The world where Angeline lives is known as Arathia, a vast continent spanning over 5 times the size of Earth. It is a world where technology has advanced to the point of being on par with Earth's modern society, but the civilization is primarily confined to the continent due to the treacherous interface of the surrounding oceans.
Arathia is a world of great mystery, with many ancient ruins scattered throughout the continent. However, these ruins remain largely unexplored due to the inherent dangers they present. Many who have ventured into these ruins have not returned, and those who have returned speak of strange, otherworldly occurrences that they cannot explain.
The continent is divided into several regions, each with its own unique landscape and culture. The northernmost region is known as the Frostlands, a vast, icy tundra inhabited by hardy, nomadic peoples who have adapted to the harsh climate. The central region is dominated by sprawling cities and advanced technology, while the southernmost region is home to dense, tropical rainforests and mysterious, ancient ruins.
Despite the technological advancements, there are still many unknowns in Arathia. It is believed that there may be other continents beyond the treacherous interface of the surrounding oceans, but these areas remain largely unexplored due to the dangers they present. As such, the people of Arathia focus their efforts on exploring and understanding their own continent, hoping to uncover the secrets of their world's past and unlock the potential of their advanced technology.
As the scientists of this world continued to study the mysterious energy they called "magic," they discovered that it could be manipulated with the mind. However, they soon realized that it was a dangerous and unpredictable force that could cause harm if not controlled properly.
Despite the potential dangers, some individuals began to experiment with magic, using it to perform incredible feats and unlocking its many secrets. However, the use of magic was strictly regulated and only those with proper training and certification were allowed to use it.
As time passed, the secrets of magic continued to be unraveled, but there were still many unknowns about this powerful energy. Some researchers believed that there were ancient civilizations that had harnessed the power of magic, but their ruins remained unexplored due to the danger they posed to modern technology.
Despite the many mysteries that remained, the world continued to thrive and evolve, thanks to the advancements in technology and the exploration of new frontiers. And yet, the lure of magic continued to draw in curious minds, eager to uncover the secrets of this ancient and powerful force.