Chereads / Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads / Chapter 480 - An Unexpected End to the Battle

Chapter 480 - An Unexpected End to the Battle

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia. 


May, x786. 


After making her declaration to get revenge for her mother, Brandish, wither magic power flooding her body, dashed forward to carry out her revenge. However, with Lucy's guild mates surrounding her, it would not be that easy. 


"[Solid Script Magic: Icicles]." Saya chanted as Brandish reached the halfway point to Lucy. 


As Saya chanted, she used a light pen to write a word in the air. Then, when the word was formed, with an injection of Magic Power, it turned into a dozen floating icicles that were quickly fired at Brandish. 


In response, Brandish simply swung her hand while chanting her own spell. 


"[Command T: Magic Power]." 


In the next instant, the magic power making up the icicles was compressed into several small spheres. And when those spheres reached Brandish, she caught them effortlessly. A moment later, to the surprise of all the opposing wizards, Brandish threw them back at the ladies of Fairy Tail. 


"[Command T: Expansion]." Brandish chanted as she continued to run forward. 


With Brandish's chant, Saya's returned magic expanded to nearly triple its original size. However, instead of returning to the shape of icicles, they turned into cyclones of ice. 


"Damn… What kind of magic is that?" Rika asked as she dispelled the bullets she had originally created in the magazines of her pistols. Then, she chanted to create new ammo, only filling the pistol's chambers. "[Bullet-Make Magic: Firestorm Bullets]." 


As soon as the ammunition was created, Rika did not hesitate to pull the triggers on her pistols. As a result, two large fire cyclones were fired from the muzzles of her guns, causing a steam explosion when the two opposing temperatures collided. 


"[Ice-Make: Wall]." Ultear chanted as she slammed her hands onto the ground after making her casting gesture. 


As a result of Ultear's quick reaction, the steam was stopped before it could reach the wizards of Fairy Tail. At the same time, Brandish was forced to stop her charge thanks to the steam, as well. 


Taking advantage of Brandish's sudden halt, Erza [Requipped] into her [Heaven's Wheel Armor], simultaneously materializing fifty swords. Then, using those swords to circle around the ice wall and the steam cloud, she attacked Brandish from two different directions. 


"[Command T: Expansion]." Brandish chanted as she drew a dagger from her overcoat. 


With her chant, the blade of the dagger Brandish drew elongated. Now, it looked as if she was holding a sword with a short hilt. And using that sword, she quickly spun to deflect all the incoming swords. 


At the same time, Elicia, using her threads to vault herself over the ice wall and the steam cloud, was just in time to see Brandish deflect the last of the swords. 


'Was she able to deal with Erza's swords so easily because she's good with a sword?' Elicia asked herself as she cast [False Appearance]. 'Or is it because she has enough magic power to compensate for her lack of skill. I wish I had been up here earlier to see.' 


["You can think about that later."] Scylla scolded. ["For now, just worry about subduing her. But remember not to take it too far. The other one is watching."] 


'I know.' Elicia replied as she directed her illusion to drop in front of Brandish while she continued to sail past her. 


And just as Scylla said, Irene was hiding herself with an illusion made from her [Enchantment Magic]. At first, she wanted to stop Brandish before the battle started. However, after thinking about it for a moment, she decided she would let her fight. She could always stop things before they reached a critical point. 


Not that Irene actually cared if Brandish killed a few wizards from Fairy Tail. However, if she did so, they would have to do things the hard way. And although she was sure it would not actually be all that difficult for her to kidnap Alfonzo and kill all the wizards sent to recover him, it would alert the rest of Fiore that they were under attack. Meaning, the future invasion plan would meet more resistance. 


On top of that, Irene could feel that she was being watched. By several wizards, in fact. She could feel more than a few people using [Magic Power Detection] to keep track of the battle, after all. However, there was one presence whose magic power she could not feel. And that presence gave her the most dangerous feeling of all. 


"Interesting." Irene muttered while cupping her chin with her right hand while watching Elicia engage in close quarters combat with Brandish. "Could this person's magic power control surpass even my own?" 


As she spoke the last sentence, Irene glanced at the mansion floating in the middle of the lake. Deducing that the magic power she could not sense belonged to Alfonzo based on the fact that she did not sense him leaving the mansion, combined with the fact that she never felt him activate [Magic Power Detection] the previous night, there was no one else it could be that had a lock on her. 


What Irene did not realize, however, was the fact that Elicia's magic power control was even finer than Alfonzo's. And since she had only been focused on her target, combined with the fact that Elicia was so much weaker than she was, she completely ignored the Magic Seamstress. 


"Still, that girl is rather skilled." Irene said, focusing back on the battle. "Using that peculiar fighting style, she has not allowed Brandish to touch her even once. Which puts Brandish at a disadvantage when fighting other humans." 


As Irene alluded to, Brandish's Magic, [Command T] can be used on living beings. However, it requires direct contact to work. So, the way Elicia was dodging her, she could only fight in a battle of physical skill. 


"[Thread Magic: Crucifixion]." Elicia's voice sounded from an empty area. 


In the next instant, threads wrapped around Brandish's wrists and ankles. Then, she was suspended a few inches off the ground while her feet were forced together, and her arms were spread apart. 


Naturally, this outcome confused both Irene and Brandish, as the person Brandish was fighting seemingly did not cast any magic. Irene was especially surprised as she was paying attention to the whole battlefield, yet she did not sense Elicia using any magic at all. 


"What is this?" Brandish asked in an enraged tone. "Who is it? Who's attacking from the shadows like a coward?" 


Watching Brandish scream and struggle against her threads, Elicia dispelled her [Camouflage Magic]. Before she did so, however, she made sure to stand in the same place, and with the same posture, as her illusion, hiding the fact that she activated it. And as soon as she did so, she revealed the threads extending from her fingertips. 


"She has the ability to hide her magic." Irene muttered in interest. 


Though it may seem surprising, Elicia's [Camouflage Magic] was able to trick even Irene. However, with Elicia's magic power control, it should be no surprise at all. She even managed to hide the fact that she could use [Camouflage Magic]. 


["Wow! You actually thought your actions through!"] Scylla exclaimed in disbelief as Elicia performed this deception consciously. Then she began frantically looking into the sky as she continued. ["Where are they? I know they have to be around here somewhere."] 


'What are you talking about, Scylla?' Elicia replied mentally in a confused tone. 


["The flying pigs! They have to be around here somewhere!"] Scylla shouted frantically. 


Mentally rolling her eyes, Elicia stepped towards Brandish without letting her facial expression change thanks to her [Armament Spirit's] antics. 


"Now, can we talk about this?" Elicia asked as she stopped in front of her bound foe. "I'm sure there's got to be some kind of misunderstanding." 


Instead of responding, Brandish glared at Lucy, who looked quite uncomfortable. 


'I'm not sure if Lucy is acting or not.' Elicia thought to herself. 'If she were to release Zodiac's first seal, she would be a pretty good match for Brandish, despite the fact that she would pale in comparison when it comes to magic power.' 


["Yeah, with the abilities of her Celestial Spirits, [Star Dress], and Gemini, it would be a three on one."] Scylla added. ["On top of that, Alfonzo has been teaching her what he could remember from watching videos about Savate in your past life. So, she's got more than just that front kick she always used to use."] 


Not receiving a response to her question, Elicia faked a sigh. Then, she approached Brandish, acting as if she would strike her on the back of the neck to knock her out, knowing that Irene would most likely stop her before it came to that. However, before Elicia could get too close, Brandish lowered her head as her magic power flared. 


"[command T: Expansion]." Brandish chanted quietly. 


In the next instant, Brandish body expanded, growing to approximately 16'6" tall in an instant, causing Elicia to hurriedly jump away. 


"If you think that's enough to stop me from taking my revenge, you've truly underestimated me." Brandish growled, her voice echoing through the area due to her increased size. "And if you continue to get in my way, I wouldn't mind killing the rest of you along with that bitch's daughter!" 


With that said, Brandish used her, now, giant foot to kick Elicia, who quickly evaded. However, instead of continuing to attack Elicia, Brandish stepped towards Lucy. In response, the other ladies stepped between the two, ready to defend their guild mate. 


"No, I'll fight her myself." Lucy said, her tone much sterner than usual. "I won't let her talk about Mom like that." 


"Lucy, she's too strong for any of us to fight her alone." Ultear said with a frown. 


Although Ultear said that, she knew she would be just as angry if anyone spoke ill of her mother, too. And it would probably be even worse if her mother had died. 


Upon having that thought, Ultear gritted her teeth while clenching her fists. 


'I'm gonna beat up Gray next time I see him.' Ultear thought to herself. 'Because of his stupidity, I almost lost my mom back then.' 


Meanwhile, back at the guild hall, Gray, while following the battle going on outside, shuddered for an inexplicable reason. However, he had the feeling that he needed to avoid Ultear for a while. 


On a side note, the reason none of the wizards of Fairy Tail rushed to the battlefield to help was simple, Ur had forbidden it. With Alfonzo and Elicia there, she had no doubt that everything would be fine. On top of that, Gildarts was not too far away, either. So, he would be able to help if things truly got out of hand. 


Meanwhile, back on the battlefield, Lucy stepped past the rest of her guild mates, ignoring their protests due to her anger. 


"Good, you've decided not to resist." Brandish said in a sinister tone. "At least you have a heart, unlike your mother. And because I can respect the fact that you want to protect your friends, I'll only kill you." 


"You're wrong." Lucy said as she reached into her key pouch. Then, as she pulled out a Golden Celestial Key, she continued. "Like I said, I'm going to make you pay for talking about my mom like that. [Open! Gate of the Water Bearer, Aquarius]." 


With her chant, Lucy thrust the key in her hand into the empty air in front of her, then she turned it. In the next instant, Aquarius appeared in a flash of golden light. 


"You better have a damn good reason for summoning me, Lucy." Aquarius barked angrily. "I have a date with my sexy man, Scorpio, in less than an hour. And if you cause me to be late, you won't like the consequences." 


"I get it. I know how annoying it is to be interrupted while you're getting ready for a date." Lucy replied in an annoyed tone. Then, she averted her gaze as she continued at a much lower volume. "Maybe you should stop scheduling your dates on the days that I'm allowed to summon you." 


"What was that?" Aquarius asked in a menacing tone. 


"I said I need your help to make her pay for talking bad about my mom." Lucy replied, pointing Aquarius' key towards Brandish. 


Hearing that someone was saying bad things about Layla, Aquarius eyes narrowed. As previously mentioned, before she was forced to retire as a wizard, due to Magic Deficiency Syndrome, Layla was Aquarius contractor. And Aquarius loved and respected her immensely. So, with wrath burning in her eyes, she slowly turned to face the one who spoke ill of one of her favorite wizards. 


Meanwhile, Brandish, as soon as she saw Aquarius, froze in place. And when she finally made eye contact t with the Mermaid Spirit, she involuntarily dispelled her magic and returned to her normal height. 


Seeing Brandish, Aquarius narrowed her eyes even further. At the same time, Alfonzo appeared next to the rest of the ladies in a flash of violet light. Though, only Elicia noticed his arrival. 


"So, you're not going to greet me, Little Brandish?" Aquarius asked in a threatening tone. 


"M-m-my apologies, Mistress Aquarius." Brandish said while bowing politely. "It's wonderful to see you again. I have truly missed you over the years." 


"Good." Aquarius replied with a nod. "It seems you haven't forgotten your manners." 


"Huh?" x 10 


Meanwhile, everyone, other than Alfonzo, Elicia, and Shizuka, exclaimed in confusion after seeing the way Aquarius and Brandish interacted. Ireen was included in the group of confused wizards, as well. 


AS for those who were not confused, Alfonzo and Elicia were expecting this once Lucy summoned Aquarius, thanks to their meta knowledge. Meanwhile, Shizuka was simply in awe from seeing a mermaid. 

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