The plotters armed to the teeth chose to fulfill their agreement with the president and his pageboys. These pagers were always crawling to Mr. president for favors and attention. As in previous crash where the plane could be diverted to another region or nearest country, or dousing the entire aircraft with fuel and the next would be blowing up only in cases of incorporation. Everything at these moments was on a standstill. However, there seemed to be none of these. It was purely a planned deal. What a dirty conscience these ones had! They were being inhuman for power and money. As mind tortured them to a fault, they could only drink and smoke away those feelings until it was all over.
This time there was no demand, no diversion. The plane finally landed and crashed in the remotest part in the Northeastern region few miles away from the lake. The innocent crew on board could answer in heaven how they finally ended their earthly assignment, just less than an hour after their taking up to the air.
After few hours of emotional and psychological torture in that semi-desert, in that metal lifeless bird, in the traumatic stress they were passing through, a poor hunter emerged and fired his gum to the air. He was purely an illiterate who had not seen a plane landed in his entire life, but witnessed the first ever civil war which was some few years old by his count. In his imagination, he thought of another war looming. Even when his mind ran into many things, they seemed incomprehensible. The ill-fated passengers threw up their arm high over their head and shouted for help. That was all they could do. If only this hunter could save them. It would truly be good and they could lavish him with gift of anything he could demand. Life to them was too important and the next chance would not come if they ever loose theirs at that very desert. They could build him a house if they ever remember him again when they recover from shock. Black man. Very ungrateful. He could just forget nay mercy shown to him if he ever find the light out of darkness. The man was just looking. An illiterate hunter. Overcome with emotion to speak and seeing more than he could understand, the man fled to the nearest path. The plane went into blaze thereafter. Among the dignitaries, that inherited that crisis, the death of Mr. Zach was the most touching. He was not supposed to be a passenger in that plane. Already he was some days late to the conference that had already been scheduled in Ontario for his party. In Africa, he was one and only delegate who had not traveled until that morning with his men. He only happened to have come around to the airport immediately after leaving his office and was substituted by a woman who had lost consciousness and could not make it to Canada for medical treatment.
The plans to rid him simply had not failed. The pilot had accepted his huge money to burn him on the air as the plan worked. Sadly, on a single predetermined day, Mr. Zack and his men were annihilated. The scheme of the planner had worked.
Mrs. Zack attaining a royal dignity as the nation's first lady has failed. That game had backfired. She was really a resourceful woman, nearly thirty-seven. She was no longer a girl forced by the seductive power of premarital life into a premature adult for marriage. She had grown naturally to an adult young woman full of strength and character. She could not fall back to sleep easily precisely that critical night. Each time she made her round; she was prepared for the chilling sight that awaited her - the lifeless existence of the man that crossed her very heart after many others. The tears flowed long and hard every day. Zach had died. That was one of the many realities she had failed to accept. She truly loved Zack. There was certain restless grace and agility about him, which at times reminded her of those memory lines. The crash had shattered their peaceful marriage life. They were made for each other. The two lovebirds that perched and sang for the short time they knew each other. They met, fall in love, had misunderstandings and make up, pledge a marriage after many corrections had been made and never regretted further. And so such life guided them safely till they gradually discovered more of themselves than they knew which was an identical interest – love, politics, leadership and service to humanity.