Chereads / Novel Extras Survival / Chapter 156 - The Quarter Finals, The calm before the Storm.

Chapter 156 - The Quarter Finals, The calm before the Storm.

Edward pov

'Gaitera Earlth is a strong wood, water and earth affinity wielder... too bad she met Kim Yong who has now the title of destroyer'

I thought while viewing through the possession rune Kim Yong estimating her potential, smiling like a monster finding his injured prey.

"Hey Brother end this fight fast or else she will get her hopes up to defeat you!"

I shout in his head making him stumple over a root, he swiftly did a backflip and pushes himself out of the water spears attacking him.

"Could you please not scream inside my head?!"

My brother doesn't like it when someone screams in his head or screams near him, which is why I did it.

I observed Gaitera a bit more and concluded my estimation of her, a feeling entered my mind that my brother also finished his observing to make her somehow stronger.

"Brother if you again make someone stronger by giving them advices then please give some to your friends too"

Kim Yong uses a simple jab with mana coating his fist to destroy the roots and her attacks, he dashes forward with her in his vision.

"You the destroyer will fail to beat me the creator of the forest [Daughter of Gaia]"

I leisurely lay down on a deck chair, created out of my own thoughts and the abundant mana in the rune, watching her growing to be ten metres tall however one punch from my Brother this time with lightning coating his fist, destroyed her transformation and bolted like a thunderbolt against the barrier.

'wow he really thinks equal rights equal fights'

I see through the rune and my hidden mana in the entire arena how angry that copy family is, that old Zinsopter is so angry that his face looks like a red tomato with veins pulsating at the top of it.

"Kim Yong whatever you doing to make them so angry, please continue because it is to funny to watch them fuming and slamming a table occasionally"

Kim Yong only send a short reply back and that was his Mana writing in the rune space ok, I could silently watch everything because my Life energy can only be detected by someone special like Kim Yong or someone who also has Life energy.

'Haaa how easy life were if the demons wouldn't exist-'

I remembered Anguisa her words on the banquet and a feeling of pleasure ran through me, my brother seems angry as his eyes start to darken a bit... despite that my thoughts grew distant as pleasure other the news overtook me.

'-And I knew how to flirt since she is so hot and is also a water draconian which is only away a few steps before becoming a dragon or well an eastern dragon... her healing prorperties of the water are pretty high, what kind of babies would be born if we decided to fo it right now?'

"Can you please stop thinking so much about Alans damn sister and focus on your task!!"

"But to-"

"NO buts or anything else, even if today nothing happens or tomorrow you will continue to do your task and can think about her when you are not in the rune"

"so I ca-"

"yeah you can think about her when you are outside of the rune"

my mood turned from panic to frightened to delighted that I still can think about Anguisa when I am not in his rune, my eyes catching a small frown on my brother his face, so I pushed my Mana even more out and am glaring at a person I didn't believe would visit the human domain on her own.

The Astral queen.

Ben Pov

"Hey Ben don't falll asleep like that!"

"Wha- what do you mean?!"

I open my eyes and see Alan calling me out with three burgers in his mouth, despite that he also had another eighteen burgers on his metal tray... where the hell he even get that from.

My eyes are wandering around the waiting room, trying to find Kim Yong since his match ended about a minute ago and yet he still isn't here.

'Where the hell is he?'

in my peripheral vision Nadine is staring at her next opponent, Leopold Hartstein who defied the odds and beat John Lionsworth.

'his chances against Nadine however are close to zero'

Nadine already declared after her match against Violett that she will use her draconian form to defeat her opponent fast, knowing the strength behind that statement is making me pity Leopold for having her as his enemy.

"Hey, ehhmm... do you know where I can find Kim Yong?"

a boy our age with brown hair and ivory colored eyes is standing behind me, one saber on each side of his hip.

my eyes are fixed on him as he is the same height as I am, his confidence however is nonexistent as he is fiddling with his hands in fornt of me.

"Hello Kazuo Seno, we also don't know when he will arrive because unlike us, he doesn't send messages in the group when he will arrive."

Rica answered his question behind me, at the same time my mind turned for a second before I realised who he was.

'He is Kim Yong his next enemy and the next one who will get advises from him'

Kazuo Seno continued to fiddle with his hands however now he does it alot faster, Alan emerged next to him and putting hs hand on his shoulder, I am getting even more irritated.

"Hey Kazuo what do you want to ask Kim Yong? Ben can relay your message to him."

'This fu-'

"I want him to take me seriously not like his other fights where he measures their potential and does nothing but evading and blocking occasionally their attacks"

I am stunned... he saw all of Kim Yong movements clear enough that he can say that with so much confidence! Even I am struggling to keep up with his movements... but he saw them!

'If I didn't have my special eyes and power I couldn't keep up with him or Benjamin his speed, yet he tells us it like he viewed all his fights in normal speed an average human would fight'

I am even more speechless after he told us that Kim Yong somehow stumbled in the last match... I didn't see that.

"I am going to search for him no and will relay your message to him"

I leap from the couch and exit the waiting room in few seconds, still spechless by what that Kazuo can see and react too.

After one minute of searching half of the arena, I finally found him talking with my MOTHER!?

"You really don't show your razor sharp teeth despite being a cunning fox that would every chance possible to get an advantage"

My mother praised him and had a light smile on her face, the Astral energy is slowly leaving her body creating extreme pressure for me that stands about twenty metres away.

"I don't know what you are talking about Astral Queen, I am simply fighting in a tounament and try to get the first place"

My mothers pressure was almost to much for me to handle, Kim Yong just stood there with an aloof expression, that lead to my mother stopping releasing her pressure.

"You will perish if you continue like that and don't get yourself help from your friends"

Their conversation end there and Kim Yong is noticing me with a smile on his face, walking over to me like the conversation with my mother didn't happen.

'what was their entire conversation about?'

Kim Yong mainly smiled after his conversation with my mother, which I am sure wasn't a friendly conversation.

"Ah KIm Yong, Kazuo wants you to fight him seriously not like the others you already fought."

I blurted out before I forget it again as well as not to make Kim Yong wonder about how we got to know him I continued

"He came to ask while asking where you are and then Alan got all buddy with him and inviting him to sit with us"

Kim Yong nods his head while sometimes asking how Benjamin and Mi Sang Hee are doing as well as asking about the others too and like that we arrive in front of the door to the waiting room.

Hudson Pov

"F*ck F*ck F*ck, why does nothing work?!"

Annoyed by how my [Copy] skill and my son his copy didn't function through the tournament because some kind of third party intervenes with our copying, nullifying it.

"Dad I am making as assumption here but could it be that our trash told them how the copy skill worked."

my son mentioned that as I was about to destoy the table in front of me, it made sense that when he told them about it, they could take countermeasures that erase their abilities.

"hahahahaha that is why you are the heir to the throne of the Zinsopter family!"

My son his red hair seem to iluminate the entire room with his intelligence and power as his dark eyes enhance his majestic picture, fitting the image of the heir of the Zinsopter family even the Juradicras treat with respect!

He smiles is so charming that I am wondering how he didn't got that dumb wh**e from the Burner family, he progressed to show me the copied bloodline he acquired from his hunt in the wild a week ago.

a black panther with three horns all three with different abilities, the one around his head looking like a black crown of old kings of ancient history, the other two forming blades at his hands and nearly invisible, the left one is in crimson color looking like a Backsword and the right one in Ingo color looking like a butterfly sword.

the black one can veil someone with the shadows and give a strength boost in the night, the backsword can penetrate all defenses below B+ Rank and the last one has such a potent poison that could kill even an A- Rank person or monster.

"after the finals tomorrow we will commence with our plan and let the world feel true fear"

I stated with a smile unbefitting of an hero... well-

"To bad that I am not an hero anymore-" 'and Taio doesn't know that I am for his trauma responsible'