Leave it to us bossman, we'll get you there, ain't no issue, just leave it to us!"
Ares had been wondering when his side quest was going to end.
He had dove into the lake and had manipulated the water effortlessly in a way to shoot him forward. Yet apparently it had been too slow, or at least that's what the random shadowy figure beside him had said. He hadn't even noticed them, but after a moment he realised they had been with him since he dove into the lake.
It was a creature that was shaped like an arrow's head, though turned to it's side. Like a manta ray crossed with an arrow. It was large too, and had travelled as quickly as Ares did as he tried to concentrate forward.
"Bossman, ya goin' too slow," it said in quite a low and careful way. "Ya won' makes't so quick like dat."
With that a few more creatures from it's back, shaped like itself but barely larger than Ares' head, sprouted out and then surrounded him.