Chereads / Novel Extras Survival / Chapter 92 - establish contacts [2]

Chapter 92 - establish contacts [2]

Two days later on a Sunday morning

Kim Yong is already awake as well as Alan, who have a meeting in Kim Yong's flat.

"So, how does it feel to be approximately one year or one year and a half away from reaching the rebirth flame phase?"

Kim Yong asks Alan, that also looks happy about it

as that means, if all things work out for him, that he can break through his talent

moreover reach greater heights in power

"I am happy and also confused, but what did you want to talk about?"

Kim Yong smiles at how sharp Alan has become

moreover, how he carries himself now as well as the aura he releases from his body

"Please tell me how the original plan you had would have happened if you wrote it"

Alan eyes shot wide open but after a second they slowly return to how he normally opens his eyes

"You mean the scenario that happens now, right?

Then I can tell you, however, do me a favour and save Violett Rosshouse"

Kim Yong is a bit surprised to hear that from him

But he didn't let it show on his face and nods his head

"I even want to go to her after we finished our talk

Since I need her support of potions to efficiently train as well as to get stronger faster"

Alan realises again how insane good Kim Yong memory is

As he himself only recalled that information after he said it

He crosses his leg and sits like a King on the couch

"My original plan for that arc was to get rid of Violett Rosshouse.

I created a whole assassin organisation to kill her, plus made her backstory important.

But that were in the drafts that I deleted since I thought to kill her off-screen would be better-"

Alan stops explaining as he thinks about how he can explain to Kim Yong

that the interference of the teacher should happen in a month but not now

His face twisted as he fears his life span will be shortened if Kim Yong now gets angry

"And the teacher should help them to kill her in a month if something goes wrong.

However, they killed her successfully and his Job was to get Liam Sataroth on their side to control his sister

and to frick-"

Alan's eyes are filled with red flames, indicating his rage

as well as his bloodlust leaked from his body as he is unable to suppress it

"And to frick a girl who has the shadow affinity so that she can bear the death lord seed as-"

He couldn't contain his rage as Kim Yong finishes his sentence

"As Mi Sang Hee is an experiment to revive the death Lord or higher being that the gods fear."

Alan's flame wanted to erupt out of his body and destroy everything on their way

However, they got suppressed quite easily by Kim Yong's flames

That got even stronger despite already having reached the pinnacle phase of the flames

And looks at Alan who calms himself down and looks at him with seriousness

"I only found out later that she is an experiment of that project, but you already knew it

that is why you took the flute and let her train with that weird spear men you killed

As well as teaching her how to handle her abilities better plus asking Erza to help her out"

Alan looks at him furious at the same time Kim Yong only smiles at him, maintaining his calm with a single thread of hope

that Kim Yong will it explain to him why he didn't tell him that.

Kim Yong is sitting straight while maintaining the smile on his face

"As you found out, I knew from the beginning that she is an experiment to make a clone of the death Lord.

As to why I didn't tell you about it

It is because you would have hindered her to reach her own potential

Moreover, would you have stopped her from gaining her freedom back"

Alan flames condense in the form of wings

"What do you mean, I would hinder it?"

Alan questioned that with a voice commanding for an answer

"You know all to well that you would have told her to don't use her affinity

moreover would you have killed her at the start if you had the power

And you know that would be the case"

Alan wanted to refute but all things he said are true and stab in his heart like a bullet

slowly filling up his lung with blood so much that he cant breathe anymore

as well as him seeing the scene were he would have made that decision before him,

Through his phoenix abillity to perfectly fabricate a thought to feel real,

Also would he even now still choose to kill her if he could go back in time

Hurting him even more as well as making his breathing harsh and uneven

"And one other reason is that I pick up the flute and let her train with a soldier of mine

Is that her fate or what ever implanted in her forehead leaves her body.

By the way I also didn't kill her since you are into her moreover is she a friend of the original body owner and me

Mi Sang Hee is already free from their grasp so relax a bit and go back to your room to sleep."

Alan listens to Kim Yong and goes to out of his apartment


'He has to much emotion, well I shouldn't be the one to say that as I am more emotional than he is'

Kim Young is heading to Violett Rosshouse apartment while thinking that

"Hey you!"

Someone's voice reaches his ear knowing who it is

"What do you want from me Liam Sataroth?"

Liam Sataroth stares at Kim Yong with his mix eye color of ice blue diamonds and dark red flames

"I got an offer from the teacher that I can beat up my sister as much as I want

If I agree to work for him and to do anything he orders me to do without question his decision-"

Kim Yong frowns a bit as he ask himself what that has to do with him

"But I decline since you and the teacher are currently fighting or planning to fight against each other.

Can you take me in as your subordinate for the time you are fighting against him?"

Kim Yong looks at him skeptical

"Why are you coming to me?"

Liam is gulping his saliva as Kim Yong cold voice asks him that

"I can give you information about where the assassin organisation is as well as who the target is and when they want to attack"

Kim Yong isn't impressed that he knows these kind of information

But something about when they attack sounds weird for him

As multiple organisations want to attack her

"I accept your deal but now I have something else to do.

Go to your team and help them."

Liam Sataroth nods his head and runs in the opposite direction of him where the stairs are.

'Why did he come to me?'

Kim Yong walks again to Violett Rosshouse apartment

While being confused why he had come to him.

Kim Yong arrives at Violett Rosshouse apartment

'Wow that is huge'

The other doors are 10m away from her door

which meant that even with space magic working she still need 10m of space to fit in her apartment

^knock^ ^knock^

He lightly knocks on the door and waits


After about 20 minutes she finally opens the door to look who knocked on it

"Hey Violett I want to discuss with you something, is that okay?

You seem to fear people a lot"

He points with my right middle finger at the knife in her hand

"Oh aaaa that is uhm a way of greeting each other i-"

"I know you are worried about the assassin however-"

He takes out of his space ring a total of 50 heads that all have a symbol of a headless men on their forehead

"I want to be a friend for you or better a-"


"Member of our group wher all of us are closer than friends"

Kim Yong thought he did a good job but Violett seems to be displeased about something

"Yea come in and lets talk about your fantastic plan"

Violett let's him in while letting her displeased presence radiate from her.

which the watcher of the scene Liam Sataroth founds interesting as he wants to gain Kim Yongs trust

as well as his acknowledgement that would erase the suspicion that he is a member of them

'I need to slowly build a connection to him and make him my pawn!'

Liam runs in to the far distance seemingly scared of Kim Yong.

'So that is his goal.'

Kim Yong watched everything of it with the eyes of one of his summons from the flute

'Lets focus now on Violett to get her support'