" The decision to hand over power as it has been in many countries with military strength like ours wanting to control the government at all cost or rather give each region a right to self government has been delayed pending further enquiries. You know of the execution of General Zaro and the six others. They were the wrong person fingered in that coup attempt. The real plotters gone on revenge and it were the cause of the last crash that took the lives of many soldiers on their way to Liberia on a peacekeeping operation and this looming war. No one knew this, but to tell you that my effort is worth knowing and that the government of General Sango is the worst I have ever known. He reneged on the military agreement far long that it now matters. He acted on instinct, without guide, without rule. He is stubborn and self-willed. We only want that to stop. Secondly, you all are aware that it was in his attempt to avoid Colonel Damik penetrating gaze as his senior in the army few years ago, or rather without consciously intending to be coward, he quickly accepted a decision that had cost the lives of many civilians. Ours is a country with marked military identity and republican stronghold in another sense. A country that has been run by a succession of military strong men. We are force to change. So in a way of summary on this enquiry, we do not ask for a government that does not rightly belong to us neither are we in support of the government of General Sango. He must return. Agreed, but he must be prepared to rule the nation with well-penned history in mind, doing it all in the pattern we provide".
" General Kofi, we understand what the country had been into even few years after receive it it's independent. This is not the time to add sentiment to our thinking. So it should not be used without conscience. The cost of obtaining advice for this war which we have not considered its effects needs to be balanced against its benefit. Lets selfishness, ambition and covetousness not becloud our sense of judgement. The believe was that we have good men who will manage the affairs responsibly. They were learned. They were open and ready to carry the country forward. Remember, independence was granted not because of the country's manliness of citizens, but because the world sees them civilized enough to receive it. We also understand that the unrest is rapidly approaching the flashpoint. We relied heavily on the report presented, coup upon coups, plane crashes, unwonted killing of fellow soldiers, regicide and genocide. The plights of the famine victims command our sympathy. The International Court of Justice has been asked by UN to adopt a more flexible approach for peace. We trust you have an honest conscience and also be ready for peace. The delay in making right decision would mean extra cost of lives and time and this is not acceptable and you know it."
"No one wants to be absorbed into this war and that is why I still maintain that there is no war here. You are learned in many areas of life which includes how the military operates. It would be inconsistence and incalculable to declare secession and thereby commit the people to more confusion without their popular support which we know rules and must as a matter of fact be carried out. These men are mentally involved in this and they know that the agreement is binding. General Sango is on leave and if he wants peace, he knows the conditions for peace. He is a man not to be trusted. With his poor mental capacity as I know him, he could change if secession is declared. He has been a total failure – a failure to military profession, a failure to the masses, a failure to comradeship, a failure to the nation, a failure to civility and rule of law. He knew, you know and I know that he came into power through what was called interior coup, cleverly shifted the lord of militancy and stealing the reins of office from him while he was on a routine leave to Togo. Even now we are deliberating, almost all zones had been declared unsafe for civilians. I believe in the rule of law which is fundamental to the laws of the international society. I believe in the oath I took to save my country and the entire world in trying times. A call which assigns us a self–denial role. We had our crowning sign and accepted certain restrictions. If it calls for peace, we are ready for it."