Yggdra Pov:
As I am waking up on the world I see nothing more than a pot where the water of it is golden
"Where am I?"
My eyes narrowed watching the golden water lightly hit the ground
Which is so small that if I would have spawned a bit more to the right would I have fallen of the Island
"My only way to escape the Island lies in that pot"
I jumped in the golden water and hoping I would be able to breathe under water
However what greeted me is excruciating pain which nearly knocks me out cold
"I will survive and get a top place in the rankings to get closer to him"
The person I loved wasn't Kim Yong but a boy with black hair and silver eyes who reached the top 50 astoundingly with his low talent
As my desires took form in the water my mental state got better but the pain still is there as it pentrates every bone in my body
'No I still lose consciousness!'
My body didnt feel like my body as my soul felt like tearing apart
My consciousness black out but before I saw him again
"You really don't care for your life but let me help you out for now"
I woke up after what felt like an eternity and look around to find him
'He is gone again!'
Everytime he saves me and then disappears like I am not important to him
Well that doesnt matter now as I am realising That I am still I that golden water
"Lets find a way to tame a beast and escape from here"
My mind Is occupied by him as I find him weirdly attractive
however my thoughts are interrupted by a dolphin or looking like a dolphin as it hugs me out of nowhere
We ascended or swim through the pot as we reached some kind of kingdom
'What happens right now?'
"You are finally awake"
A deep ad raspy voice with an hint of crackling in every word he says chimed through the hall where I was in
"Your friend prepared everything for you so thank him after you helped your group"
The person who looks like a mix between a demon and a mermaid
At the same time a screen appeared in front me that shows all other people from Kim Yongs group plus the two Aura Idiots
Are chased by 300 people who seem to be the only ones alive
"Your boy is hiding even from my perception but I can guarantee you that he is alive"
My nerve calm down as the choices I need to make are already laid out for me by him
"When we meet I want an explanation from you"
I said after that dolphin like creature vanishes with it speed and takes me with it.
"We will meet but the time to meet hasn't come"
Kim Yong watches the Battle Royale after failing to break through D Rank again
'Who is that child?'
The person he means is a boy with black hair and silver eyes who tricked Yggdra
and also uses an unknown force which even Kim Yong couldn't identify
"He is a child we didn't expect to get such good results"
Jette says next to Kim Yong who has a serious expression on his face
"I will try again to break through, I got an Idea from watching him"
Kim Yong puts all thoughts about this boy to the back of his mind to have all his attention to breaking through.
Yggdra Pov:
After emerging on the hill my mind needed to collect itself a lot after the second I travelled with that dolphin
"What the hell happened...ah right that happened"
I remembered why I got here and watch how the people follow the group
However they stopped after the group entered the cave waiting
"I need to help them but how do I get past them in the cave?"
My mind work at an all time high as I calculated every option available for me
"My only hope is that someone in the cave detects me and somehow explains me their plan"
I could send down a message to them but that could be sensed by someone who wants to attack them
So I only decided to wait for someone to sense me.
After what felt like an eternity the attack started and ten enter the cave first
The only Sound they heard were screams from the ten person they send in
However they come running out again with not one less person
'What is their plan that they follow?'
My spirit that I use is a shadow spirit so when you dont have a perception like Kim Yong or an affinity for spirits you won't realise they are there
As it enters the cave and gets deeper in the cave all nine of them stand there and look at the spirit like they waited for me
"Hello Yggdra good to see you even if you are here with a dark spirit"
Is Alan the one who has a mask on looks straight at my dark spirit
I revealed my dark spirit to them since Alan already saw me with his power
"What is your plan for fighting against such a horde of people?"
Ben looks at me with a grin on his face that has something evil to it
"We will let them enter with 50 or 100 people and then kill them"
I let the dark spirit smile
"What a simple plan, I like it"
Mi Sang Hee and Nadine watch the dark spirit
"Yggdra did you meet your crush or why do you look so relaxed?"
My face got warm but the dark spirit cant duplicate it
so I could save face as everyone watched me
"Yeah I met him and he saved me again but
he also said that we will meet when the time is right"
My dark spirit duplicated my movements
which I realised to late as everyone started laughing
'I want to die!!"
However Alan shut everyone up as he needed me to do something for him
"You look with your normal eyes how many people are on standby.
Tinir and Zonagh feel how many are outside through vibration but that cant give us the exact numbers of people standing or sitting.
Me and Benjamin can sense people but cant expand pur domain since people would sense or destroy it."
I am shocked by his composed behaviour as he subconsciously takes the Rose of the leader
"Alright I give you all updates how many are on standby and how many wang to enter"
My vision split in two while I watch outside with an air spirit and counter how many there are
My other vision stays in the cave with the dark spirit
"We need to get a chance before the teachers arrive"
My mind turn chaotic as I counted and am confused by what Ben said
"That the teachers take our Avatar to let us get cautious around our teammates"
'What if the teachers instigated this and we all are controlled by them?'
My thought was snswered by Ben who started to grin
"The teachers obviously instigated this
which also means that they wont interfere as long as we fight"
"Kim Yong also could have a part in this plan"
Alan again wants to curse at Kim Yong for simply existing again
"Alan if you continue like that you will need to train with him for minimum a month"
Says Mi Sang Hee with a disgusted face as Alan shuts up
"They are 260 on standby and 40 prepare to enter"
I said after counting them five times to give exact numbers to him
"We need to scared them out again until they send 50 people in"
Benjamin says with an annoyed expression nonetheless he continue to work hard with his lightning
That with Ricas Illusion magic scares them mentally and physically
How that works should be self explanatory but Ben stands up and looks with a complicated expression to the entrance of the cave
"We cant scared them again John and the others are with them"
All faces that before were only serious become tense too as the situation looks bad for them
"Then lets attack after they are close to us"
The tension keeps rising as all of the people watch the entrance
^tap^ ^tap^ ^tap^ ^tap^
The steps got closer as slowly the outline of the people appear.
^tap^ ^tap^ ^tap^ ^tap^
The distance between the steps is decreasing as the time interval between the steps is increasing.
^tap^ ^tap^ ^tap^
The steps are only one step away to enter as everyone got ready to attack
^tap^ ^swoosh^ ^Boom^
The attack started as both sides shot their arrows who exploded in the opposite walls
The battle between 10 vs 300 begins.