between sessions, as I will be adding more each session until you have learned all the poses I wish you to learn."
"I understand, sir."
He left the second half of the phrase off this time, and she noticed. The term was not a familiar one coming from him, and coming from anyone else, she would have been angered by it. In this context, coming from him in this place made her feel warm and happy in a way that she couldn't quite explain.
"Have you ever been naked, totally naked, in front of a man before?"
"Yes, sir."
"Even when not in bed, or leading to it?" Arthur asked.
Selene paused. "No, sir."
"Do you feel vulnerable without your skirt between us?" He asked.
"Y-yes, sir."
"Step out of it," Arthur instructed. It pooled around her feet in a pile of brown against the beige carpet. She stepped her pale legs out of it, choosing to step to the side rather than back toward the bedroom or closer to Arthur. "Pick it up, fold it, and give it to me."
She looked at him for a second. The command wasn't what she'd been expecting. She thought he'd tell her to remove the rest of her clothing. She imagined nudity was mandatory and immediate, but Arthur was letting it happen slowly. Did he not want to see her naked? The question came unbidden and yet refused to leave her mind unanswered.
He saw her hesitation. "Pick it up." He repeated.
She looked at him for a moment and then bent forward toward him and picked it up.
"Fold it."
She took it by the waist and brought it out, displaying it for the two of them as she then folded it in half and then folded it in half along its length.
"Give it to me."
She added a flourish of her own as she laid the skirt across both of her hands and bowed forward to present it to him. It was a bit of initiative on her part that did not go unappreciated if she could judge by the smirk in the corner of his mouth.
Arthur took the skirt from her and walked away.
She almost followed him but decided after leaning slightly forward to take the step that she would remain where she was. She watched him as he walked around the coffee table, into the dining room, and then turned into the kitchen. She leaned the other way and watched as he placed the skirt directly on top of the refrigerator.
Why had he- oh. Selene realized it at the exact moment he wanted her to. It was the only place visible in the apartment that she couldn't reach, but he could. She would have to pull a chair over to the fridge to get her clothing back, or she would have to ask for it back, or he would have to give it to her. It was a small, almost silly gesture but sent an unmistakable message: He was in control.
Selene felt her body respond without any conscious thought or reason, and she felt even more ready as his eyes raked her alabaster-pale legs on his return. Her face flushed with heat for a moment as she remembered to breathe.
"Are you warm?" Arthur asked with a slight smirk. He knew exactly why she was blushing, but what was the fun of pushing into these new boundaries if he couldn't tease her for it a little bit.
On his way back, Arthur picked something up from the coffee table and offered it to her as he came back to her. She looked at the blindfold in his hand and took it. She was still looking at it when he prodded her with what he wanted her to do.
"Put it on, slave."
She immediately flushed a brighter red and brought the elastic strap of the blindfold over her head. Darkness consumed her vision as she closed her eyes. She adjusted it slightly so that she could not see and took stock. She honestly couldn't see anything out of it between the blindfold and the dimmed living room lights. She raised her hands automatically as if feeling around for something instinctively.
Arthur caught her hands and brought them in front of her.
"I am going to undress you." His voice filled her world. It told her how things would be, and she accepted it as truth. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears, which seemed to drown out all other sounds. His footsteps on the carpet were light, but she knew where he was from his hands, touching her arms. She could smell him as he stepped closer. The familiar scent of his soap, pine, and smoke-filled her world and washed out the vanilla scent of the candle on the dining room table. She thought and felt every moment in which she'd smelled that scent before - every moment they'd hugged - all at once. It made her feel as though he were embracing her now, even though he moved around her.
He stood behind her now. She could feel the rough grip of his hands. One was on her left arm, and the other was on her right hip. The hand on her hip slid lower, touching the bare side of her thigh without her skirt. It smoothly slid backward until it found the outline of her black panties. It followed the curve of her cheek upward until it crossed the cotton border and slid beneath the shirt, and came to rest at the top of her panty's waistband.
His left hand slid down as well, traveling firmly and smoothly down her arm as though trying to smooth the goosebumps that had grown there. It found her hand and intertwined her fingers through its own. Then it lifted her hand until it was above her head and left it there.
She pushed her hand back and found the side of his face. Pushing it further, she slid it along until it came to rest behind his head.
His hand came back to her and started on the outside of the shirt. It smoothed the fabric as it traveled downward, over the handful of the breast that it cupped before it moved to her flat stomach. The hand traveled slightly back up, caressing the underside of the breast through the shirt and bra, then slid down again until it came to the hem of her shirt.
Together, his hands lifted the shirt off of her as she raised her other arm. She felt it roll against the skin of her stomach and then firmly against the flesh of her breasts before it lifted free of them. The neckline clipped her nose as it passed, and then she felt the last traces of it along her arms before it was gone.
Arthur took a moment to admire her body as he folded the shirt. She had planned on being seen tonight. Her bra and panties were a matched set of simple black.
Her bra was small and solid, holding the two B-cup breasts gently. The straps of the bra were tight over the hard lines of her back and shoulder muscles. Her stomach was flat and well-toned, and her legs were long for her height and perfectly shaped. True, he was used to dating girls with larger breasts than Selene could offer, but the perfect roundness of her ass nearly made up for it.
"Stay right here." Arthur whispered into her ear, still using that tone that caused her to stay rooted to the spot for fear of his disappointment.
He was back within a few moments. Selene did not doubt that her shirt had joined her skirt and that Arthur was making his footfalls extra heavy. That, or the loss of one sense heightening the others, happened much more quickly than she'd first supposed.
"I am going to lead you now. I want you to walk with me." Arthur's voice was calm and collected as he spoke. He was doing his best not to betray his nerves.
Selene was surprised, but she obeyed by immediately offering him her hand to take.
Arthur took her by the hands and led her. They turned together, and then she walked forward, he walked backward, but the steps were not nearly enough to lead into the bedroom.
"I'm going to take off your blindfold now." Arthur warned her as his hands came up to her head. "Give yourself a moment to let your eyes adjust before you try and move."
Selene lifted the blindfold from her eyes, and the room came into focus. It was dark, with the lights over the bathroom sink and its mirror dimmed by a switch.
The bathroom wasn't huge. A single aisle of space led from the door to the toilet on the far wall. On the left was the sink and mirror with a hamper between the sink and the door. On the right was the bathtub and shower with a linen closet between it and the door. It was a full-size tub, big enough for the two of them if they didn't mind a tight fit. She wasn't sure what Arthur had in mind, but she stayed quiet.
"Nadu." Arthur said after a moment.
She dropped to her knees on the bathmat, facing the tub, and took the position slowly but obediently.
Arthur stood between her and the door. He closed the door, pulled a fresh towel from the closet and a washrag, and placed them on top of the closed hamper behind her. She looked up at him with a look of confusion plain on her face.
"Turn the water on, set it to a comfortable temperature." Arthur instructed.
"What are we doing?" Selene asked, giving voice to her confusion.
"Do you trust me?" Arthur asked.
"Yes, sir." Selene answered almost automatically. She didn't question her trust in him, and she wasn't afraid for her safety. She was merely confused.
"Then trust me, and do as I tell you. A slave obeys her Master."
"Yes, Master." She answered. She broke the pose and adjusted the tub's faucet to a steaming temperature. She liked her showers hot, and the shower in her apartment was just like this one. Her apartment was very similar to his in general, since they lived in the same complex, except she had roommates, and her apartment's layout mirrored his.
The steam started as the water filled the tub, and Arthur nodded. "Display." He said firmly as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Selene took the position quickly as she came to her feet.
Arthur reached past her and then stopped himself as he let his hand rest against the small of her back. "Take a moment." He instructed as his hand left her back. "When you're ready, turn, face me, and then take off your final pieces of clothing."
She took a breath. This was it, and they both knew it. The threshold. All the talking and anticipation aside, this was a line that would forever change their friendship. If all went according to their plans, it wouldn't be the only line they crossed tonight. It was just the first. For a moment, she thought it was unfair that he was still dressed and she was supposed to be naked. She let that thought go as quickly as it came to her. He was the Master, and she was his slave.
She closed her eyes again. She thought about dancing or otherwise trying to make the removal sexy in some fashion. She didn't have the assets that Lori had; she knew that but she could dance, and her body did have some curves that Arthur might appreciate. The memory of his words quieted her fears. She didn't have to compare; she only had to obey.