Chereads / Class of lovers / Chapter 6 - Chapter Six - No Having Sex This Early In The Morning

Chapter 6 - Chapter Six - No Having Sex This Early In The Morning

(October 16th 2022)

*Derek walks out of the bedroom and back hugs Wilbur*

"hey Derek, good morning woah"

*Derek picks up Wilbur and starts kissing him*

"Derek right now really we haven't even ate breakfast yet *Derek kisses Wilbur's neck*

Derek stop we ain't gonna fuck right now if your gonna fuck me, or if I want to fuck you it's gonna be when I'm drunk" wilbur said

*sighs* "ok fine I won't fuck you right now though we are going out drinking on Tuesday since we both don't have classes on Wednesday" derek said

"so you are going to let me know the exact day you want to fuck me, I mean sure it will be a good day since we don't have classes on Wednesday" wilbur said

"yeah because then your body can get prepared" derek said

"ok Mr wants to fuck Wilbur all the time"

"Wilbur I don't want to fuck you all the time, just sometimes, what do you expect my last boyfriend was asexual so he didn't want to fuck, so I had to break up with him since not fucking for months just doesn't work with how my body works" derek said

"so you need to fuck your partner for you body to feel normal, weird but you left your boyfriend because you couldn't fuck him, bro he is gonna feel really bad because of the fact that he doesn't have sexual attraction to people" wilbur said

"yeah but that's the past what do you want to do now I'm bored" derek said

"we could watch shows" wilbur said

"oh we could watch supernatural" derek said

"oh sure but let me make breakfast first"

wilbur said

"ok what are you making?" derek said

"I'm making waffles" wilbur said

"ooh yay" derek said

*after watching supernatural and eating breakfast*

"hey Will you wanna go to the mall"

"uh sure Derek but I'm going to take a shower first" wilbur said

"ok" derek said

*25 minutes later*

¡Wilbur, han pasado treinta minutos, sal de la ducha o me voy sin ti! derek said

bien, ya terminé pero olvidé mi ropa, ¿puedes darme mi ropa? wilbur said

"sure" derek said

*Wilbur opens the door enough for him to grab the clothes*

"thanks Derek" wilbur said

"your welcome but come out here you act like I haven't seen your dick" derek said

"ok now that I'm done with my shower let's go to the mall" wilbur said


*Wilbur and Derek went to the mall got what they needed and got home at 7pm*

"ok Derek let's have dinner and then go to bed since we have first period early tomorrow" wilbur said

"ok let's have hamburgers and fries, I'll make it" derek said


*Wilbur and Derek finished dinner and then went to bed*

*the next morning*

*at school*

"ok class is over you are dismissed but Wilbur and Derek stay back for a second" Mr Killian

"ok Mr Killian what's the update on us moving to Spanish Three" wilbur said

"I talked to the principal and he said you both can go to Spanish three if you pass a test that he gave me so here are the tests and you have one hour to complete it" Mr Killian

*20 minutes later*

"ok Mr Killian we are both done with our tests" derek said

"ok wow you both got everything right from what I see but the principal is going to want to see it but if you both passed than your schedule will change to a Spanish three class" Mr Killian said

"ok thanks Mr Killian" wilbur said

"Wilbur I'll see at lunch" derek said

"ok see you later Derek" wilbur said

*after classes ended*

"let's go to subway and get a sandwich" derek said

"ok I'm driving" wilbur said

*after eating lunch*

"ok so I'm gonna take a nap wake me up if anything important happens" wilbur said

"ok but when you wake up you will have a surprise waiting for you" derek said

*3 hours later*

"oh hey Derek *looks down and starts blushing* w-Why are you shirtless" wilbur said

"to surprise you and to see your reaction" derek said

"well you know how to turn me on" wilbur said

"well?" derek said

"Derek I'm not going to fuck you, you already know this" wilbur said

"you will soon Wilbur you can't hold back for that long" derek said

"you know what about we make a deal on Tuesday you try seducing me" wilbur said

"deal" derek said

"ok well let's go to the park, and hope we don't get bullied for kissing each other" derek said

"ok" *Wilbur smiles at Derek and then kisses him*

"if people bully us we won't care about and if they are extremely homophobic you can beat them up" wilbur said

"I can yay" derek said

*Derek didn't beat up anyone at the park*

"ok Derek let's have dinner" wilbur said

"ok what do you want to eat for dinner" derek said

"um I want pork chops" wilbur said

"ok so that will take about an hour, so while that's cooking im gonna take a shower"

*after Derek's shower*

"ok so the food should be ready in 25 minutes" derek said


*after eating the food*

*10 minutes later*

"ok Derek let's go to bed since we got 4 classes tomorrow" wilbur said

"ok good night Derek"

"good night Wilbur"