Chereads / Multiversal Pawn Shop / Chapter 2 - Great, my first customer is a Chuunibyou

Chapter 2 - Great, my first customer is a Chuunibyou







[Beelzebub (Baal-Zebul)

Age: 18


Lord of the Flies


Priest of Gluttony

Ruler of Evil Spirits

God of Darkness

Lilith Mark's

Passive abilities:

Genius Intellect

Biology Mastery

Medical Mastery

Cybernetic Mastery


Divine Physiology


Vibration Manipulation


Sorath Samekh

Sorath Vau

Original Sin of the Netherworld – No.0: Chaos

Sorath Tau

Satan's Horn


Hajun Seed

The Staff of Apomyius

Apple of Eden]

"Why the hell am I 18 again?"

Before I got started on work, a status screen popped up in front of me. Looking through it I get annoyed that I'm 18 again but at least I'm not forced to go to school again, and Lilith's Mark is a bit worrying, though it's not a bad thing entirely. But at least I know I made the right call to choose to accept those memories and experiences. Because without them the most, I would get the Vibration Manipulation, Divine Physiology, Semi-Immortality, and items.

Sure, that wouldn't be bad in itself, and I would be able to learn those moves eventually. But that would take time and energy. I also doubt I would be half as good at using them without his memories and experience. Sure, I could have just chosen to get his experience, but then I wouldn't get Genius Intellect, Biology Mastery, Medical Mastery, and Cybernetic Mastery.

Though I doubt I would be able to use these skills perfectly even with the experience and memories right away. But it would cut down a whole lot of time rather than just starting out from scratch.

The items seemed like an extra gift, though I did guess I would get the staff of Apomyius even if I didn't need it anymore. Getting the Hajun Seed and the Apple of Eden was a surprise. But it was not too surprising due to those items being closely connected to Beelzebub.

After looking through everything, I started looking around the store. It seems somewhat similar to my old store. If there was any difference, then it would have been. Everything was made of wood, and it kind of gave off an old fantasy store vibe. There were two rows of display cases going down to the back of the room connecting to another display case in the back with an old school grandfather clock behind it. In the middle of the store were a few display cases containing what appeared like dragon balls, Ea, devil fruits, and even the chains of chaos. The walls and display cases had weapons and items from animes and games.

It was torture. Honestly, here were the things I've always dreamed of playing with as a kid, and even now, I wouldn't mind taking some of these things for a spin. Unfortunately, due to the rules, I can't touch or use any of these items unless I buy them.

Looking around the store again, I made my way to the back where it was literally a house full furnished and everything. With a second floor, kitchen, living room, dining room, three rooms, three bathrooms, two shower rooms, and a basement. When I was going to open the fridge a screen popped up asking what I would like so I typed in eggs, condiments, soda, water, juice, meats, fruits, vegetables, and other things. When I opened it up everything I asked for was there and the same thing happened in the cabinet, kitchen closet, closets and even in the living room when I thought that the only thing I needed was video games to make this perfect. Then the screen appeared again asking for what I wanted, so I got everything from old school consults like the Jaguar, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo, Super Nintendo 64, Gameboy,Gameboy color. To the latest PC gaming rig with all the news toys in it, Xbox Series X, Playstation 5, and Nintendo switches along with all the games I would ever want to play. Turned the entire basement into my game room.

Even got a smartphone, funneling enough it all connected to the internet. Looking through it seemed like it connected to my old world internet, but I could not talk to anyone or post anything. Finding an article about what happened to me made me chuckle. It was fun in a morbid kind of way. Then again, I always had a dark sense of humor that probably got darker with Beelzebubs memories.

When I was done, I walked up to the front of the shop's door. It was a wooden door with a glass window with a little bell on top to let you know when someone came in, but if you looked outside, it was only darkness. No light whatsoever as far as the eye could see, and with my enhanced physiology, I could see pretty far. On the glass was an open/close sign with the close side facing outward. Looking over at the clock, I saw it was 8 a.m., so I flipped the sign to open. Making my way to the back of the room, I took a seat in a chair, took out my phone, and started reading some online novels.

Fast forward to 10 am

After 2 hours, no one came in, I tried to see if I could move to a world of my choosing, but I had no luck. I also looked to see if there were any deliveries that the store talked about, but no, nothing was showing up on the screen. So I just waited for someone to come in, the fact that all of the novels I would always read were finished. So I started reading them from the beginning to pass the time.

'I wonder if I could accept people as payment?' As I wait, my mind wanders into some dark place.

While it's true slavery wasn't something good. In fact, it could be one of the worst things a human can do to another. It is also true that the slavery had been part of the history of mankind since the beginning. Every major civilization had slaves at one point in time, like the British, the Zulu, the Aztec, the Ottoman empire, the Qin dynasty, the Greeks, Rome, and Egypt. Most of those times their slaves were the closest available group of people like the Irish, other African tribes, Jews, Balkans, other Mezoamerican tribes, even their own people as long as they were weaker then they had the risk of turning into slaves. Plus, many of the stories I have read of that take place in another world have some form of slavery. Whether it due to racism, debt, war, religion, criminal, or just they were weaker and enslaved.

'Well, that answers that question.'


As I was thinking of some pretty messed up things, I heard the bell ring.

'Great, my first customer is a Chuunibyou,' were my first thoughts as I looked up to see who it was.

He was a tall man with average build, black hair, golden bangs, and black goatee. But what he was wearing made me question his sense of style. It was a black leather long coat that looked like it was a cross between a straight jacket and an overcoat with the end of his sleeves that looked like they were ripped and a hood. But the belts, god the number of delts, does anyone need that many belts even if they want to look like an edge lord. Followed by two more people, a man and a woman that were wearing for the most part a somewhat similar outfit but with some armor and a lot less belts. I mean a lot less belt, like they only had one to hold the coat shut. The woman was also wearing a much more revealing outfit.

But the six pairs of black wings told me they weren't just a group of Chuunibyou or cosplayers. And yes, I recognized two of them, Azazel from high school dxd and his vice president Shem-something.

"Welcome. Is there anything I can do to help you," I said, putting away my phone.

Azazel looked at me and just before asking me, "Who are you?"

Giving them a once over, I noticed there was some blood on their clothes. From how they dress, it seems and their attitude that the store showed up during or around the start of their war with heaven and hell. Maybe even appeared in front of them after finishing up a fight.

"The owner of the store," I replied back lazily.

"You know that's not what I'm asking," he said, looking like he was ready for a fight. The two others behind him also got a lot more serious.

"This store wasn't here before we started fighting, then just like magic, it appeared out of thin air after it was finished like it was here from the start," he said.

"You said it yourself, magic," I said while spreading my arms out to gesture at the store.

"Do you think that's a good enough explanation for us?"

"No, it rarely is, but that's the explanation most people get, and we just have to deal with it," I answered, looking off into the distance.

"Okay then, what's your name?" He asked.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself first before asking someone else's name, Mr. Blazer Shining of Darkness Blade Governor," I said.

When I said that, the three of them got a lot more tense. Though it's not very smart to get three of the higher ups of Grigori tense, they can't really do anything to me within the shop.

"How do you know of that project?" He asked.

"Information is just one of the things I sell in this shop, along with everything else you see."

"I see. Well, as you know, my name is Azazel, the governor of the Grigori."

"Names Beelzebub," as soon as I said that the two behind him made spears of light. But before they got a chance to use them, they disappeared and were slammed into the floor.

"No fighting in the shop, and before you ask, no, I didn't do that to them, and no, I can't stop it. It's just how this shop works. Whoever starts a fight will be punished, even if it's me that starts the fight. But it should stop in a bit, just don't start another fight when the punishment is over," I said, not even looking at the two.

"You don't look like any Beelzebub. I know, are you one of his newer children?" He asked.

"You know I would be offended by that question if I didn't know you and your world. And no, I'm in no way, shape, or form related to that disappointment of a Beelzebub. I mean even the baby version was better than him and I haven't even seen him yet and I know since he's descended was a disappointment even with Orboro's power that was supposed to make him equal or even stronger than the original."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he said with a confused look.

"Sorry, I got a little side track there, but in my defense, that comparison was a bit insulting. Anyways, I'm a Beelzebub, just not this world's Beelzebub."

"This world's?" He asked.

"Correct, I'm sure you have some idea of what I'm talking about. Or at least some theories. To make a long story short, I came into the position of this shop that travels to an infinite number of worlds at random. And since there's an infinite number of worlds, there are bound to be different versions of you. Some are so different that the only thing they have in common is the name they share, others so similar that you can spend years trying to find a difference without success."

"I see, so why are you even telling me this? Aren't those the types of secrets most people won't tell anyone?" He asked.

"Normal, yes, but telling you this would save me a lot of annoyances down the line. Plus you won't be able to do much with that information. Or will you try to take the shop from me? You can try, but as your friends learned, it has a self-defense mechanism that even Yahweh himself would be unable to do anything about. As for confirming the existence of different worlds, you have no way to get to them. Since to even start to try and find them, you need to defeat Great Red, and that isn't happening any time soon."

"I guess that's true, so you're a Beelzebub from another world, huh? Is there another Azazel in your world? Is he as cool and strong as me?" He asks, getting excited about the idea of different worlds.

"Yes, he was one of my best friends. As for if he was cool, no, he wasn't in the slightest. In fact, he was a better fit for the title of Priest of Gluttony than me."

"No way, was he at least as handsome as me?"


"Why did that sound like a question, and what's with that long pause?"

"Look, either buy something or get out, I don't have all day to answer your question."

"Fine, but one last question, okay?"

"Just get on with it."

"You said he "was" your best friend, did something happen to him?"

"Sigh, yes, but that's not something I would tell someone I just met."

"He's right, Mr. Blazer Shining of Darkness Blade Governor, that's not the kind of question you ask to someone you just met," said one of his subordinates as he got up.

"Huh, Shemhazai, what did you just call me?"

"I just called you by your title, Mr. Blazer Shining of Darkness Blade Governor like always."

"That's right there, what you just called me. Why are you calling me that?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about, I would never call you something that brings you disrespect. After the great Mr. Blazer Shining of Darkness Blade Governor would do anything to help your allies and not leave them on the floor as he talks to a possible enemy without a care in the world."

"Hey, Shemhazai, are you mad? You're mad, aren't you, I'm sorry, but like you said, he could be a possible enemy, so I have to keep all my focus on him."

"Is that way you got all excited over another version of yourself, Mr. Blazer Shining of Darkness Blade Governor?"

As I watch Azazel and Shemhazai comedy skit, I start thinking of throwing them out of my shop. The other member of their group stood up and dusted herself off.

"So even though I don't fully believe in your story, what do you sell here?" She asked

"Items and powers from different worlds as well as information. As well as my services for a price."

"What kind of items?" Asked Azazel.

"Items of all kinds, some you probably know of due to your world having similar items. For example, the Sword of Rupture, Ea," I said as I pointed to one of the display cases in the middle of the store.

"That doesn't look like the Ea I'm familiar with. Is this a Ea of another reality?" Asked Azazel studying the sword.

"That is correct. Just like some people and events, there are different versions of items in other worlds if they are important enough, that is. I also have items that have yet to appear in this world, like some Sacred Gear and Excalibur."

"I'm not even surprised that you know of God's little project, but how can you have Sacred Gears that he hasn't even created yet?"

"Don't know, like I said I came into possession of this shop, I didn't create it. So I have no idea how it works."

"Okay, then what is Excalibur then?" Asked Shemhazai.

"One of the most powerful holy swords that humans are able to wield without consequences no matter the world. Though no matter the world it's from, it's a very picky sword that won't allow just anyone to wield it. Though in others, no one wants to wield it," I said as I made an annoyed face at that last sentence.

"And it hasn't appeared yet?" Asked the female fallen angel.

"No, but that's not important right now. What is important is whether you are going to buy anything or not?"

"Sure, but how will we pay? I mean, you're not exactly from this world, so you may use different currencies than us," said Azazel.

"Anything really, powers, items, slaves, monsters, gold, jewels, favors, I accept anything that has value really. But just to make one thing clear, gold and jewels won't get you any of the good toys, no matter how high you pile them up. The favors may get you something good depending on how powerful you are, what type of skills you have, or what you're willing to do. For slaves, items, and monsters, it depends on the quality. As for powers and abilities that depend on them, and before you get worried, the store has a way to safely remove them from you without harm to you. That doesn't mean you won't be able to use the power or ability you sell again, but you train to get it back. Of course, there are exceptions to that rule. For example, a special power or ability that was given to you will be lost forever unless that person gives to you the power again like your light magic? Is it magic or something when you do those light spears?"

"Good to know, now Shemhazai, how much do you have on you?" Asked Azazel.

"Have? I don't have anything on me," said Shemhazai.

"What! How about you Penemue, do you have anything?" Asked Azazel while facing the female fallen angel.

"Do you expect us to carry valuables into battle, we don't even have weapons since we use light base attack," said Penemue.

"You mean to tell me we don't even have anything to trade with. Penemue, do you think you can help us out?" Asked Azazel.

"In what way exactly? And think very carefully about your answer," said Penemue with a dangerous edge to her voice.

As they were talking, I got up and took the staff of Apomyius out of my inventory because all I'm hearing us three broke f*cks wasting my time.


As I tap my staff to the floor, the door opens up and throws the three of them out.

"Hey, I thought you weren't allowed to start fights either?" said Azazel as he stood up from the floor.

"I'm not starting a fight, I'm just throwing out some troubling customers that aren't really customers and just wasting my time," I said.

"Wait, wait ,wait, you, what have you scavenged from the fight?" Azazel asked as he pointed to a random fallen angel.

"Ahhh, some weapons and armor," said the fallen angel, clearly confused about the situation.

"Great, collect them all and give them to him. What can we get for all that?"

As he said that, the fallen angel pulled up a small amount of armor and weapons at the foot of the door.

As I was about to step outside to go through the pile, a message popped up, causing me to stop. Instead, I squatted down and took a sword from the pile. First, I inspected it, and then I tried to prick my finger with it. Seeing that the sword actually drew blood after putting some strength into the stab so I had no complaints.

Even though I look kind of weak, this body is that of a god, so no mortal weapon can hurt me. Not even a hydrogen bomb. Does that mean this sword is stronger than a hydrogen bomb? No, of course not. But that doesn't change the fact that these weapons can hurt me, which only divine weapons can hurt me. Though I did have to put some strength to be able to pierce my finger. Nevertheless, that means that even though these aren't the best swords, it has some god slaying affinities in it.

Looking at the pile, it seemed like the armor and swords weren't anything special since they all looked similar. Most likely, it was something the arm the grant's, so it may not be worth that much in this world, but that doesn't mean it would be the same in another world.

"Okay, you got a deal. Come in, and let's see what I can get you for this."