Chereads / Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads / Chapter 310 - Cana's Punishment

Chapter 310 - Cana's Punishment

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Tenrou Island.


December 16, x784.


"I can't believe Alfonzo didn't wake us up when he left this morning." Ultear said as she, Elicia, Erza, Mirajane, Marin, and Sun made their way to Sixth Sense to take a shower instead of getting washed up at one of the lakes on Tenrou Island.


"I know, right?" Marin chimed in. "I mean, and he only brought Cana with him. I bet their having all sorts of celebration sex in the shower."


"I don't think Alfonzo would do that, though." Sun said while tilting her head cutely. "Besides, even if he did, isn't it fine?"


"Sun is right." Erza replied. "This is Cana's celebration, after all.'


After Erza said her piece, all the girls looked back at her. When they saw her expression, they could not help but shake their heads. Currently, Erza's face was slightly flushed. Undoubtedly, she was excited thanks to her denial fetish, more than likely getting off by the fact that she was being left out.


"Anyway~..." Ultear said while rolling her eyes. "Did you guys hear what Alfonzo, and the others found this morning?"


"You're talking about finding Hades dead, right?' Mirajane asked.


"Yeah." Ultear replied. "Mom told me they think someone snuck into the camp and killed him."


"Seriously?" Marin asked in a shocked tone. "But didn't Ur and Alfonzo have ways to detect if someone entered the camp?"


"Yeah, but whoever did it didn't set off anything." Ultear replied.


"That's concerning." Erza said, snapping out of her little stupor. "That means none of us would have been safe if we had been the target."


In response to Erza's evaluation, everyone couldn't help but nod with concerned and nervous expressions.


"Lici, you've been pretty quiet." Sun said, noticing that Elicia had not spoken since they started walking towards the ship. "Is everything okay?"


After being addressed directly, Elicia, who had been deep in thought about the topic they were just talking about, snapped back to her senses.


"Don't worry, Sun." Elicia replied with a forced smile. "I was just afraid to think about what I would have done if Fonzie had been the target instead of Hades. In fact, Fonzie and Ur weren't the only ones who had some kind of detection spell active overnight. I had my [Detection Threads] laid out all over the camp, too. But I didn't get any feedback all night long."


Although most of what Elicia said was the truth. She was not actually worrying about Alfonzo's safety. Instead, she was thinking the same thing that Alfonzo was thinking when he found Hades dead.


'It was definitely Zeref' Elicia thought to herself. 'But how did he leave footprints and not step on any of my threads?'


While they all shivered at the thought of Alfonzo, or rather any of their guild mates being the target of last night's murder, Ultear managed to change the subject before anyone began to get wrapped up in their own imaginations.


"There was something else Mom told me about Hades, too." Ultear said, once again drawing everyone's attention. "She said that he was actually the second master of Fairy Tail, Precht Gaebolg."


With that, the girls continued chatting and gossiping excitedly until they finally caught sight of the ship. Eventually they boarded and entered the cabins while moving towards the large shower room below deck.


"See, it's just like I said, they're definitely having fun in the shower." Marin said as the group of girls approached the shower.




"Ahh~~~~~! Fonzie, I already said I'm sorry and I won't do it again!" Cana screamed in a pain-filled tone.


Hearing the loud smack and subsequent scream, the group came to a complete stop and began exchanging glances with one another.


"Or… Maybe not?" Marin said in a confused tone after hearing something contrary to her expectation.


Then, before anyone could say anything else, Elicia sprinted forward into the shower room to get a first-hand look at what was going on. Naturally, Elicia's dash snapped the other five girls out of their stupors, and they followed after her, as well.


When all six girls eventually arrived in the shower room, they opened their eyes wide in surprise when they saw what was going on. Currently, Cana was completely naked, which is not so out of the ordinary when you consider the location. However, instead of standing in front of one of the shower heads lining the room, she was lying face down on Alfonzo's lap.


Alfonzo, on the other hand, was still wearing his tank top, shorts, and flip flops while seated in a metal chair he created in the middle of the shower room. On top of that, his left hand was placed on the small of Cana's back, keeping her from raising herself off his lap.


"Uh… what's going on here?" Mirajane asked in confusion.


Hearing the girls enter, Alfonzo looked up from Cana's backside, which he had just landed his first spanking on. Then, when he saw it was the rest of his girlfriends and fiancées, he smiled brightly.


"Hey girls, good morning." Alfonzo said. "How did you all sleep last night?"


"Pretty good." Sun replied energetically. "But… Um… What are you doing to Cana?"


As Sun asked her question, Alfonzo raised his right hand slowly. Then, once he was ready, he brought it down forcefully.




"Ahh~~~~!" Cana screamed once again as Alfonzo's hand landed on her left butt cheek, leaving a red mark that matched the one on the left right side.


"Oh, I'm punishing her for thinking about doing something stupid." Alfonzo replied with a shrug. "She's lucky she didn't actually get the chance to put her plan into motion. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to walk after I'm done."


"I don't know what she was going to do but beating her up until she can't walk sounds…" Ultear replied with a slight frown.


In response, Alfonzo looked at Ultear with a genuinely confused expression on his face. And Ultear, after seeing Alfonzo's expression, wore a similar expression.


"Was I wrong?" Ultear asked in a confused tone.


"Yeah, Fonzie would never hit a woman." Elicia replied. "Well, outside of sparring, an actually fight on a quest, or… a spanking for a naughty girl."


"I'm sure you didn't mean for it to sound that way, but that sounded a lot more erotic than necessary, Lici." Mirajane said with a smile.


"Oh, I definitely meant for it to sound like that." Elicia replied while licking her lips.


"Indeed, Elicia is always serious about topics of a sexual nature." Erza chimed in.




"Ahh~~~~! Fonzie, please stop!" Cana bellowed with tears pooling in her eyes. "At least don't do it while everyone is watching."


"When they find out what you were thinking, they'll probably wanna join in." Alfonzo said while caressing the red marks on Cana's butt that brightening with every slap.


"Oh, yeah!" Marin exclaimed. "Now that you mention it, what was this nefarious plan she had concocted, anyway?"


"If she failed the S-Class Promotion Exam again, she was going to break up with Fonzie and leave the guild." Elicia said nonchalantly with a shrug. "Something about not deserving to be with Fonzie if she couldn't make S-Class, despite having been part of the guild longer than almost all the female S-Class wizards in the guild."


Hearing that, Cana could only hang her head in shame. In hindsight, she knew how much doing something like that would have hurt not only Alfonzo, but all the people that cared about her in the guild. On top of that, her father, Gildarts, would have been completely heart broken.


"Yeah, she definitely deserves a spanking." Mirajane said in an exasperated tone.


"Indeed, being struck as recompense seems a fitting punishment." Erza added.


"I wouldn't mind getting a few spanks in, myself." Ultear added with aglint of sadism flashing in her eyes.


"Absolutely not!" Cana shouted.




"Ahh~~~~~!" Cana screamed once again after Alfonzo spanked her. Then, with the first few tears spilling from her eyes, she looked back at Alfonzo with a pitiful expression, and asked a question. "How many times are you gonna do that?"


"Well, that was the fourth one, right?" Alfonzo asked with a smile. "So, you only have six more to go."


"Are you serious?" Cana asked in a forlorn tone.


Although she didn't mind a little light spanking during sex, the spankings were definitely not light. Each one was strong enough to make her entire body jolt. On top of that, her butt was reddening quite quickly, as well. Unfortunately, no matter how Cana pleaded, Alfonzo would not stop her punishment. So, for the last nine of her ten spanking punishment, the rest of her harem sisters watched and approved.


Then, once the punishment was over, everyone took a shower. And since they knew that, at the very least, Ur would come to the ship to shower as well, they decided to shower under different shower heads to avoid starting an orgy.


"By the way, Fonzie…" Marin said while rinsing the conditioner out of her hair.


"What's up?" Alfonzo asked as he turned off the faucet to his shower head.


"What did you mean that Cana wouldn't have been able to walk if she actually tried to break up with you after failing the exam?" Marin asked in a curious tone.


Marin's question drew all the other girls' attention to Alfonzo as well. And like Marin, they waited for his answer with curiosity written all over their faces.


"Oh, that…" Alfonzo replied with a shrug. "I would have fucked the shit out of her until she couldn't feel her legs every time she said something about leaving. Eventually, she would have realized that being S-Class wasn't all that fucking important."


In response, most of the girls' eyes lit up, anticipating sex like that when they returned to Magnolia. Cana, on the other hand, lowered her head with a contemplative expression on her face."


"Cana, are you okay?" Sun asked in a concerned tone after seeing Cana's expression.


"Yeah, I'm fine." Cana replied. "I was just thinking that it might have been better if I failed the exam this year. I mean, I'd much rather have my brains fucked out then get a spanking in front of an audience."


"Well, it's too late for regrets now." Elicia replied. "But look on the bright side, if you wanted that so much, all you have to do is ask. Right, Fonzie?"


At the end of her speech, Elicia turned towards Alfonzo and licked her lips suggestively.


"Still, don't think Fonzie's the only one who's gonna spank you for what you were thinking, 'kay?" Elicia said as she turned her attention back to Cana with narrowed eyes.


"How did you guys even know about that?" Cana asked in a disgruntled tone. "I didn't tell anyone except for… Damn that Lucy, she snitched on me."


"Yeah, because she didn't wanna see Fonzie get hurt if you did something so stupid and selfish." Elicia said, her tone becoming much more serious. "Just because you were envious of the other girls…"


Like that, and for the rest of their time in the showers, Elicia lectured Cana sternly about what was wrong with her thought process. She also warned Cana that if she tried to get back at Lucy, she wouldn't like the consequences.


"Lici can be really intense." Sun said as the group of eight made their way back to the basecamp.


"Well, you know how protective she is of Alfonzo." Ultear replied with a shrug.


"Yeah, that's true." Sun replied with a nod.


"By the way, does anyone know why the Magic Council fleet backed away from the island?" Mirajane asked. "It's like they're trying to stay outside of the range of something."


While Alfonzo and Elicia were pretty sure they knew the reason why, the rest only frowned when the Magic Council was brought up.


"Who cares?" Marin said in a dismissive tone. "I mean, they just watched us fight off a Dark Guild without lifting a finger."


"On top of that, that Mest guy is on one of their ships, right now." Ultear added with a borderline murderous glint in her eyes. "They even had the nerve to send a spy into our guild. And that spy was trying to do womething with Wendy."


"Calm down, Ladies." Alfonzo said calmly as the group continued to walk. "Because I felt like there was something wrong with Mest from the beginning, I set up surveillance all over the island's coast line. I definitely have footage of the Council fleet waiting off shore while we were attacked by GrimoireHeart. So, when I finally get that hearing against them, this will be some great ammunition."


"Are you sure that hearing will ever actually happen?" Mirajane asked in a concerned tone. "I mean, you know how the Magic Council can be."


"Yeah, I know." Alfonzo replied with a smile. "But if they get to bullshitting too hard, I'll just take my evidence to Sorcerer---"


Before Alfonzo could finish, however, his head snapped in a particular direction after feeling a huge magic power signature enter the range of his [Magic Power Detection]. And for the first time since waking up in this world, Alfonzo's expression was filled with terror.


"Alfonzo, what's the matter?' Mirajane asked with much more concern than before.


Mirajane's question drew everyone's attention to Alfonzo. And when they saw his expression, they also put on concerned expressions of their own.


Instead of responding immediately, Alfonzo took a deep breath to calm himself down. Then once he felt a little calmer, he shouted into the sky, amplifying his voice with his magic power.


"Wizards of Fairy Tail!" Alfonzo shouted at the top of his lungs, causing the seven girls walking with him to cover their ears. At the same time, everyone on the island could hear him. "Massive magic power signature inbound. Bigger than anything I've ever felt. And it doesn't feel friendly."

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