Chereads / Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads / Chapter 106 - Elicia Vs. Angel

Chapter 106 - Elicia Vs. Angel

Earth land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Oak.

October, x781.

After Elicia's eerie declaration and chuckle, she opened the door of her Z3. Then, with slow, deliberate movements, she stepped out of the car.

"So, it was you." Elicia said, turning toward Angel and Scorpio. "You had the audacity to destroy one of my best works. That's so naughty."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Angel shouted, annoyed by the fact that the barrier, the magic vehicle, and the two women were still intact.

"I'm going to have to punish you for your actions." Elicia said, not even registering what Angel had to say.

Meanwhile, Karen was feeling the worst fear of her life. Over her career as a wizard, she had been in several life-or-death situations. However, the aura Elicia was releasing scared her to her very soul.

'She's usually so sweet and innocent when I meet her.' Karen thought to herself. 'How can a girl like that end up like this all because the clothes she designed were ruined?'

"Karen." Elicia said, her words sounding as if they were spoken right next to Karen's ear.

"Y-Yes?" Karen replied with a stutter.

"I'm gonna punish this girl." Elicia said calmly. "You stay right there. We need to talk about you wearing that dress into battle as well."

"O-Okay." Karen replied, too scared to disagree.

Meanwhile, Angel, who had not received an answer to any of her questions so far, was boiling in anger. Looking at Elicia, her eyes were wide open, and her pupils were constricted to pinpoints.

"Fine! I don't need you to answer, you'll be dead soon, anyway." Angel shouted in an enraged tone. "Scorpio! Use your full power!"

"[Sand Spear]!" Scorpio shouted, chanting his next spell loudly.

However, before the spell could be fired at the barrier, Scorpio turned his tail toward Angel, leaving them both surprised.

"Scorpio, what the hell are you doing?" Angel shouted as she leaped away from the tip of Scorpio's tail.

A moment later, a thin stream of sand was fired, missing Angel by a small margin. Then, the stream of sand flew off into the distance, piercing through several of the surrounding trees.

"It wasn't me!" Scorpio exclaimed in panic. "Right as I cast the spell, I could feel something pulling my tail in your direction."

Like Scorpio said, he did not voluntarily aim his tail in Angel's direction. Unbeknownst to Angel and Scorpio, there was a number of thin, almost invisible to the naked eye, threads wrapped around Scorpio's tail.

The same threads, if one's eyesight was good enough, could be seen leading from both Scorpio['s tail and Elicia's fingertips and connecting the two to the ground.

Meanwhile, Elicia glared at the [Celestial Spirit] wizard and her spirit without a word. Instead, her fingers twitched ever so slightly as she continuously moved Scorpio's tail with her threads and kept its tip aimed at Angel.

"Damn it!" Angel shrieked in anger. "Just go back."

"Sounds good to me." Scorpio replied with a shrug. "Don't wanna be late for my date, after all."

A moment later, Scorpio was covered in bright light before vanishing from where he stood.

"Argh!" Angel screamed, pulling on her hair. "I was so close to getting that bitches keys! Why did you have to get in my way."

"I don't really care about that." Elicia said, still in the same eerily calm tone. "but you made a big mistake. You shouldn't have let me see how bad you ruined my dress."

"Uh… It's technically my dress, right?" Karen asked quietly.

As soon as Elicia heard Karen's mumbles, her head snapped in her direction.

"Sorry." Karen said, curling into herself.

"Ha! You're such an idiot to look away from me!" Angel said as she held one of the two Golden Celestial Spirit Keys in her hand and channeled magic into it as she chanted. "[Gate of the Twins: O---]"

Before she could finish her chant, however, the key flew out of her hand, leaving Angel completely dumbfounded. A moment later, it then flew into Elicia's hand.

After catching the key, Elicia looked over with a bit of interest before opening the door to her Z3 and tossing it onto the passenger seat.

"You bitch! Give me back my Celestial Spirit Key!" Angel shouted, her rage growing even greater as one of her keys was stolen.

"Why would I do that?" Elicia asked, tilting her head to the side with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, on her face. "I mean, you were planning to steal Karen's keys, right? So, it's fair if it happens to you, too, right?"

"Argh!" Angel screamed once again, charging to Elicia in anger. "I'll kill you!"

In the process of avoiding the tip of Scorpio's tail, Angel had distanced herself quite a bit from where she stood originally. So, by the time she was close enough to engage in hand-to-hand combat, Elicia had walked around the car, through the barrier, and stood in front of Angel while cracking her knuckles.

"I'll make you understand why destroying my clothes is a bad idea." Elicia said, that eerie smile still on her face.

"Shut up~~~!" Angel shouted as she reached hand-to-hand combat range.

As soon as she was in range, Angel threw a straight right punch at Elicia's chin that Elicia swatted aside. However, Angel was quick to follow up, throwing a left uppercut that Elicia avoided by tilting her head back.

Angel quickly followed the uppercut with a knee strike aimed at Elicia's abdomen. In response, Elicia blocked Angel's knee with the palms of her hands. Then, before Angel could pull her leg back, Elicia pressed down, forcing Angel's foot to the ground with her knee still bent.

In the same motion, Elicia lifted herself into a handstand on Angel's knee. Then, she pushed off, performing a somersault in mid-air, bringing her right foot down on top of Angel's head.

Reacting quickly, Angel raised her arms to block. However, the force behind Elicia's kick forced her other knee down to the ground. Then, as Elicia brought her other leg down, Angel pushed Elicia to the side and propelled herself away from the spot.


Although her aim was forced off course, the power behind Elicia's kick was not lessened at all, causing the ground to tremor as a dust cloud was kicked up.

"You're a monster." Angel said after seeing the destruction one kick caused.

Instead of responding, Elicia shot out of the dust cloud with a smile on her face. In response, Angel took her fighting stance again. Unlike Karen, Angel understood the value of being able to defend herself in case someone got past her Celestial Spirits. So, she was ready to continue this fight, even without her magic. Besides, even if she couldn't use her magic, she could still strengthen her physique with magic power.

Arriving quickly, Elicia threw a front kick aimed at Angel's thigh. Taking a step back, Angel avoided the blow. However, Elicia used her missed attack to step in even closer and throw a rising uppercut that Angel blocked with her forearms.

"Hmph!" Angel grunted in pain due to the force behind the punch.

Even so, Angel quickly grabbed Elicia's arm, twisted her own body and performed a shoulder throw.

Reacting quickly, Elicia was able to get her feet down on the ground, stopping the attempted throw. Then, she used her free hand and punched upward, striking Angel's unguarded chin, and causing her to let go of Elicia's arm.

In the next instant, with Angel still bent forward after the throw, Elicia fell onto her back, raised her legs, and clapped her feet on Angel's ears. Then, she grabbed Angel by the ankles and pulled, causing Angel to also fall on her back.

With Angel's ankles still in her hands, Elicia used her feet to push off the ground, once again performing a handstand. Then, she flipped her body over, attempting to bring both her heels down on Angel's abdomen.

In response, Angel jerked her legs out of Elicia's grasp, disrupting her balance slightly. Then, she rolled away just in time to avoid the double heel stomp.


Once again, Elicia's attack caused the ground to tremor. However, Angel, using her hands as leverage, swept her legs at Elicia's an instant after the kicks struck the ground.

Caught off guard by how quickly Angel reacted, Elicia was knocked to the ground. However, before Angel could capitalize, Elicia rolled away, jumped to her feet, and rushed toward Angel again.

By that point, Angel had just got to her feet again and she was not back in her fighting stance.

Taking advantage of Angel's unpreparedness, Elicia threw a left jab that landed on Angel's chest. Then, she threw a right low kick to Angel's left calf followed by a right kick that Angel caught with both arms and pressed to her left side.

"*Pant!* Now… *Pant* I got you!" Angel shouted with a crazed expression on her face. "And I'm gonna break this leg of---"


Before Angel could finish, Elicia threw herself into the air, swinging her left leg at Angel's head. With her eyes open wide in surprise, Angel was unable to react before she was kicked in the temple and sent flying, releasing Elicia's leg in the process.

After hitting the ground and rolling to bleed off the momentum, Angel shook her head to get rid of the ringing in her ears. Then, she looked up at Elicia with hatred in her eyes, a bruise starting to form on the side of her head, and blood dripping from the right corner of her lips.

A moment later, however, Angel smirked.

"If that's all you can do, then you'll never be able to beat me." Angel said.

In response, Elicia tilted her head with genuine confusion on her face.

"What makes you think this is all I can do?" Elicia asked in a curious tone.

Angel then pointed at the Z3.

"You're using a barrier to protect you magic vehicle." Angel said. "So, that must be your magic, right? You'll never be able to beat me with a defensive magic."

"Even if that were my magic, which it's not, I could still beat you." Elicia said, tilting her head to the other side. "I mean, I could just trap you in a barrier with me. Then, I could just beat you up until you can't fight anymore."

"Wait!" Angel exclaimed. "That barrier isn't your magic?"

"Nope, it's just a safety feature my fiancé put on my magic vehicle for me." Elicia replied. Then, in an eerily innocent tone, she continued. "I can show you my magic if you want."

"Shit!" Angel shouted as she turned around and started sprinting in the opposite direction, no longer concerned with getting her Celestial Key back.

"Hey, where are you going?" Elicia asked innocently. "We still have to discuss your punishment."

At that moment, Angel face planted and slid across the ground on her face. To her surprise, all her clothes were restricting her, not that she was wearing very much, a short, white dress with a neckline that reached her navel, a pair of black, elbow-length gloves, a pair of knee-high, black socks, and a pair of short, frilly, white boots.

"What the hell is going on!" Angel shouted in frustration. "What did you do to me?"

"That's simple, actually." Elicia replied while she slowly walked over to Angel. "During our fight, I replaced all the threads in your clothes with my own magic threads."

"Your… Magic threads?" Angel asked, her mind whirling at high speed. "Then, that's why Scorpio kept aiming his tail at me."

"That's~ right~" Elicia replied in a sing-song tone. "I can do a whole lot with my thread magic, you know."

While speaking with Angel this time, Elicia's threads quickly bound Angel. Although binding someone with their own clothes is effective, it only works up to a certain point. For example, had Angel not been confused, she would have destroyed her clothes and ran away naked, making sure to take Scorpio's key with her as she did.

Unfortunately, having your clothes be the thing to trip you up is not something most people are prepared to deal with. So, it took Angel a while to come up with that plan. However, by the time she did, it was too late.

"Now, the million Jewel question is.. What should I do with you?" Elicia said, contemplating about her next move.

"It doesn't matter what you do to me! the rest of Oracion Seis will come after you!" Angel shouted angrily. "And when they do---"


"I'm standing right here; you don't have to yell." Elicia said after kicking Angel in the side of the head again.

This time, however, Angel's eyes rolled back in her head and she passed out from Elicia's kick.

"Oops." Elicia said with a surprised expression on her face. "Whatever, I'll bring her back to the guild and see what Gramps wants to do about her."

'She, like most of Oracion Seis, redeem herself in the canon after the seven-year time skip, maybe we can make her change sides early.' Elicia thought to herself as she dragged Angel back toward Karen with her threads.

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