Mark; ummm ( it not like i wanna interfere in her matter i just wanna warn her that's its not right to slap someone like this... But i don't know how to say that to her....)

Ishana; ( he said he wanna talk something and now he isn't saying anything that's weird...)

Bro is anything troubling you??

Is everything fine....

Ar its because the marriage cost is exceeding too much and you don't have money??

Its fine if you don't have.... We don't need to do showoff we can get register marriage...

Mark; hey hey.... Stop.... Its not about money , you dumb head!!,do you think i don't have enough money!!!

And why will i let my sister have register marriage.... From were this thought came into your mind??


Ishana; i just thought randomly...

Mark; you don't have to think that much about this topic....

Marriage happens once in life... You can't get register marriage.... It should be celebrated as big festival....

You shouldn't worry about money ,we are still alive!!

Ishana; okay okay i get it...

So what was the matter??

Mark; its about abhi!!

Ishana; abhi? What is it?

Mark; look i don't wanna interfere in your matter but, i heard it all...

Ishana; what you heard.... Make it clear bro...

Mark; umm on the terrace i was there... When you were talking to abhi!!

Ishana; ohh so which one you are talking about?

Mark; which one?

Ishana; ya we talk lots of things so what you wanna ask is?

Mark; its about slap!!

Ishana; slap!! You saw that too!!

Mark; yah,

Ishana; it wasn't my fault it's his..

Mark; stop!!! Listen ishana its not right to slap someone for those losy reasons of your, you know i never slapped my wife nither she, if you have something just talk ,you don't need to use violence in every matter, do you know if your dad and mom find out this... You will get scolded for this!!!

Abhi is a sweet person, even after you slapped him, he didn't said a word to you and look at yourself, i don't know what abhi saw in you , if there was another person instead of abhi ,i bet he would have slappen you back, but he didn't!!

You didi this second time it's really bad,

Ishana; first i slapped him because he came close to me without my permission...

Mark; without your permission madam!!! If i didn't heard it wrong then it was you who unbuttoned his shirt....

And don't you think when a girl trying this hard then it will difficult to control,

Ishana; huhh that, i was drunk so i don't really want to do that but endup with it...

Mark; come on, you don't have to act all innocent in front me... I know you well!!

Ishana; seriously bro it really wasn't intentional...

Mark; anyway i don't give a damn about if its intentional ar not ,what i was saying is don't slap him again, that all...

Ar if i get to know that you slapped him agian then i will tell this to your dad, and rest you know what will happen...

Ishana; whatever i don't care, and what they will do after knowing.... ,They fight alot... I just don't get it... If they are this much annoyed why don't they get divorce and bring peace in our and there life!!

Mark; ishana, how can say like this they are you parents.... And argument is really normal between any couple but that doesn't give you right to slap someone....

Ishana; i just don't get this when they are not comfortable and argue this much its better to divorce right rather then suffering in that marriage....

Because of them i hate the concept of marriage ..

Mark; i know that.... But not every problems solution is divorce , if people will follow your idea then the half of the world will be divorcee... You need to do some adjustment....

That's how you make a life peaceful and happy...

You need to grow up.... If you go on like this I'm pretty sure that... You will get divorce in half an month...

Ishana; so what if get divorce its good after all this is not what i want....

Mark; listen in life not everything will go according to you....

Ishana; everything!!! There is nothing going according to me, i mean when 90% of people is getting married then if i don't marry what will change??

Can't a person have a peaceful life as he ar she want!!!

Mark; what exactly are you trying to say... I mean if you get married what will change?? Nothing will change...

Ishana; nothing?? My freedom my life everything , even my house ,my parents, every thing will change what's left...

Mark; i guess you are right.... But its not everything will change, you should see as that you getting everything double ,double house, double parents... And about freedom... afcourse abhi won't stop you from anything.... Right!!